
"The strongest wilderness assistance system is being activated..."









Su Ze was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he had obtained the legendary system.

He has read a lot of online novels, and he knows that the system and cheats are standard equipment for the protagonists in the novels.

But a novel is a novel.

How can it be equated with reality?

Now he actually got the system himself?

I lost it!

Su Ze was stunned for a moment, then cheered up with his mood.

The crisp voice continued to echo in his mind.

"Ding! Loading complete!"

"Ding! The meeting gift package has been sent, please pay attention to check it!"

"Ding! The treasure chest function has been activated!"

The crisp notification sound ended, but at the same time, a stream of mysterious information flooded into Su Ze's mind.

After reading the information.

Su Ze immediately understood the function of his system.

Maybe it's God's will.

His system is designed to help him survive in the wilderness, and has no other functions of hanging up the sky.

The system comes with a treasure chest function.

As long as he insists on signing in, he can open the treasure chest once every three days and have the opportunity to acquire various survival skills.

"Open the meeting gift bag."

Silently in my heart.

"Ding! Get the Wilderness Survival Guide*1."

"Ding! Get the experience package *1 for drilling wood to make fire."

"Ding! Get primary body strengthening agent*2."

These three gift packs...


Su Ze's eyes lit up. These three gift bags are very useful to him, and it can be said to have solved the urgent need.

He has just graduated from high school, and he doesn't know much about outdoor survival. When he learned that he was selected by the program group, he just bought some books on wilderness survival to make up for it.

With the Wilderness Survival Guide, he will have a more comprehensive understanding of outdoor survival.


Survive the outdoors.

What is the most important?

Shelter, food, fire, and potable water.

People can eat raw things.

But only once or twice once in a while, if it goes on for a long time, the stomach will not be able to persist.

If he gets the experience pack of drilling wood to make fire, then he will be able to solve the problem of fire and eat cooked food earlier than other challengers.

As for the primary body enhancer, it can strengthen his and Gouzi's bodies at the same time, which is also very useful.

Therefore, Su Ze was very excited at the moment.

However, watching him and Gouzi taking a bath in the sea, the few remaining water friends in the live broadcast room began to feel anxious for them.

"Go ashore quickly."

"God, why are you still taking a bath, hurry up and find a shelter."

"You don't really want to give up, do you?"

"It's hard to see that a dog has participated in the challenge. Brother Su Ze, don't let us down."

"It's a pity that the dog Rhubarb has such an irresponsible and cowardly owner."




"It's time to hit the road."

Su Ze looked at the scorching sun above his head, and patted the dog's head next to him, "Rhubarb, it's time for us to act."

After saying that, he left the sea, picked up the engineering shovel in his hand, and scraped off the scorching sand and gravel on the beach.

Didn't shovel too deep, just shoveled off the sand on the surface.

Every time he shoveled, he took a step.

Step on it, it's cool.

This way, he thought that when he was working barefoot in the soil when he was a child, he dug up the soil above, and the soil below would be cool.

At this time a try, really useful.

He glanced ahead and continued to shovel the sand.


"It's a little clever."

"Not too stupid."

"Yo, didn't you give up?"


Su Ze finally left the beach and came to the edge of the jungle. Standing under the shade of a tree, with the sea breeze blowing, he suddenly felt much cooler.

At the same time, he felt a burning pain in his back.

No doubt.

He knew that his back must have been sunburned, and after a day or two, there would be burning pain.

"Wang Wang~"

Rhubarb barked at the owner, gently arched the owner's ankle with his head, flicked his tail, opened his mouth wide, and stretched his tongue constantly.

As you can see, it's hot.

When Su Ze was shoveling sand just now, this guy had already run over ahead of time.

"I know many people think I'm stupid, right? In order to get this engineering shovel, I don't need any clothes, trousers or shoes, just wear a pair of underpants."

Su Ze raised the engineering shovel in his hand, raised his head slightly, and smiled at the round ball floating above his head.

This is a live ball, used to shoot his survival scenes.

He knew how to survive in the wilderness, and he couldn't stay silent all the time, otherwise not only would there be no live broadcast effect, but the survivors would also be suffocated to death.

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room: "???"

Everyone didn't pour water, just waiting for him to continue talking.

"This is because I can solve the problem of clothes, pants and shoes. Now I will let everyone see how to solve it."

Su Ze grinned, showing his big white teeth.

Did not specifically say how to solve it.

Instead, it sold a small pass.

However, this really played a live broadcast effect, at least many water friends in the live broadcast room did not leave, and chose to continue watching.

"Come on, Rhubarb, let's go into the mountains."

Su Ze patted the dog with a smile, and walked into the jungle by the beach with a sapper shovel. When he got to the edge of the jungle, he started chopping with the sapper shovel.

This is a mangrove forest. Although there are not many thorny vines, it is obviously impossible to go in barefoot and naked. You have to deal with it first before you can get in.

But even so.

Su Ze didn't take two steps, but his right foot was accidentally scratched by a sharp stone, and many bloodstains were drawn on his body by the branches.

"This is the real survival in the wilderness, full of cruelty!"

"Haha, I also said that I need to solve the problem of clothes, pants and shoes. I just got into the woods and my feet hurt."

"Difficult, too difficult."

The water friends in the live broadcast room all sighed.

"Small problem, haha."

Su Ze didn't take it seriously, it was just a small injury, who hasn't experienced it among rural kids?

He's not some fresh meat in the entertainment industry, and he still needs to hit 120 if his fingers are scratched.

Sitting on the somewhat soaked ground, Su Ze simply treated the wound with tender grass. Seeing that the bleeding was not much, he continued to walk deep into the jungle.

Life is difficult, but thinking of his parents' helplessness in the face of tuition fees, and the cold eyes and ridicule of those relatives, he must persevere.

Not far.


Rhubarb suddenly barked loudly, with his back slightly bowed, fur all over his body, and a pounce attacking posture.

Su Ze stopped in his tracks. His body was very dry and hot, but suddenly he fell into an ice cellar, the hairs on his body stood on end, and a wave of fear came to his heart.

It wasn't just him, at this moment, all the water friends in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

I see.

In front of Su Ze, a strange person suddenly appeared,

He was wearing a tattered bamboo hat, coarse linen clothes and cloth shoes, a simple long sword pinned to his waist, and a bow in his hand.

His hands were very black, and the face hidden under the bamboo hat could not be seen clearly. It was smeared with a thick layer of mud, as if wearing a hideous mask.

The sharp black arrow was aimed at Su Ze, making him dare not move.

Live room:
Host Lin Shijing: "Let's turn our attention to the challenger named Su Ze again, and see if he and his dog have left the sea, ah..."

"Isn't it an uninhabited desert island? How could there be indigenous people?!!!"

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