in the wooden house.

The blazing sun is completely isolated from the outside, coupled with the blowing of the sea breeze, it is much cooler than under the sun outside.

Su Ze picked up the semi-finished pannier and started weaving.

Think of the next lottery chance.

His heart was extremely hot.

So ever.

He immediately went back to work, keeping his ears shut and only thinking about knitting the basket, and he was very focused.

His hands are like the horns of antelopes.

Holding the vines, weaving non-stop, the speed seems to be faster.

"This person is really strange. He is very serious when he is serious, but he is not straight when he is not serious."

Changle held her delicate chin with one hand, her beautiful eyes shone with a different kind of light, watching Su Ze shine brightly.

"Don't peek at me."

Su Ze spoke suddenly.

"Who peeped at you?"

Chang Le snorted dissatisfied, twitched Xiao Qiong's nose, and defended: "I'm obviously looking at it in a fair way."

"So straightforward?"

Su Ze snorted.

"It was."

Chang Le hummed.

"It's okay, just keep reading. If you accidentally fall in love with me, I will marry you."

Su Ze looked up and grinned at her.

"Dream your white dream."

Chang Le stood up angrily, shook her little hands, and hopped to the edge of the pool.

While adding dry wood to the bonfire, she muttered in a voice that she could only hear: "You still barely married me, huh~"

The firelight made her pretty face flush.

Half ashamed.

Half is annoyed.

She is angry.

Really angry.

She is a majestic princess of the Tang Dynasty, and there are many people who want to be her son-in-law, but this guy actually said that he reluctantly married her.

A good one is barely strong.


What a shame! ! !

"It was conquered by me in this way, and all retreat routes were cut off..."

The melodious singing voice of Su Daxingxing Ze suddenly came down from the wooden house and lingered in Chang Le's ears.

She paused, her flushed pretty face suddenly changed color, and her expression was slightly pale.


Inexplicably came to the era more than 1000 years later.

My back has been completely cut off.

From now on, where should I go?

Could it be that she really followed this poor guy all her life and let him marry her reluctantly?

Think of this.

Changle's mood suddenly became a little irritable.

She stood up and said loudly to the top: "Stop singing, please stop singing, it's so ugly."


Su Ze twitched the corners of his mouth, with a tsk-tsk tone in his mouth, and said to himself, "I think back then, during the class reunion, I sang a random song in the ktv, which directly attracted the class flower to boldly send a love letter. He often asks me about homework, and more than ten girls in the class give them a glance, and even the school belle secretly asks someone to inquire about me."

"I can't sing well?"

"I really don't appreciate it, it's pitiful, sad, and lamentable."


Hearing such boastful words, the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore, and the water burst into water.


"Fuck, I vomited, I really vomited."

"The anchor's skin is as thick as a city wall."

"I said that I have never seen such a boastful person."

"So confident? Why don't you fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

"tui, brother Meng, let me spit it out first."

Of course, there are yin and yang in the mortal world, there are people who mock Su Ze, and naturally there are people who support him.

He was already handsome.

After injecting the primary body strengthening agent, the body has been transformed, and even the appearance has improved to a higher level, more handsome than before.

Plus, he actually has a decent singing voice.

So ever.

There are still a lot of bullet screens supporting him floating on the public screen, not just one or two, but a little bit more.

"One thing to say, the host's singing is quite nice. Are some people too dark in their hearts and jealous?"

"I also said that the anchor not only sings well, but also looks handsome."

"It's also very funny and humorous."

"That's right, that's right, such a good-looking and talented anchor must be loved well."

"The one in front, looking at your profile picture, you look like an old man riding a horse?"

"Why? Old men can't like old men? The addiction of masculinity, can you ordinary people understand? FW..."

"Damn it, the uncle is willing to bow down, you are awesome, you are crazy."



After teasing Changle and the silly audience in the live broadcast room, Su Ze went back to the work of weaving the basket.

The expression is focused and detailed.

Holding the vines in both hands, weaving them continuously, the semi-finished basket is being perfected at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He is so focused.

He didn't even know when Chang Le returned to the wooden house.

"It's really weak, there is no vigilance at all. If I were the enemy, you wouldn't know how to die."

Chang Le pursed his lips, patted his buttocks and sat directly opposite Su Ze, stretched out his hand to caress Rhubarb's head, rubbed its ears lightly, and looked at Su Ze's hands weaving the basket with twinkling eyebrows.

She is studying secretly.

Learn Suze's weaving skills.

Counting today, it has been three days since she came to this deserted island, and she felt that she might never be able to return to Datang.

Before leaving the island, he will definitely live with Su Ze.


Changle felt that he had to become more useful.

Master as many skills as possible, so that when Su Ze encounters difficulties in the future, she can also help her.

Two people live together.

We should help each other.

"Well, that's reasonable."

Chang Le blinked, thinking so in her heart.

Watching Su Ze keep weaving with vines in both hands, she suddenly felt that weaving a pannier is actually very simple, and she had the illusion that I could do it myself.

After watching for a while.

She left the wooden house again and walked to the pool. As Su Ze said before, one must always pay attention to lighting a fire in the forest.

Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, it will easily lead to disaster.

Coming to the bonfire, Chang Le took a wooden stick and planed the burning firewood a little, and was surprised to find that the wok and soup pot were all red.

"Su Ze, the wok and soup pot are ready."

She happily said loudly to Su Ze.


Su Ze was also a little excited. He quickly put down the basket that was about to be knitted, patted Rhubarb on the head, and hurried down, one person and one dog.

Although the pannier is about to be compiled.

At that time.

He can get another chance to draw a treasure chest, but he can come back later to continue weaving, anyway, there will be many chances to draw a lottery.

In short, there will be, there is no need to rush.

The key is to thoroughly calcine the wok and soup pot first, which is related to his big plan for Lele.

Can't be vague.

Don't be vague at all.

Take it seriously.

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