
Chang Le walked back with a large bundle of fine vines, and gently placed it in front of Su Ze.

"Thank you."

Su Ze said thank you casually.

Not only can this native communicate, but he can also do something for him.

This made me a little more satisfied.

Not a freeloader.

Nor does it look like a biting feral cat.

Although it may look a little ugly, but it's not bad, just barely.

"Didn't you say you want to get me something to eat? Where's the food?" Chang Le clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking at him unblinkingly with questioning eyes.

"this one."

Su Ze casually picked up a big coconut from his side.

"There is only water in this wild fruit, which can quench thirst but not satiety."

Chang Le glanced at him.

"The pulp of the coconut is edible, don't you know?" Su Ze looked at her with some surprise in his eyes.


Chang Le pursed her lips, and said unwillingly: "It's just that I didn't think about it for a while."

How did she know that the pulp of coconuts can be eaten.

before this.

She didn't even know that this kind of wild fruit was called coconut fruit.

She grew up so big, she basically stayed in the palace, and she didn't see coconuts until she came to this deserted island for no reason.

If she had known that coconuts could be eaten, she would not have been hungry.

"Then eat it by yourself, I'm going to weave straw sandals now." Su Ze said lightly.

Chang Le lowered his head.

Her pretty face under the mud was slightly red.

She... doesn't know what to eat.

But I'm too embarrassed to ask.

If asked, wouldn't her identity be revealed?
A native of a deserted island doesn't know that the pulp of coconuts can be eaten?This is so unreasonable.

Just a normal person.

You can see something is wrong.

Good thing...

"I believe that some water friends in the live broadcast room don't know that the pulp of the coconut is edible?" Su Ze suddenly raised his head and grinned at the live broadcast ball.

"Don't just gossip, I'm sure a lot of people living in the outback don't know this."


"Yes, I don't know."

"You can still eat coconut pulp? You've learned a lot."

"If Su Ze doesn't say anything, I really don't know."

"How to eat, ask science."

Some water friends who really don't know that coconut pulp is edible have posted barrage.

Su Ze didn't know this knowledge point before.

He lives in the inland area, and he is still in a remote mountainous area. He has drunk canned coconut milk drinks, but he has never tasted real coconuts.

Although it is sold in supermarkets, he has never bought it and tried it.

One month, just a little living expenses.

How can there be money.

This knowledge point was only learned after he had just extracted the wilderness survival guide in the system meeting gift package.

In addition to the wilderness survival guide, he also extracted the experience pack of drilling wood to make fire.

The reason why he didn't extract the primary body strengthening agent package was because he was afraid that the sudden strengthening of his body would cause doubts from the water friends.

"I'm not wrong, right? Some people really don't know this. Well, then, Teacher Su will explain it to you."

Su Ze smiled, showing his big white teeth.

"Coconut meat is not only edible, but also has several powerful effects."

"First, improve immunity."

"Because coconut meat contains a variety of nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B, vitamin C, sugar, fat, etc., it also contains a variety of trace elements needed by the body, which can effectively supplement the nutrients in the body and enhance the body's immunity. ability."

"Secondly, invigorate the stomach and kill insects."

"Coconut meat has the effect of invigorating the stomach and killing insects. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that coconut meat has the effect of eliminating sores and repelling insects, and can treat children's sores, tapeworms, etc. "Insects". Modern studies have proved that the endosperm of coconut meat contains substances that kill tapeworms. Drinking coconut juice and eating coconut meat have obvious deworming effects."

"Also, beauty and beauty."

"The fat, protein and multivitamins in coconut meat can help supplement skin nutrition, and can also supplement iron in the blood, which can expand blood volume and rosy skin. Women who eat it regularly can moisturize and beautify the skin."

"Also, diuretic and fat-reducing."

"Coconut meat contains a lot of minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Their structure is similar to that of the intracellular fluid in the body. It can improve the body's dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and thus play a role in reducing fat and diuresis."

"Okay, Mr. Su finished explaining, have you taken your notebooks and memorized them? Students who like to eat coconuts, remember to highlight the key points."

Su Ze had a bright smile on his face, and when he spoke, his eyes were slightly squinted, and he spoke at a leisurely pace, well-founded, and he really looked like a teacher giving lectures.

While talking, Su Ze picked up the engineer shovel and peeled a coconut.

"Looking at the coconut meat is as white as snow, just looking at it makes people move their index fingers."

He took a sip and groaned: "enmmm...it's fragrant and delicious. Students who haven't eaten it must try it."


"Learned, learned."

"Thank you, Teacher Su, for your explanation."

"I didn't expect coconut meat to be really edible. I've learned a lot."

"It looks delicious. It's over. I just had a full meal, and I want to eat again. No, I have to make a bucket of instant noodles."

"Upstairs, don't eat instant noodles. I am eating instant noodles right now, but when I see the coconut meat in the anchor's hand, I feel that the instant noodles are not fragrant at all."

"Mr. Su is really a high school student? Why do you feel that you have a wide range of knowledge?"

"It's really broad. It seems that I know more about coconuts than I, a native of the South China Sea."

"Wow, that's a lot of water."

"The water is still sticky, Mr. Su, is it comfortable to lick? What's the smell?"

"Fuck! Can you drive on this broken road?"

Chang Le watched Su Ze eating the coconut meat, couldn't help swallowing, and immediately took a coconut and peeled it with a sword.

"Good time."

After taking a sip, her eyes lit up.

"Wang Wang~"

Rhubarb looked up at her, and then at his master, why did he forget about me after eating all of them?I'm a foreign dog?
"Come on, Rhubarb, I'll cut one for you too."

His dog was in a mood, and Su Ze didn't understand why. He shook his head and laughed, and quickly peeled a coconut for the dog.

After cutting it, he made fun of the live ball.

"Everyone, take care. Mr. Su is now teaching you how to weave straw sandals. Next, it's time to witness the miracle."

"???" Audience: "Really?"

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