【Sword Stone】

[Quality: Taoist]

[Introduction: The sword stone engraved with the Dao of the Sword has an unknown function! 】

[Hidden hint: Continuously attacking the sword stone with mental power can comprehend the way of the sword. 】

Soon, a transparent light curtain unfolded from it, floating in front of Su Ming.

The Way of the Sword?

what is this?
Su Ming seemed to be lost in thought, his heart was extremely shocked.

Is the avenue the legendary avenue?

To be honest, his heart is trembling now, swallowing his saliva, he is full of excitement after being nervous.

This is the road!

If it is really the thing he knows, then it is really developed.

Dao, this is the most powerful existence in the Chinese mythology system. It is the embodiment of heaven and earth, and everything is always due to Dao.

One can imagine how terrifying it is!
If the 'road of the sword' mentioned by this sword stone is true, then it will be developed.

Do not!
Even if it has the slightest relationship with it, it is also something against the sky.

correct!The incomparably mysterious and sharp aura that came from the black fish before, could it be that it came from this sword stone?
Su Ming suddenly came to his senses, and suddenly remembered the terrifying sword aura he sensed when he was waiting for the opportunity.

That sharp aura carried an incomprehensible mystery, although there was only a hint of it, it was still sensed by Su Ming's sharp aura.

At that time, he sensed this aura before making a move, and this was the fisherman's advantage.

Otherwise, just relying on his current strength, he really couldn't defeat these two monsters.

You must know that these two treacherous heads are half-step legends at the peak of the fourth level, even if you pick one out alone, you may not be its opponent.

Not to mention beheading two of them.

Fortunately, the two treacherous sides did not see Su Ming as a 'weak', otherwise there would be no chance for him to reap the benefits.

However, they never imagined that this "weak chicken" in their eyes finally became their urging charm.

I don't know if they will choose to kill this unsightly guy first if they are given a chance to choose again.

But it was too late.

They have disappeared from this world.

The one who survived was - Su Ming!
Of course, even if they chose to kill Su Ming, there was a high probability that they would not succeed.

Among other things, Su Ming may not be their opponent, but it is still very easy to save his life.

As a legendary profession, coupled with the defense of the Nine-turn Golden Body Art, he already has the strength to crush the epic fourth-order at the peak of the third-order.

Especially after he has been combined with the spirit, his strength is even stronger. Even a fourth-order legend may not be able to destroy him, let alone a half-step legend.

Obviously, it is definitely impossible to fight, either you can only passively defend, or run away.

It's just that the golden fire eagle only had the dark sword light fish in his eyes at that time, so he didn't care about so much.

After finally finding a weak opportunity for fishing and spawning, how could it easily give up chasing a human being who didn't seem to be in any danger at all, and instead give up the chance to become stronger?

This is an unreasonable thing, and it is impossible to happen under normal circumstances.

The final result also proved this point.

This directly gave Su Ming a pleasant surprise, not only beheaded the two powerful treacherous ones, but also obtained such an incomparably precious 'Sword Stone'.

"Huh? What is that?"

Su Ming looked at the river, following the dark sword light fish into pure strange power and poured it into Youxue's body.

Where it dissipated, there was a pitch-black, basketball-like egg floating in the air.

Call ~
Su Ming didn't think much about it at all, he waved lightly, and the breeze came, directly transporting the black egg and floating in front of him.

Only at this time did Su Ming get a glimpse of his complete face.

There was a small purple sword engraved on the dark egg, with the blade facing up and the hilt facing down, and a fierce aura emanated from it.

【Dark Sword Light Fish Egg】

[Quality: Half-step legend]

[Introduction: Because the eggs have not yet been laid, they are not angry enough to hatch! 】

[Hidden hint: This fish egg is infected with the breath of sword power, eating it can speed up the comprehension of sword power! (Hint: Sword Power is the introductory stage of the Dao of Sword)]

As a reminder was shown in front of Su Ming, his heart felt as if he had been hit hard.

"It turns out that the dark sword light fish is pregnant!"

Su Ming murmured to himself, recalling in his mind the scene of beheading the two heads just now.

At this moment, the previous scene was played back directly in his mind, and the camera kept slowing down, presenting it frame by frame in his mind.

It turned out that the reason why the golden fire eagle was killed and crushed was because of Jian Guangyu's body incarnating sword energy!
His multicolored knife light never touched the golden fire eagle at all, and everything he saw before was a visual error.

The sharp sword light was not only powerful, but also extremely fast, which created such an illusion.

Fortunately, that sword light had wiped out most of its power after beheading the Golden Fire Eagle, so it caught Su Ming's way.

Wanting to understand all this, Su Ming swallowed subconsciously.

You know, he has followed the dark sword light fish for a long distance, and he was still thinking about when to take advantage of it and make a move.

If it weren't for the golden fire sculpture to mix in, I'm afraid it would be me who died.

Fortunately, I have always been cautious, otherwise I would really be decapitated.

This unknown and treacherous world is too dangerous, and being cautious is the best policy.

"No wonder. No wonder! It turns out that she is protecting her own child!"

Su Ming shook his head, feeling a bit of bitterness in his heart.

I don't know how my family is doing now.

However, he soon came to his senses. He knew that if he wanted to return to Blue Star from this crisis-ridden world, he had to put in all his energy and efforts.

Become stronger!Become stronger!Become stronger!

Only by becoming stronger can we achieve our goals.

However, as his strength became stronger and he knew more and more, he discovered that the world was far less simple than he imagined.

What kind of strength can protect your family and yourself?

ninth order?

Hehe, maybe he would think so when he just entered this world not long ago.

However, with the appearance of the Dao of Sword, he was at a loss.

Is the ninth step really possible?
To be honest, he wasn't sure.

After all, he only has the strength of the peak of Tier [-], and he really doesn't know how powerful Tier [-] is.

It's just that Xing Ruo is a ninth-level powerhouse, and even she has disappeared, so the ninth level is not too strong.

At least it is impossible to become a 'road'!
"Su Ming, don't think so much, live on and become stronger! This... is your goal now!"

Su Ming murmured softly, and the goal in his heart became clear again.

At this moment, he raised his head, his cloudy eyes were clear and natural, and a ray of light directly dispelled the chaos in his eyes.

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