"How is this possible?"

Bingling looked at everything in front of her, and her whole body was covered.

The main city stone tablet split into a bright light and landed in front of Su Ming.

This ray of light enveloped the huge and treacherous corpses in front of it, slowly dividing them apart.

Immediately afterwards, these decomposed particles directly merged into the stele of the main city along the direction of the light.

All this looks familiar!
Bing Ling stood there blankly, completely stunned.

Her eyes were dull, and her thoughts drifted back to 1 years ago.

Familiar pictures are unlocked and reverberated in my mind, and are constantly reorganized into a complete memory.

That's 'Wang', who used to do the same thing.

At that time, the strange world was still in the sky above the Tianwu Continent, and he entered the base of the 'King' as the first batch of guides.

At that time, they fought hard and finally helped Wang pass the assessment and upgraded the base to the sixth level.

At that time, Wang was not as strong as Su Ming is now.

He also collected the corpses of the treacherous creatures that attacked the city, and everything that happened at that time was exactly the same as it is now.

She still remembers, after that.

The king went out for a while, and the stele in the main city was repaired after he came back.

Since then, the 'King' who has a complete stele of the main city has started his own way against the sky.

"Sister Bingling, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Su Ming's voice sounded, bringing him back to reality from his memories.

"Ah! It's nothing.. I just thought of something from the past."

Bing Ling looked at the young man in front of him, with endless expectations rising in his eyes.

Perhaps in the future, it is really possible for him to reach the realm of a king.

To be honest, before that, if someone told her that this boy could one day reach the realm of a king, or even surpass him.

She only thought it was a joke, very ridiculous.

However, it is different now.

Ever since she saw the scene where the treacherous corpse was decomposed and absorbed by the stone tablet in the main city, her whole thinking has changed.

You know, apart from having better luck at the beginning, the original "King" was not particularly outstanding.

At least compared with the young master, it is far from enough.

However, it was after that incident that the stele in the main city was completely repaired that he started his path of defying the heavens and conquering the gods, going forward relentlessly.

Now, this scene is being played out in front of him again.

If it was just a coincidence, she would never believe it.

There must be a connection between the treacherous corpse and the restoration of the main city stele!

Bingling looked at the young master in front of him, but said nothing.

Su Ming didn't ask, everyone has their own secrets, even though he is the other party's young master, he has no right to interfere too much.

He wants to know and know even what happened ten thousand years ago.

However, since the other party is unwilling to talk about it, it is naturally inconvenient to ask more.

Bingling is willing to say, she has already said it.

after half an hour
Su Ming called up the task panel, which showed a single task.

The task is outlined with golden colored glaze, which looks mysterious and solemn.

【Repair the main city stele】

[Requirements: Abyss Spirit Stone*100, Spiritual Legendary Soul Orb*10]

The task pops up, very concise.

However, this task is not easy at all.

Abyss spirit stone?

What is this?
To be honest, Su Ming is now in a daze.

Although he didn't know, he also knew that this thing must be unusual.

After all, based on his understanding of the world, anything that involves the word 'Abyss' is not an ordinary item.

He still remembers the last abyss scroll, allowing himself to successfully enter the abyss map.

Indeed, the map of the abyss has greatly improved his strength, and he has also obtained the heaven-defying Nine-turn Golden Body Art.

But the danger of that experience was also unprecedented.

Now that the word abyss reappears, will it really be ordinary?

Obviously, Su Ming naturally didn't believe it.

Well, leaving aside the abyssal spirit stones for now, those ten spiritual legendary soul orbs are a big hole.

This... this is a legendary soul orb!

If you want to get the soul orbs of legendary creatures, you have to hunt ten legendary creatures!

Moreover, it must also be a spiritual legendary creature.

My good fellow, legendary creepy creatures are a bit too rare.

Su Ming has been in this world for such a long time, and he hasn't even seen one strange creature with legendary quality, let alone ten.

Now let's not talk about killing ten legendary heads, let alone killing them.

This... is completely an impossible task!

Su Ming swallowed, his eyes narrowed.

He focused on the task.

The next moment, a miracle happened.

[Hidden hint: Abyss spirit stones are produced in the abyss world, go to the river of corruption to search carefully. 】


Su Ming clenched his fists tightly, a trace of excitement rose in his heart.

He saw the hidden hint again!
With this thing, he didn't feel so flustered.

He also knew very well that it would not be an easy task to obtain the Abyss Scroll again.

Fortunately, he saw the hidden hint.

Knowing the specific goal, at least you won't lose your way and don't know what to do!
"Then... wait until the upgrade is complete! After the upgrade is complete, I will go to the river of corruption!"

Su Ming looked up at the stele of the main city, and a deep voice came out.

three days later
Ka Ka Ka ~
A more dazzling light suddenly burst out from the main city stone tablet, and mechanical interlaced sounds came from one after another.

The entire base was covered by this dazzling light, which made it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

Su Ming didn't feel flustered at all about what was going on in front of him. There was even a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is not the first time I have experienced it, and the previous upgrades are basically the same.

This is a sign that the upgrade is complete.

Sure enough, the weird power between heaven and earth began to surge wildly.

They poured into the stele of the main city like crazy, making it burst into even greater brilliance.

Although Su Ming couldn't see with his eyes, the gesture of his sword made him feel all this clearly.

I saw two arms completely condensed by strange forces extending from the stone tablet of the main city.

They fly up and down, constantly building the base, making the city wall more majestic, and even the flame turret on the city wall has been successfully upgraded under its transformation.

Right now
The stele of the main city is like an intelligent creature, like the Creator, transforming everything in the base.


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