"Su Ze, you arrived so soon?"

Chang Le, who was frowning and earnestly chopping trees, suddenly became happy.

She was worried that they would not be able to build the shelter today.

Didn't think so.

Su Ze's speed is so fast.

After a while, they crossed a distance of fifteen kilometers, rushed to the camp, and joined her.

Rhubarb is also very jolly.

He kept rubbing his head against the corner of his master's trousers, and kept whimpering and whimpering.

That is a happy emotion.

"It has to be quick."

Su Ze gently moved the dog's ears with his hands, and said with a smile: "It's only been more than four hours. If I drive too slowly and come back late, I want to build the shelter today by you alone. It's probably enough."

"I've been worrying about this just now. Now that you're back, I feel much more at ease."

Changle said happily.

"Then hurry up and cut down the trees, and build the shelter early."

Su Ze took out the live broadcast ball from his pocket, turned on the live broadcast switch, and let it fly into the air.

Then he walked aside, took the engineer shovel in his hand, and cut down the tree with Chang Le.

He saw two wolverines on the branch.

But didn't say anything.

I didn't feel any surprise either.

After all, the heroine was born as a swordsman, and she has practiced real kung fu since she was a child. In ancient times, kung fu was a killing technique.

Although the wolverine has a ferocious temperament, it is also very lethal. It is known as the little grizzly bear. It is not easy for ordinary people to deal with it.

But the Heroine can definitely handle it.

Not to mention.

And rhubarb was with her.

Rhubarb's fighting power was originally considered to be the best in the dog world. He learned hunting skills from the Xiasi hounds in the village since he was a child. After coming to the island, he was injected with a primary body strengthening agent like him.

Its strength, speed, and agility have been greatly improved. If it really wants to fight, adults will definitely not be able to handle it without a weapon at hand.

Facing the heroine and its combined strength, these two ferocious wolverines are really not enough.

So, seeing the corpses of the two wolverines, Su Ze was very indifferent.

Of course.

At the same time, he was in a happy mood.

With two wolverines, the three of them will have no shortage of food for a long time to come.

Su Ze was indifferent.

But the hosts and guests in the live broadcast room and countless viewers in the live broadcast room are not calm at this moment.


"Fuck, why is Master Su so fast?"

"Fifteen kilometers, that's fifteen kilometers."

"Outrageous! This horse riding is outrageous!"

"How did he come here so quickly?"

"Could it be flying?"

"Is there a Hot Wheels under your feet?"

"A plane?"

"Secret, Master Su must have a secret."

"That must be there."

"Before, I deliberately closed the live broadcast room, probably because I was afraid that we would find out his secret."

Live room:
"Why is Su Ze so fast?"

Lin Shijing looked around Fang Jiong, Mr. De and Matt with her beautiful eyes, and said in surprise.

"Kung fu, what Challenger Su uses is definitely the real Kung Fu of your Kyushu Kingdom!"

Master De blurted out without thinking.

"I think so."

Matt chimed in.

Fifteen kilometers away.

Under normal circumstances, even on a flat road, no matter how fast a person runs, it will take at least an hour.

If you are traveling at a regular speed, it is definitely not an exaggeration to spend two or three hours.

But if it is in the forest, if you want to cover a distance of fifteen kilometers, the time spent will definitely be doubled, or even several times.

Because the road in the mountains is rugged, especially the location chosen by the program group.

It is the uninhabited area of ​​the Central Siberian Plateau in the North Bear Country.

Just in the area of ​​the Yenisei River.

There are many complex terrain forms such as rivers, swamps, frozen soil, and glaciers.

It is even more difficult to travel.

But Su Ze...

How long did it take him?

It's just outrageous.

Apart from the mysterious kung fu of Kyushu Kingdom, De Ye and Matt couldn't think of any other possibility.

a time.

Both of them were inexplicably curious about the real martial arts of the Kyushu Kingdom, and their hearts were very hot.

Which man has no kung fu dream.

Especially the two of them.

As the world's top wilderness survival masters, the two of them naturally have abundant experience and skills in outdoor wilderness survival.

If they had the strength of Su Ze, wouldn't they be able to create more miracles on the road in the wilderness in the future?

By the time.

What is the name of Mr. Pei? Can he still be compared with the two of them?
"It should be without a doubt."

Fang Jiong glanced at Master De and Matt, and said.

He saw the longing and yearning in the eyes of De Ye and Matt, so why not him.

In the jungle.

Su Ze doesn't know that he has become the target of public criticism, which is a bit inappropriate to describe.

To be precise, he has received more attention.


Holding an engineering shovel in his hand, he was earnestly cutting down the trees. He saw the location of the camp chosen by Changle and thought it was very suitable.

With two big rocks as support and support, it is relatively simple to build a shelter, and it is also very comfortable to live in.

Can play a certain role in wind protection.

As expected of the Central Siberian Plateau, it is located within the Arctic Circle, and the weather is very cold in August.

It was very windy in the woods.

It would be unbearable if you don't wear outdoor cold and warm cotton clothes.

The engineering shovel in his hand is a new engineering shovel provided by the program group.

The previous handle has been returned.

The energy in his body circulated, and it was supported on the sharp shovel of the engineer shovel. When Su Ze cut trees, he felt very comfortable and crisp.

A tree as thick as a small bowl can be cut down with two shovels.

Changle holds the SOG Voodoo Eagle Black and White Shuangsha Tactical Axe, and the tree-cutting efficiency is not bad.

After the two of them cut down the tree for half an hour, they stopped.

"Lele, the wood needed is almost there, let's start building the shelter now."

"I will build the main frame, and you go around to collect some grass and moss, and then we will use it as an insulation layer."

Su Ze said to Chang Le.


Chang Le nodded, took the engineering shovel from Su Ze and began to shovel the grass and moss in the woods.

"His idea is good. Using moss and turf as an insulation layer can play a very good role in heat preservation and wind protection."

Master De nodded secretly, and gave Su Ze a thumbs up for this proposal.

"They are also lucky. The location of the camp is not much permafrost, and there are a lot of grass and moss growing on the ground."

Matt spoke.

"Other groups, the other member is still on their way, only Su Ze and his group have started to cooperate to build a shelter, which is really"

Fang Jiong was going to make two sarcastic remarks to liven up the atmosphere.

However, the story is not over yet.

Fang at this time.

A bright red prompt appeared on the public screen.

[Group 9 sent out a distress signal, and the nearby rescue teams are asked to go to their location immediately for rescue! 】

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