"Well, it's finally over. Now Lin Yu is taken away by Xuangui. With the strength of Xuangui, unless the evil god of another world does it himself, it may be difficult to kill Lin Yu!"


Seeing that the matter came to an end, Lin Fan let out a sigh of relief slowly, even though his new subordinate left him temporarily.

But he finally solved a problem for himself, threw Lin Yu out, and Lin Fan was finally free.

Before that, Lin Fan wanted to go to another world to have a look, but he was worried that if he was not on the earth, Lin Yu would be hurt.

Although you can consume faith points to revive Lin Yu to avoid obsessions that cannot be completed, you must also have a body.

In case Lin Yu was beaten to pieces when he was not around, there was not even a trace of ashes left.

That's a fart.

Unless Lin Fan travels to the world of cultivating immortals in the future and possesses the cultivation technique that can absorb souls, then it is considered that he has no physical body.

It is also possible to reshape a brand new body through the soul!Resurrection again.

But it is a pity that there is no such means of cultivating immortals now.

But it is different now.

Xuangui has a low-grade godhead, which can be said to be invincible in this technological world. Only the evil god can kill Lin Yu.

However, if the evil god made a move, then Lin Fan would have no choice but to end the leek-cutting session, and it was a pity that the evil god would be blown up.

Lin Fan didn't want this in his heart, so taking advantage of Lin Yu being taken away by Xuangui, Lin Fan wanted to enter another world to explore.

Because he discovered that quite a few monsters actually possess intelligence, this is a new leek!Lin Fan can't favor one person over another.

Therefore, I also plan to go to another world to explore the enemy's situation, and at the same time, develop my own believers of the extraordinary god!

"Hey, there are already 50 billion faith points. It would be great if I can get a loan. I will first borrow 950 billion faith points to buy the main god's godhead."

"At that time, I will pay back the rest slowly."

Lin Fan had a whimsical idea, but he was taken aback by his own thoughts. How could this be a bit like the house slave in his previous life!
Hastily shook his head.

Throw this thought out.

"No, no, no debt, no debt, even if I don't have the Godhead of the main god for the time being, I will definitely not put such a heavy burden on myself."

Lin Fan nodded solemnly.

If there are really so many debts, then my days of being happy and happy may not be long.

After making up his mind, Lin Fan didn't linger too long. Now the battles on Earth are like rookies pecking at each other for him.

Nothing to be concerned about.

At this time, Lin Fan directly used his super hearing and super vision to explore the world, grasping everything in the world in an instant.

This made Lin Fan faintly have the illusion that he is an omniscient and omnipotent god, and shook his head.

Lin Fan detected a black hole that just opened, and a flame bird was sent from the black hole in another world.

But before he could make a sound, Lin Fan flew here in an instant, his eyes turned red.

The blazing hot gaze cut the unwilling flame bird in half in an instant.

Looking at the black hole that was about to disappear in front of him, Lin Fan couldn't help asking the system in his heart.

"System, I won't be in any danger on the way into this black hole, right? Can I return to this world through this black hole in the future?"

This is something Lin Fan must be on guard against, in case he goes to another world but fails to return, it just so happens that the evil god has come to the real world again.

Wouldn't Lin Fan lose a lot of money in this wave of house-stealing exchanges? !
After all, the weak power of faith emanating from the huge population of more than 70 billion in this world can at least provide Lin Fan with tens of millions of faith points every day!
If he was killed by the evil god, Lin Fan would really suffer a lot.

[Ding, this channel is safe, the host can spend 1000 million faith points to leave coordinates in this world, and every time you shuttle in the future, you will need to consume [-] faith points! 】

The system sounded a reminder at this time, and Lin Fan's eyes lit up instantly, without the slightest hesitation, a star that cost 1000 million faith points left the coordinates here.

It's a modern society after all, and productivity etc. haven't suffered huge losses.

If there is any need in the future, Lin Fan can come to this world to find what he needs at any time.

After getting ready, Lin Fan looked at the black hole in front of him without hesitation, and jumped into it.

It was sucked in by the black hole in an instant.



After an unknown amount of time, Lin Fan got out from a crack in a black hole in midair.

However, the moment he landed, Lin Fan floated in the air instantly, and immediately paid attention to the surrounding things cautiously.

"Well, there doesn't seem to be any signs of powerful life forms nearby, but there are many monsters."

After roughly checking the life in the territory of about one continent, Lin Fan quickly came to his own conclusion.

In this continent, there is no threat to him.

Of course, it was only for him.

If it is put into the real world, then this will be a power that can destroy a world!

"But the trouble is, these monsters don't seem to have any power of their own. The only power is the evil king in the center?"

If you want to quickly harvest faith points, it is best if you can have a huge force with order and control capabilities.

But if not, Lin Fan would need to spend a certain amount of time looking for believers.

"It's really too troublesome. It seems that it is not a wise choice to find believers among monsters, at least in this different world."

Although Lin Fan dismissed this thought, another thought instantly popped up in his mind.

"Now that humans have the blessings of city heroes and hot weapons, they are no longer afraid of monsters from other worlds."

"The monsters that appear in the real world now are only around B-level or A-level, and they can no longer cause panic among humans."

"This is not a good phenomenon for me to harvest faith points!"

Lin Fan is not a good person with the heart of the Virgin, especially after obtaining the system and being able to travel through the heavens and worlds.

He already regards profit as his most important thing, if he can use the death of some human beings, bloodshed and killing will arouse more respect from human beings.

Then Lin Fan doesn't mind throwing those monsters into human cities to kill them!
"To grasp the scale, it seems that we have to find the gods of this world to just go and let him honestly cooperate with me in launching monsters!"

This time, Lin Fan not only wanted to be the mastermind behind the human world, but also to control the evil gods of another world!
In this way, Lin Fan can control the speed of hitting his right hand with his left hand, without too much damage to the number of human beings.

Get more faith points!
After all, it is only the second stage of the main god's divinity that requires an astronomical amount of faith. Lin Fan may take a long time to get it together without any method.

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