Seeing the hidden hint, I dug out the masonry treasure chest at the beginning!

Chapter 124 Fu Heng breaks through and captures the ninja alive

"What pure energy!"

"It's the same weird power, but the weird power leaked from the psychic gate in Bangzi Kingdom is too mixed, and those energies can't be absorbed at all!"

Standing in the square, Fu Heng's eyes were shining brightly. He took a deep breath, and his whole body became refreshed.

As the head of the Ancient Martial Academy and the Central Academy, he represented Kyushu to the Great Cold Kingdom before, and learned a lot about the psychic gate and the treacherous invasion through investigation.

Undoubtedly, as an ancient warrior, he also sensed the treacherous power overflowing from the psychic gate.

However, those treacherous powers are too mixed and cannot be absorbed at all. If someone forcibly absorbs them, the foundation will be damaged at least, and the person will go crazy.

As an innate ancient warrior, Fu Heng still has this judgment.

Of course, what's the use of these strange forces pouring into Blue Star?

That will do more!
During his investigation, some of the bats that were close to the psychic gate were infected by the energy and mutated. Not only did they become bigger and stronger, but they even became more irritable.

Obviously, after these treacherous forces invaded Blue Star, they would definitely subtly change the entire Blue Star, allowing the Blue Star, which was originally depleted of energy, to slowly regain its 'vitality'.

These "vitalities" are both good and bad, and they can revive those supernatural abilities that have been gradually desolate or even buried in the long river of history.

Naturally, this will also allow the Blue Star creature to slowly evolve under its influence, starting a new round of biological elimination.

Fu Heng doesn't know how long it will take for these creatures to undergo transformative changes under the influence of the strange force.

After he sent this information back to the Central Academy, the major institutions are also making intensive calculations.

There are specializations in the art industry, and professional things should be done by professional things.

After Fu Heng came back from Bangzi Country, he rushed to the mountain city non-stop, impatient to see what this soul orb could do.

In fact, before he rushed over, various experts and scientists had already brought samples back for scientific research.

As the leader of the Ancient Martial Academy, the only superpower organization in Kyushu, Fu Heng naturally represented the entire Ancient Martial Academy.

Kyushu has never given up on Gu Wu.

If it weren't for the lack of aura in this world now, I'm afraid a martial arts school would have been established long ago.

As an ancient civilization, although Kyushu develops science and technology, it does not blindly abandon ancient martial arts!

If it is possible to combine ancient martial arts with modern technology, that would be a great thing.

As an innate ancient warrior, Fu Heng has been trapped in this realm for a long time, and the lack of spiritual energy is the biggest reason.

To be able to cultivate ancient martial arts to the innate level in this age of desolation, there is no need to go into details about how talented he is.

Now, he sees hope!

How can he not be excited and moved by the hope of Guwu's rise?

Immediately, he couldn't bear it anymore, sat down cross-legged, turned his heart to the sky, and started practicing directly.

Call ~
Soon, the strange power of pale black in the air began to gather towards him, and then slowly penetrated into his body.

A trace of treacherous power entered Fu Heng's body and circulated through the meridians. With the operation of his kung fu, the treacherous power gradually receded into black, and finally successfully transformed into pure aura.

With the successful transformation of the first trace of aura, Fu Heng became more and more excited.

it works!

Really useful, breakthrough. There is hope!

Fu Heng was extremely excited, even though he had experienced so many things, his body couldn't help shaking now.

However, it was soon suppressed by it.

He frantically ran his exercises again and reached out to hold a soul orb.

Immediately, a more pure and treacherous power poured into Fu Heng's body from the soul orb, and his aura kept rising!
At this moment, outside Golden Eagle Plaza

A short, even somewhat stooped masked man crouched on a thick tree trunk.

He has wicked eyebrows, and holds a black cross in his hand.

"What pure energy! Baga, these things belong to our Great Japanese Empire!"

The short man swallowed his saliva, and his hands kept making seals.

The next moment, a blue smoke floated into the sky, and the short man's figure gradually became transparent, and then disappeared.

Um?Someone broke in?

Fu Heng sat cross-legged, at the critical moment of breakthrough, but suddenly found a strange breath stepped into the Golden Eagle Square.

I don't know why, but from the moment he sensed this strange breath, he felt absolutely disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

However, now he is at the critical point of breakthrough, his body is out of control at all, and he cannot move.

Fortunately, this annoying aura is not strong, and it has been very careful after entering the Golden Eagle Square, moving very slowly.

Regardless, try your best to break through!

Fu Heng quickly made a decision, because... he was about to break through, and instead of forcibly interrupting his practice, it would be better to go all out!
On the other side, the short Japanese ninja walked forward slowly with his waist bent.

As a Chunin, he is naturally familiar with this invisibility technique.

However, no matter how proficient he is, he still can't break the rules. The invisibility technique can only be effective at low speed, and once the movement is too large, it will lose its effect.

Such pure energy!These soul orbs are really useful!

No, I can't stay here for too long. If I find useful information and report it back, my mission is considered complete.

Um?Come here, steal some out, I have hope to advance!

Thinking of this, the Japanese ninja couldn't help but get excited, and he continued to move forward, slowly heading towards the outermost pile of soul beads.

Soon, he came to the pile of soul beads, stretched out his right hand, and directly stuffed the soul beads the size of ping-pong balls into his bosom.

The Japanese ninja greedily put the soul orb into his bosom, his eyes gleamed, he swallowed his saliva, and his whole body became more and more excited.

That is?

Ancient warrior!
The ninja filled every place on his body that could be stuffed, and then looked forward, and finally found Fu Heng who was breaking through.


No, you can't do it here.

If I do it now, I won't be able to escape.

The Japanese ninjas are not fools, and quickly figured out the stakes.

The outside is heavily guarded, even if he kills this ancient warrior with a sneak attack, he will definitely expose himself.

At that time, it will be completely impossible to escape.

Back off!
At that moment, he made a decision.

Now, not only did he complete the task and obtain the information of the soul orb, but he also brought back the soul orb in excess of the quota. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Immediately, his figure became more obscure, turned around and slowly dived outside.

He sneaked slowly, protecting the soul orb in his pocket with both hands, nervous and excited.

Soon, soon!Im about to leave this place.

The Japanese ninja stared at the gate of the square, feeling more and more excited.

He was even imagining what kind of reward he would receive after returning home with these trophies!
At that time, what a rich reward I will get.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help stepping a little faster, faintly reaching the limit of invisibility.

The gate is here!

Let me succeed!

The ninja was excited, looking at the gate that was close at hand, he couldn't help being so excited that he was about to jump out.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded from behind him.

"Wa Ninja? Is it true that I can come to Kyushu whenever I want, and leave when I want?"

The Japanese ninja trembled in his heart. He wanted to run away, but found an invisible force clamping him, unable to move at all.

Fu Heng's innate qi circulated, and he slapped him with a palm, spanning 30 meters, and knocked him unconscious on the spot.

A figure flashed past, and Fu Heng came directly in front of the ninja.

Immediately, he turned his finger into a sword and directly pierced his dantian, making him instantly non-threatening.

After finishing all this, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

Half a minute later, a group of soldiers ran in and handcuffed him directly.

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