"Ah! What's going on, ghosts and ghosts. There are such things as ghosts in this world."

Although the host Lilia is well-informed, she is no longer calm at this moment. Holding the microphone, her pair of blue pupils shrank rapidly, swallowed and said in disbelief.

Seeing this, Victor from the Gaul Empire took the lead and said, "Ghosts and souls are the same thing. According to my years of research on soul science, there is a strange theory in this world."

"It's just that our blue star is a materialistic world, and the magnetic field environment is not suitable for treacherous survival, so they are rarely seen."

"By the way, in our soul research circles, we call these supernatural things 'Quiet'. This term still comes from Kyushu. Their ancient books are of great help to our research on Weiwei."

"It's just that in recent years, in order to catch up with our Western powers and develop their development, they have forgotten what these ancestors left behind."

Victor expressed his opinion with a smile, and at the same time he did not forget to belittle Kyushu.

On the surface, although it is said that the Kyushu Kingdom has developed rapidly in recent years, it has evened the gap with the western powers for hundreds of years in a very short period of time.

In fact, it is belittling the country of Kyushu, putting the cart before the horse, and not wanting anything for economic development.

"Powerful, so what about a murderer? Toledo fought side by side with his own ghost slaves, and directly killed a treacherous one. Is this the charm of the golden treasure chest?"

Bingbing was about to refute here, but Victor of the Gaul Empire yelled again, pointing to the screen and saying loudly, his expression a little excited.

Both the Blast Furnace Empire and the Sam Empire are one of the Western powers, and the two empires are naturally colluding, like grasshoppers on the same rope.

As Victor's voice fell, everyone's eyes were focused on the live broadcast screen.

I saw Toledo rolled up his sleeves, and led his big wolfhound to pounce on another huge monster that looked like a butterfly floating in the air.

The butterfly was in the shape of transparent black smoke, about one meter tall, and when it flapped its wings, it immediately flew sand and rocks, looking extremely spectacular.

However, Toledo was already extremely strong, and these inexperienced treachery could not cause substantial damage to him, but the strong wind and sand made him unable to open his eyes.

However, he is not alone in the fight.

Beside him, there is also a ghost slave in the early stage of the first order.

"Big wolf dog, give it to me, kill it!"

Following Toledo's order, the big wolfhound swarmed up, threw that strange to the ground, tore off its wings with one bite, and then swallowed it in one bite.

Suddenly, an extremely miserable voice came from the Butterfly Shift, which sounded extremely painful.

This kind of pain didn't last long, the big wolfdog swallowed it three times, five times and two times, and then hiccupped in satisfaction, looking extremely enjoying it.

"Huh? The big wolfhound is getting stronger! If it swallows these three treacherous again, it can be promoted to the middle stage of the first order."

Feeling the message from the big wolf dog deep in his soul, Toledo's eyes were full of excitement.

My ghost slave can still evolve!

As long as I take it and keep devouring it, one day it will become the king of treachery.

Thinking of this, Toledo did not hesitate to lead his big wolfhound to search for treachery purposefully.

Seeing all of this in the eyes of the live broadcast audience, it suddenly became crazy.

"This is the warrior of our Sam Empire. He is brave and fearless, which symbolizes our Sam Empire's indomitable status as the number one in the world."

"This is treacherous! It looks so scary, a tall butterfly with a terrifying skull, flapping its wings is like flying sand and rocks, how could it be wiped out like this?"

"Hehe, your Sam Empire really has you. A murderer is regarded as a warrior? I don't know if it's the tragedy of human beings or the tragedy of your empire."

"Tsk tsk, is this the sour grapes in the legend? Soledo is indeed a murderer, but this does not obliterate the fact that he has made contributions to mankind!"

"You said we were talking about sour grapes? Ross Alexander of our polar bear empire is the world's top mercenary, and he has already killed a butterfly."

"So what? In my opinion, De Lord of our Gaul Empire is the most powerful. Although he only snatched the copper box. But relying on his experience of living in the wilderness, he concealed himself and did not let Shift find him."

"It's just a turtle with a shy head who dare not face it directly, but he still speaks so confidently. Grandpa is really laughing to death."

"Hehe, what do you kids know? You think this is a fighting arena, and you have to fight to the death. This is an unknown and mysterious world, and the only hope is to survive."

"That's right, there is hope only if you survive. Prince Amda of our desert country has followed the camels to find an oasis. As long as he survives tonight, he will have endless water resources."

"Damn it, is it so slippery? The Chosen One of our Shanye Kingdom almost drank the two liters of water. Now that the strangeness has come, he just dug a hole and hid himself. It's really shameful."

"There's no shame in that. As long as you can survive, there is hope."

"That's right, compared to Su Ming who wasted his quota in Kyushu, you are already much better."

"Su Ming? That idiot who digs treasure chests with his hands and reads books in the wilderness, but is lucky?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him? I just came over from there just now, and the strangeness began to come, so he reacted and put down the book and stopped reading aloud."

"That's okay, not terribly stupid. At least knowing that reading aloud attracts Shift."

"What's the use of this? A scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken, even if he gets the diamond treasure box, so what if he has a book of Taoism? He's not a Taoist who can't learn it."

"Yeah, the information on Taoism is so obvious. This idiot has read it hundreds of times under the sun. I really laughed to death. Are all Kyushu countries such 'elites'?"

"I think the Kyushu Kingdom should be removed from the ranks of the five first-class empires. The Chosen Ones of Gaul, Sam, Polar Bear, and Great Britain have already killed the treacherous ones. The Kyushu Kingdom has only two places. No contribution."

"Kyushu? It's just a joke. If it weren't for their large population, could they become a first-class empire? Thirty years ago, they were still hundreds of years behind our Western powers. Do you really think that you can review it in a few decades?"

"That's right, even if they rely on their large population to boost their economy, it won't change the fact that their overall quality is much behind."

"Indeed, the Will of Heaven has selected elites in various fields this time. Can you imagine that people like Su Ming can become elites, and where can the overall quality of Kyushu Kingdom go?"

"Hehe. Kyushu country, that's all."


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