Live: Survival on a deserted island for full-level students

Chapter 66 Matching men and women, work is not tired

"Although her personality is a bit arrogant, she is serious in her work."

For poultry animals, hair pulling is not a technical job, but it is definitely a slow and meticulous job.

Especially a test of one's patience.

If you are an impetuous person, you will definitely not be able to endure this kind of hardship.

Seabirds scalded with boiling water will emit a pungent and unpleasant stench all over their bodies. Although the smell is not so strong, many people can't stand this smell.

Su Ze saw the way Changle frowned just now.

But what he didn't expect was that Chang Le didn't complain, but squatted down with him and pulled his hair up.

And very careful, not frizzy at all.

What a treasure girl.

"So hungry."

Changle said softly.

"I'm hungry too, let's get it done quickly."

Su Ze smiled.

"Hungry, hungry, Ben Wang is also hungry, I really hope the master can cook the meat quickly."

Rhubarb snorted aside, lying on the ground, wagging its tail like a broom mopping the floor.


Su Ze found it very interesting that he could understand Rhubarb's inner voice.

"Laughing inexplicably again, what a weirdo." Chang Le curled his lips, slandered in his heart, and quietly accelerated the speed of plucking hair.

As the saying goes.

Men and women match, work is not tired.

A pair of men and women who are very cooperative with each other will not be tired when they work together.

With the cooperation of Su Ze and Chang Le, the hairs on the three seabirds were quickly plucked clean.

"Slightly burn it, and it's ready to cook."

Su Ze said something to Changle, added some dry twigs to the campfire, and when it was burning, he took a seabird and smoked it.

While smoking, he kept turning the seabirds.

Because it's just to burn the fluff off the seabird's body, not to roast it.

While burning the fluff, Su Ze did not forget to explain.

"Fellow students."

A familiar opening line.

"Seabird meat is actually not delicious, the meat is very woody and has a sour taste, but here comes the point."

"We are surviving in the wilderness. It is good to have meat. There is no choice at all, and we have no right to be picky."

"So, don't pay attention to these."

For Su Ze's words, the water friends in the live broadcast room thought it was very reasonable and reasonable, and swiped their screens to praise him.


"The anchor is right."

"It makes sense, it's worth tipping a free fish ball."

"Whatever environment we are in, we have to make corresponding changes. It's not that the environment adapts to us, but we adapt to the environment. What the anchor said is actually very useful in the workplace. Some people always complain about the company's various injustices. Well, I feel sorry for myself, but I don’t know how to adapt, to be honest, it’s a kind of sadness.”

"Look at Teacher Su's attitude towards survival? Look at some challengers, tsk tsk, the gap is really too big."

"Yes, there is a little fresh meat who also participated in this show. His fans all swiped the screen yesterday saying that he will definitely survive until the end of the show, but he persisted until yesterday afternoon and was eliminated. Haha, I laughed so hard .”

"Is it Singing Duck, you are so beautiful?"

"Yes, it's him, are so beautiful..."

"The one in front, don't talk about it, be careful when the lawyer comes to hug you. (squinting smile)"

"What kind of lawyer? A male lawyer, labor and management sticks to serve, if it is a beautiful female lawyer"


"The same stick to serve!!!"


After burning all the fluff on the bodies of the three seabirds with fire, Su Ze began to open their stomachs with an engineering shovel.

This process is quick.

Pick it up a few times with your hands, then wash it and you're done.

Finding a relatively flat stone by the pool, Su Ze threw three seabirds on it, and said to Chang Le: "Lele, use this stone as a chopping board, is it okay for you to cut the meat?"

"no problem."

Chang Le hummed, and took the engineer shovel from Su Ze's hand.

She didn't ask Su Ze what to do.

Since Su Ze asked her to cut the meat, Su Ze must do other things.

Although she only spent a day together with all her efforts, she felt that she already knew something about Su Ze.


Su Ze said in the next second: "I will go to the ravine below to find a stone and move it to the wooden house to build two stoves."

"Oh, good."

So, Su Ze went to the bottom of the pool to find a few stones and moved them up. When he moved the stones, the surprise in Changle's eyes never stopped.

She was surprised to find that the stones brought back by Su Ze were relatively heavy at first glance.

It stands to reason that his strength is not so great.

This surprised her very much.

"I can't tell, this guy is still a bit strong."

Chang Le sighed inwardly, reached out and put the sliced ​​meat into the soup pot, and washed it with clear pool water.

After washing several times, you have to go up with the soup pot.

"Lele, pull the cattails, wash them and put them inside together and serve them up. We don't have any seasonings at the moment, so let's add some cattails."

Su Ze's voice came from above.


Chang Le nodded slightly, not feeling that Su Ze had too many things to do, put down the soup pot, and picked up the cattails by the pool.

"Goddess Lele listens to Su Ze too much, doesn't she?"

In the live broadcast room, some water friends sighed.


Su Ze looked at the two simple stone stoves he had built, with a satisfied smile on his lips, picked up the frying pan, and walked to the pool.

"Fortunately, none of them died."

When he came to the water pool, he took the bundled mud crabs out of the water, took four or five of them, added some water to the pot, covered it, and went back to the wooden house.

make a fire.

hot pot.

"Are you cooking mud crab?"

Chang Le just came up with a soup pot, her beautiful eyes lit up.


Su Ze nodded and said with a smile, "We can eat in a quarter of an hour at most."

A quarter of an hour is about 15 minutes.

But Su Ze was afraid that Chang Le wouldn't understand, so he talked for a quarter of an hour.

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