"Well, I can finally go back to sleep!"

"Hiss~ It's so cold, hurry back and soak your feet."

"Hey, are you going to play games today?"

"Fuck you, Li Le, you are not afraid that Mr. Yang will arrest you tonight, if you are found playing games, you will definitely be punished for washing the toilet!"


Under the illumination of street lamps, the noisy voices of the students flowed slowly through Lin Yu's ears.

Among them, many students with good relationship with Lin Yu came to ask what happened to Lin Yu, but Lin Yu just shook his head with a smile.

Then, he walked slowly alone.

Falling into the last shadow of the mighty senior high school students, I looked at the large army that was drifting away in front of me.

Lin Yu looked left and right, and after making sure that there was no one there, he got into the small forest next door in an instant.

Sparse voices came.

There were branches all around, and without the illumination of the street lamps, the grove was pitch black.

But the strange thing is that Lin Yu seems to be familiar with the shadows by nature, so he doesn't need to look up at all.

You can dodge the branches and leaves subconsciously.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

After trotting for dozens of meters, Lin Yu was sure that no one behind him could see what was going on here, so he stopped.

Pulling open the sleeve of his right hand suddenly, Lin Yu looked at the ghost head tattoo on his arm, and felt that his thoughts seemed to have come to a wonderful world.

With Lin Yu's mind moving.

The surrounding shadows instantly seemed to have life, and after a while of wriggling, four or five guys with wings emerged.

Each of these guys is close to two meters tall, their heads are like people wearing bat hoods, their arms are extremely thick, and they have sharp claws on them.

The lower limbs are slender and slender, but there is a pair of huge fleshy wings behind it, which makes people know that this is a guy who is good at flying!

Brush brush.

Immediately after the four Feiying soldiers appeared, they bowed their heads respectfully to Lin Yu, not only because Lin Yu had a spell on him.

It was because of Lin Fan's order.

"Sure enough, I can summon these flying monsters with just a single thought in my mind! Is it because of this tattoo?"

Lin Yu looked at his arm with a bitter face. He didn't hate his ability.

Instead, he has the ability, he is very excited!
But the only thing that disappointed him was, why couldn't he obtain this ability a few days earlier?

If it could be done a few days earlier, Lin Yu would never let that fish-headed monster take his father away!


Even with a mere glance before he fell into a coma, Lin Yu still believed in the existence of the fish head monster with absolute certainty!

At that time, everything seemed to be engraved on Lin Yu's heart by a knife. Every night, Lin Yu would be awakened by the fish head monster.

Thinking of losing his father and the only relative in the world!Lin Yu's heart is like a knife twisting.

"Now I have the power to control and summon this monster! Then I can go back to Quanjiang to have a look, to find it!"

"Maybe my father is not dead yet! He was rescued, or escaped!"

Even though he knew that the possibility was very small, Lin Yu didn't want to give up, in case it was because of his hesitation.

But if he missed the best chance to save Lin Fan, Lin Yu would never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

Just when Lin Yu was making up his mind, a sticky mass suddenly appeared on the surface of his body.

Before Lin Yu could react, a large amount of black flowing material quickly enveloped him, and his body was originally less than 1.8 meters.

It swelled to about [-] meters in an instant!The body is all black leather objects, with some irregular white lines.

The body is full of toned muscles, with thick hands and feet, a pair of huge claws, and even sharp claws.

He opened his mouth suddenly, sticking out his long scarlet tongue, and a row of white fangs looked very piercing under the moonlight, especially those jade-like eyes.

It's like a ghost asking for his life!
"Hiss...! What is this?!"

Wrapped in this mysterious fluid, Lin Yu even forgot the existence of Feiying soldiers, and Feiying soldiers didn't seem to be aware of Lin Yu's current situation.

He remained motionless in place.

But fortunately, Lin Yu didn't feel the slightest threat. Instead, after the black fluid wrapped around his body, Lin Yu could feel a huge force appearing in his body!
What a powerful force this is!

Lin Yu just flicked it casually, and a small tree with the mouth of a bowl was broken in an instant, and sawdust flew across.

see this scene.

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment. At this time, he found that he seemed to have the ability of night vision.

The surrounding night, in his view, is like day, without hindrance!

And his hands also turned into a look that he had never seen before, ferocious and terrifying!
In fact, now that Lin Yu is possessed by venom, he can not only have night vision, but also has the ability to breathe in water!
This is the ability that venom obtained from the fish head monster that Lin Fan casually knocked out last time, after being digested by venom.

Perfectly reproduced on the body!

Seeing that Lin Yu was still in a daze, Venom couldn't help shouting.

"Boy, if you don't want to show your appearance in front of everyone later, then you'd better leave here quickly!"

"Who! Who is talking?!"

The sudden hoarse sound was like the sound of 100 pieces of dry wood that hadn't been watered day and night rubbing against each other.

Lin Yu was startled at first, but then he remembered that he seemed to have made a lot of noise just now.

The school is likely to let the security guards come to take a look, and it will be bad if they find themselves at that time!

Lin Yu forcibly calmed down and asked the guy who didn't know where the voice came from.

"Do you have a solution?"


Venom smiled triumphantly,

"Let your flying shadow soldiers lead you into the shadows, and find another remote place, and I will talk to you slowly."


Sneaking into the shadows, Lin Yu's first reaction was to refute, how could people sneak into the shadows?
But when he saw his Feiying soldiers and his current inhuman body, he fell silent immediately.

Lin Yu tried to order the four Feiying soldiers, but unexpectedly, the four Feiying soldiers seemed to understand it.

He went forward and grabbed Lin Yu's hands, and then the shadow under his feet was like a quagmire, pulling several people into it in an instant.

Slowly came to an abandoned school warehouse.

There, Venom told Lin Yu a lot, but most of them were screened by Lin Fan.

Because he was worried that Lin Yu would be implicated, Lin Fan did not intend to reveal that he was Lin Yu's father in a short time.

Just let Venom say that the whole world has changed, and many monsters will appear through the black hole. These monsters are very dangerous!Has great hostility towards humans.

But there are pros and cons!
In addition to those dangerous monsters, there are also some items or treasures that can make humans stronger through the black hole!

It's like his venom, or the ghost head tattoo on Lin Yu's body.

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