Lin Fan has increased the price of the shopping mall in the statue by ten times. The basic fireball technique, which was originally worth 100 faith points, now requires 1000 faith points!
And the druid transformation technique, which was originally worth 1000 faith points, also reached [-] faith points.

But Wang Fugui didn't know yet, after reading all kinds of powerful abilities in it, his face was flushed.

I can't wait to attract 1 people to directly believe in the extraordinary god, so that he can gain powerful transformation power!
By that time, what a monster! ?
They are no longer his opponents!

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin! I will definitely find a suitable candidate as soon as possible, and believe in the great extraordinary god!"

Wang Fugui said respectfully.

After seeing this extraordinary power, he may even have it himself. When he thinks that there will be horrible monsters threatening the lives of his family members in the future.

Wang Fugui's respect for the so-called extraordinary god has grown, and he has reached the level of a believer before he knows it!

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, and felt a trace of faith from Wang Fugui, but he didn't expect Wang Fugui to enter the drama so soon.

Contributed a little faith value for myself.

Nodding in satisfaction, Lin Fan said calmly while walking towards the window.

"Pay attention to protecting the statue. You are not the only one who can buy abilities. The statue is extremely precious. If you lose it or break it, you will bear the consequences."


Wang Fugui immediately hugged the statue to his chest, not daring to let go even though the heavy statue weighed him down.

Watching the body of the man in black disappear in an instant, and then the curtain of the window was blown by the strong wind, causing a wave of fluctuation.

Wang Fugui also knew that Lin Fan had left, and immediately looked out the window with envious eyes, and then saw that the wooden statue on his chest was even more precious.

"Uh...water! I need some water..."

At this time, Wang Yue on the bed snorted and woke up. Wang Fugui and Jiang Long immediately surrounded him nervously.

Seeing his son come to his senses, a look of joy filled his face.


At this moment, Lin Fan, who was flying in the night sky, was searching for the next target, and that statue was worth 1000 faith.

Although it is nothing to the current Lin Fan, it is not something that can be picked up casually.

It is necessary to look for those existences with certain power, so that they can perfectly play the role of leeks.

"Let me see, the richest man above the prefecture-level city should get one, the mayor should get one, and the army should also have some..."

Planning to drop 200 statues in the Dragon Kingdom, Lin Fan began to think about foreign affairs again. After all, there are 70 billion people in the world, and foreign countries also account for a large part.

One hundred statues were given out by the United States, one hundred statues were given out by the Xiong Kingdom, and there were also countries like Ah San, which were not top-level powers, but had a large number of people.

Lin Fan also distributed 100 statues.

In order to ensure that the current situation will not be disrupted, Lin Fan counted the number of statues given away.

The statues obtained by the governments of each country account for half of the total, and the remaining half is divided equally among all the big families.

In this case, it can ensure that the power obtained by the government is not weaker than that of the people, and it can completely suppress monsters while deterring other people who also obtain statues.

As for whether the governments of various countries would condescend to believe in a god they had never heard of, Lin Fan didn't care.

Anyway, if he didn't have faith points, Lin Fan would never make a loss-making business!

In order to pursue efficiency, Lin Fan used his super fast speed, super hearing, and vision to find important figures from all over the world.

A statue was placed directly beside him, and then he was stunned with a magic spell. Lin Fan left the memory of using the statue in his mind.

Then he left directly.

Although Lin Fan has invincible strength, he doesn't know how to clone himself. It took Lin Fan a full month for such a job.

In the past one month, Lin Fan has sent over 1500 statues, even to remote African countries.

Only in this way can Lin Fan get the maximum amount of Faith Points!
And the result was just as Lin Fan thought, a large amount of faith points in this world had flowed into Lin Fan's faith store.

Moreover, the Faith Store has sold forty elementary fireball spells, twenty elementary berserk spells, and several other spells.

However, they are all 1000-point spells, and as for abilities above [-] points, no one is buying them for the time being.

After all, this is equivalent to 1 people having faith in Lin Fan at the same time, and it is not so easy to accomplish in modern society even if one is powerful!
Silently laying out the layout behind the scenes, Lin Fan has already cast his fishing nets, and as long as he maintains the status quo, he can wait for the harvest time!

Imperial City!

This is the most important place in the entire Dragon Kingdom!Bringing together the most important leaders of the entire country!
And just today, these leaders unexpectedly gathered together and held a secret meeting together!
The confidentiality of the meeting can only be attended by many veterans and high-level officials with real power.


An old man in a plain Chinese tunic walked to the top of the meeting room and sat on the main seat without any politeness.

And below, there are many middle-aged and elderly people gathered. They all look solemn, and they seem to have experienced strong winds and waves.

If people from the outside world saw it, they would definitely be surprised, because any person in the meeting room who came out of the conference room and stomped their feet in Longguo could cause an uproar.

Gathered at this time.

It must be discussing a decision that can change the direction of the entire country!
Ye Lao, who was sitting on the main seat, looked at the people below, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice.

"Since the first sheep-headed monster appeared in the west before May, there have been countless monsters on the earth."

"We captured some of the monsters that appeared in Dragon Kingdom, and we don't know how many monsters are hiding in places we don't know!"

"We don't know the origin of these monsters. The people of the research institute have not made any major breakthroughs except that these monsters are not native creatures of Dragon Kingdom."

"However, since last month, a black-robed man who called himself Mr. Lin has been presenting a mysterious statue to the wealth giants and local governments across the country."

"The specifics are in the document in front of you. Let's take a look. Is this beneficial or detrimental to our Dragon Kingdom?!"

After Mr. Ye finished speaking, the others were also extremely curious. They didn't know what kind of statue it was, which made Longguo's Dinghaishenzhen so excited.

Brush brush.

The sound of paper flipping was very clear in this quiet meeting room, it could be heard from the sound of flipping paper.

How shocked and excited are the people who look at these documents at this time.

The bright conference room was instantly silent, because the content above was really shocking!

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