"Young man, I hope you can successfully dispel the strangeness."

The woman withdrew the star in her hand, and her figure slowly disappeared into the starry sky, leaving only this sentence echoing in the air.

Su Ming, who was the person involved, didn't hear it. He was being baptized by starlight, and his strength was gradually increasing.

Sixth order!Arrive instantly!
Level seven is just a blink of an eye.

With the baptism of this infinite starlight, his strength is soaring with unimaginable strength.

eighth order
Eighth peak
Finally stopped.

Su Ming didn't even think about it himself, what was going on.

The woman was full of hostility towards him before, as if she wanted to crush him to ashes.

This is only a moment of effort, but she actually instilled her own skills directly?

There must be something wrong with this link!
Su Ming couldn't figure it out, and he didn't continue to think about it. He withdrew his mind and tried his best to absorb the power of the starlight.

Finally, the stars are gone.

Su Ming slowly opened his eyes, and the aura of the eighth-level peak waved away, shaking the black and white fish in the water slightly, and fled in all directions.

"This is the peak of the eighth step?"

Su Ming swallowed, feeling the surging power in his body, he was stunned.

He swore that he really didn't have Versailles, mainly because it was so unexpected that it caught people off guard.

Of course, this kind of surprise, he doesn't mind doing it again.

Su Ming can be regarded as someone who has seen the big world. Although he was a little confused by this sudden improvement in cultivation, he soon came back to his senses.

His eyes were firm, his fists were clenched, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

He is very clear that in this strange world, the strength of the eighth level is not very high.

At least the Bingling, Xingruo, and the woman he had seen just now were much stronger than him.

You know, he wants to overturn this treacherous world!

This level of strength is still not enough.

A novice is just a novice.

Even if he has been promoted to the eighth level, he is still just a stronger novice.

Su Ming shook his head, and couldn't help but think of what Bing Ling said.

Levels one to nine belong to the novice stage, and only those who break through the ninth level and achieve the king level are truly qualified to walk in this world.

His strength is really not enough, he still has to work hard.

At least breaking through the ninth rank and becoming a king rank can be regarded as a bargaining chip.

However, no one knows what he thinks in his heart. In the eyes of those watching the live broadcast, he is the out-and-out Versailles.

This is a direct continuous advancement!

Before you came to this mysterious space, you were only at the fourth rank, but now you have been directly promoted to the peak of the eighth rank in the blink of an eye?

Is this still calm?What is it?

Isn't this Versailles or what?

This time, the barrage in the live broadcast room became active again.

"Where are those people just now? Didn't those people say that God Su is finished this time?"

"Hahaha, they still dare to come out? Their faces are swollen from the beating, what a fart they are."

"Didn't you expect it? Didn't you expect it? Didn't you think that God Su is the God of Su and has been directly promoted to the peak of the eighth rank! Do you believe it?"

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it! Fuck, to be honest, before this, if anyone said that someone's kung fu has reached the peak of the eighth order in the blink of an eye, I will blow his head off."

"now what?"

"Now? I'm on my knees watching the live broadcast. God Su is too outrageous."


Here, Su Ming constantly mobilized the soul power in his body, and began to punch continuously in the water.

He wasn't practicing martial arts, but just familiarizing himself with his body.

After all, this sudden increase in strength was too much, so much that he could no longer control it.

One punch, one palm.

Su Ming was so intoxicated by the beating that he directly stirred the river into a vortex, and fishes were drawn into the waterspout one by one.

All of a sudden, the scene was extremely spectacular!

Ka Ka Ka ~
He didn't know that when he was practicing, there were faint and inaudible voices coming from the depths of the river.

Like broken glass.

Boom boom boom! ~
Su Ming kept punching, and the river was choppy, like a big wave coming.

But he was as majestic as a mountain, standing in the river without moving.

"Huh? This is?"

At this time, he suddenly stopped his fists and frowned slightly.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the sound of '咔咒咚' quickly came from the soles of his feet.

not good!

Su Ming opened his sword, screaming in his heart that he was not good, he used his legs to launch his whole body directly from the water.

The next moment, white mist rose from the entire river, and the sound of boiling water was heard, and steam rose from the entire river.

Accompanied by the sound of 'Boom', the river water was directly evaporated.

The red magma was exposed, and Su Ming's pupils contracted extremely.

The temperature of this thing is extremely high, even if he falls into it now, he probably won't last long.


Fortunately, he has the power of a sword, and he has already used it with a high degree of proficiency, otherwise it is really possible to achieve the Tao.

Su Ming got up and left this area in a few moments. He stood on the shore and watched the continuously rising and falling magma.

Suddenly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

As far as his eyes could see, streaks of blue light suddenly appeared, carrying extremely powerful energy fluctuations.

This energy is very familiar.

This is Lingshi!

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