Behind Su Ming, the phantom of the crazy blood demon emerged, and he condensed his soul power between his legs and rushed towards the rock.

The whole body was wrapped in a dark red evil spirit, and with a destructive momentum, he rushed towards the huge rock again.

Su Ming turned into a dark red light group, reflecting the pitch-black canyon into a dark red color. The powerful force directly lifted the soil on the ground, and countless dust was raised, which was extremely spectacular.

"I've always said that this Su Ming has a brain problem, right? He just relied on luck before, otherwise he would have been eliminated long ago."

"Oh, this is the status quo in Kyushu, everything is left to chance."

"It's a pity that this luck will always be bad. At that time, if you don't have real strength, it will be miserable."

At this moment, in the live broadcast room, the sailors from the western powers saw Su Ming's defeat, and appeared again, wanting to recover their previous losses.

However, they obviously underestimated the impact Su Ming had on the audience these days.

Su Ming's performance was really against the sky. Many people felt that Su Ming was omnipotent.

Even, for the people of those countries who were not chosen as the Chosen One, they all fell in love with Su Ming one after another.

After all, they were both natives of Kyushu, and they felt very proud that Su Ming was able to beat those nasty tricks to the ground time and time again.

This is a sense of belonging, and it is a kind of pride for fellow Kyushu people when facing the treacherous world of the underworld.

There are also some people who worship the strong, and they liked all kinds of heroes in the country of Sam before.

Now, Su Ming, a real hero who represented Kyushu to slaughter the treacherous underworld, appeared, and they naturally began to worship Su Ming again.

Obviously, such people are not in the minority.

Therefore, when this part of the people heard that the navy of the Sam Empire brought the rhythm again, they immediately felt uncomfortable.

They picked up the keyboard one after another, and sprayed out the unhappiness in their hearts.

"I've been annoyed with your Sam empire for a long time! You only know how to pick things around all day, and reap the benefits of the fisherman yourself!"

"That's right! There are also their various movies, which only know how to show their own country's personal hero ideas, preaching that Sam is the savior everywhere, subtly changing our cognition, it is really disgusting."

"Tui! Now you're here to sow discord again? Su Ming from Kyushu is No. 1 now. He's trying to win glory for our Blue Star. It's okay for you scumbags from Sam's country to speak out and slander us."

"That's right! You're still here to slander God Su, and you don't even look at the virtue of your Toledo."

"Hahaha, isn't this the usual method of Sam's country? Others rely on luck, and I rely on strength."

"Failure is the mother of success. Although Su Ming failed for the first time, he never gave up, let alone gave up. He even continued to work hard. Isn't this worth learning from the people of all countries?"

"That's right, people from small countries like us were blocked by the Sam Empire before, and we don't know the real situation in Kyushu at all.

Kyushu is the object of our study. They are smart, sincere, motivated, and not afraid of hard work. "

"Thanks to Su Ming, let us get to know Kyushu again!"


After the navy soldiers of the Sam Empire spoke, the barrage was once again covered by mocking voices.

It's just that almost 80.00% of this time is mocking these Sam Empires who sow discord and stir up emotions.

In just a few days, public opinion directly reversed.

Especially in the past two days, after successive Kyushu people entered the global live broadcast room.

These Kyushu audiences are strong but not unreasonable, showing the demeanor of a great country to the fullest, although occasionally there are some people who speak vulgar words.

However, compared with the yin and yang arguments of the Sam Empire, it is really one in the sky and one in the ground.

In addition, Su Ming's appearance in the underworld is really too long.

The audience's idea of ​​Kyushu has gradually changed.

These cultural output, which were once customized goals, were actually achieved under the leadership of Su Ming in just a few days.

Cultural export, this is something more terrifying than cannonballs.

It can subtly change a person's thinking mode, and even affect an organization or a country.

Obviously, Kyushu, also one of the five great empires, is also an existence that has developed rapidly in recent years and is about to catch up with Sam's empire.

The Sam Empire did not spare Kyushu in terms of cultural export. He constantly vilified Kyushu in the process of cultural export, and then exported it to the whole world.

Impressed by the cultural and entertainment works of the Sam Empire, countries all over the world have slowly absorbed the stereotyped image of the Kyushu Kingdom exported by 'Sam'.

In this way, the international influence of Kyushu Kingdom and Sam Empire has been further enlarged.

There is no doubt that before the arrival of the Heavenly Dao Live Broadcast, the Kyushu Kingdom did not do very well in this regard.

So much so that the Kyushu Kingdom has grown into an existence second only to the Sam Empire in terms of comprehensive strength in recent years, and many people in the world don't know much about Kyushu.

Many of them were influenced by Sam's cultural export, thinking that Kyushu was still weak and weak as it was a hundred years ago.

That's why after the Tiandao live broadcast started, as soon as there were sailors leading the rhythm in the live broadcast room, these people all pointed their finger at Su Ming and Kyushu.

Because, they have been influenced by Sam Empire culture in the past days.

He had already discriminated against the Nine Provinces in his heart, so he didn't need to say too much, and he was easily led away by the nose.

It's actually not their fault.

Because, a person's vision determines their cognition.

In the process of cultural export, Sam Empire only added those bad stereotypes of Kyushu Kingdom.

Even these bad images have long since ceased to exist, and they were even fabricated by the Sam Empire itself.

But what does it matter?

As long as they can use this method to curb Kyushu's international reputation, they will not have any psychological burden.

They never expected that Su Ming, an ordinary senior high school graduate, would be so powerful.

A man from Kyushu has become the most powerful person, and he is also brave enough to hunt and kill the powerful treacherous.

This image runs counter to the image of Kyushu in previous Sam cultural works?
This is the weak Kyushu people?
If this TMD is weak, then who are the chosen ones in other countries?
As Su Ming slapped the Western powers in the face with his own strength time and time again, a brand new image of Kyushu began to be established in the world.

In fact, many people abroad are not fools. They were kept in the dark because they had no channels to learn about the latest news.

This time, the appearance of the Tiandao live broadcast room completely made Sam Empire's trick of enslaving the people's minds by using information gaps useless.

The people who were brainwashed by it gradually saw the essence of the world clearly, and they no longer followed the navy to speak without thinking.

Only then did many of them realize that Kyushu, the second largest country in the world, is no longer the soft persimmon it was a hundred years ago.

The Kyushu Empire is a real empire, its strength is closely following Sam, and it is a real behemoth!

Here, Su Ming, who basically reversed Kyushu's international reputation with his own strength, slammed into the rock with a destructive momentum.

This time, there was no violent collision, only a cyan light shining.

Immediately, Su Ming's entire body directly merged into the mountain.

"Ding! Exploration rate reaches 100%, reward: Copper Ore*1, Tier 1 Archer Puppet Battalion*[-]"

"Ding! Congratulations to the Chosen One for completing the task, do you want to start advancing?"

ps: Chapter 2 has been delivered, thank you for your great gifts, I will continue to work hard!Thank you all.

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