time flies.

In Juyang's eyes, Lin Fan's days of evolution are over, and Lin Fan is very satisfied with this kind of facility.

Before leaving, Lin Fan asked Dao Feng and others to buy and dismantle the Juyang Eye, and then secretly put it into the storage space.

After all, to Lin Fan, this thing is like a walking paradise!
"Master, does the court need to summon Ye Tian tomorrow?"

At this moment, Dao Feng leaned over and asked, with a persuasive expression on his face.

"The clan elders are already negotiating with the people from Yaowanggu, as long as you apologize to Ye Tian, ​​and you lost your head for a while before announcing it online, the people from Yaowanggu will not continue to trouble us. "

"Otherwise, they said that no matter what kind of evidence you present, the people from Yaowang Valley can guarantee that nothing will happen to Ye Tian, ​​and they will never end with the Lin family!"


Lin Fan sneered, the people from Medicine King Valley were really domineering, they killed his whole family and demanded an apology from him.

Thanks to what he said.

Suddenly a thought flashed in my mind.

Lin Fan turned his head and said to Dao Feng.

"Do you think people from Medicine King Valley really want to kill me?"


Hearing this, Dao Feng thought that Lin Fan was confused by the sun, and he wanted to kill you.

Ye Tian probably wants to tear you alive!
Seeing Dao Feng's eyes, Lin Fan touched his chin and said.

"If I agree not to sue Ye Tian in court, but Ye Tian needs to go to the ring with me to sign the life and death certificate, I wonder if the people in Yaowang Valley will agree?"

"Young master, you can have some snacks!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Dao Feng thought that Lin Fan didn't want to live anymore, so he quickly dissuaded him.

"Ye Tian is the eldest disciple of Yaowang Valley, a half-step innate powerhouse! He is the best among warriors in the whole world!"

"Although I don't know what kind of exercises you are practicing, young master, how can a mere one month be able to defeat someone's more than ten years of hard work! Think twice, young master."

Lin Fan thought silently.

When things came to an end, he found that it was unlikely that he would kill Ye Tian forcefully in court, after all, he could even defend himself against pistol bullets now.

But it can't fly after all.

After killing Ye Tian, ​​it was difficult to get out of the body.

Maybe he will be arrested to do research, and it will be really bad every day.

It would be better to sign a life-and-death contract with Ye Tian openly. At that time, it would be best if he could directly kill Ye Tian with strong physical strength.

Even if it can't be killed.

Lin Fan can also find an opportunity to directly kill Ye Tian with Retinazer!

The more I think, the more excited I get.

Lin Fan said directly to Dao Feng.

"Go and tell the clan elders and the people in Yaowang Valley that if you want me to sue Ye Tian in court, it's okay, let him sign a life and death certificate with me to go to the ring!"

When Dao Feng heard this, his eyes widened.

"Master, are you serious?!"

Dao Feng's heart is a little shrunken at this time, if we knew that you would be courting death after 30 days, then why should we work so hard to protect you!
Made my dark circles appear.

Lin Fan still didn't know how Dao Feng was slandering him, but he was still happy that he had found a good plan.

Seeing Lin Fan's resolute look, Dao Feng didn't bother to persuade him, anyway, he was just a messenger.

The right to make the final decision is not something that a bodyguard investment can make.

Dao Feng followed Lin Fan's order and turned to discuss with the clan elders, thinking that this was an impossible matter.

But I didn't expect that the clan elder didn't know what was going on, and after thinking about it for a while, he agreed!
A battle without suspense, even incomprehensible, was achieved in this way.

Lin Fan was slightly surprised when he learned that his family elder had agreed to his request, because he was the only one who knew his own strength.

Everyone else thought that they were just ordinary people, and they would not be the opponent of the half-step innate martial artist Ye Tian at all.

From a normal thinking point of view, the clan elders should try to dissuade him in every possible way, but he didn't expect that he would agree so happily.

"Young master, the clan elder asked you to go to the Lin family's ancestral hall."

After Dao Feng came back, he sent a message to Lin Fan. Lin Fan was also a little puzzled, why did he go to the ancestral hall in the middle of the night?
However, the face of the clan elders still needs to be given. After Lin Fan changed into decent clothes, he went directly to the ancestral hall under the support of the bodyguards.

The Lin family's ancestral hall is naturally ancient, mighty and majestic, and contains the historical deposits of the big family everywhere.

The extremely flat cyan tiles pave the entire ground, and the four centuries-old mahogany are the pillars of the entire ancestral hall.

There were many tablets placed high above, and after Lin Fan went in alone, he happened to see an old man in gray with his back facing him offering incense.

"Five elders?!"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The entire Lin family has a total of six clan elders, each of whom is extremely wise and treacherous, but this five elders are somewhat special.

He is the only martial artist in the Lin family who has cultivated to the peak of Houtian, and he is considered a good strength in the world.

Moreover, as far as Lin Fan knew, this five elders had an extremely violent temper, and always valued the glory of the Lin family more than anything else.


After worshiping the ancestor's tablet, the five elders respectfully inserted the incense into the ashes.

Then he turned to look at Lin Fan.

"Fifth Grandpa, don't you object to me going to Ye Tianli to have a certificate of life and death?"

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Fan still asked, because he knew how much these elderly elders valued blood inheritance.

Fifth Master was dressed in a gray robe, and he looked majestic and powerful, with his temples raised high. One could tell that he was an out-and-out practitioner when he was young.

Even now, it has decent power.

Looking at Lin Fan, Fifth Master smiled.

"Against? Why should I object?"

Facing Lin Fan and his back to the many ancestors of the Lin family, Fifth Master showed shame and anger on his face.

"Why did our Lin family rise from a little-known family to become such a huge business empire!"

"It depends on the blood of the people in the clan!"

"Now just a big disciple of Yaowang Valley can treat the Lin family as nothing! Kill the two leaders of our Lin family."

"In the end, there was nothing wrong with patting buttocks. Instead, we asked the people of the Lin family to apologize to them!"

Fifth Master spit out a long string of words angrily.

In his words, he hated and loathed everyone in the Lin family who were only greedy for enjoyment now.

Slowed down for a moment.

Fifth Master continued.

"Those five old guys are getting old and their bones are weak, and they just want to seek peace with the people of Yaowang Valley!"

"But I'm different! My bones are still strong!"

Looking at Fifth Master with his neck stuck in front of him, Lin Fan seemed to understand why he agreed to his request.

After being angry for a moment, Fifth Master took a deep breath, looked at Lin Fandao.

"Xiaofan, you are a smart boy. Since you have chosen to sign a life-and-death certificate with Ye Tian, ​​you must be sure, right?"

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