Live: Survival on a deserted island for full-level students

Chapter 213 What Filled My Mouth, Oh, So It Was Dog Food

"It's raining again."

Listening to the sound of rain and wind outside the house, Chang Le seemed a little depressed. It rained every day, which made her feel very irritable.

"It's okay to be big, what's the matter?"

Su Ze smiled lightly. He used to hate rainy and cloudy days, and felt particularly depressed, especially when facing the final exam.

But now that he's not studying at school, he doesn't have any pressure on him, and he's making a lot of money every day, so he feels very relaxed.

It feels like the continuous raindrops have become beautiful and vivid.

"It's annoying, I don't like rain."

Chang Le hummed, rolled his eyelids, and gave Su Ze a white look.

"Listening to the rain is a kind of catharsis, and watching the rain is a kind of decompression. We were tired for so long a few days ago, so it's time to relax."

Su Ze smiled.

Turn over the fish on the grill, brush a layer of lard on it with a brush made of brown hair, and suddenly a burst of fragrant smell hits the nostrils.

All the fish caught in the morning have been cleaned up by him and Chang Le, and they are now being smoked and grilled on the grill. Not to mention, grilling fish has become much more convenient than before since I picked up this stainless steel grill at the beach.

Although he used bamboo to make two automatic rotary grills before, how could the stainless steel grill in front of him be comfortable to use?
Looking at the stainless steel grill in front of him, he plans to wait until the end of the 15-day challenge at home, and then go to the beach to search for a wave to see if he can find some other marine debris.

While today's society and economy are developed, a lot of garbage is produced along with it, and these garbage floats to all parts of the world under the influence of ocean waves.

Although this is an undeveloped uninhabited desert island, it is relatively easy to find some marine garbage.

He used to watch Master De and Master Pei often use marine garbage to make their lives better when they were trying to survive. If the garbage is well utilized, it can also be turned into treasure.

"This fish is grilled, will you eat first or should I eat first?"

Chang Le has no time to enjoy the rain scene, and she doesn't know what's going on. These two days, she has been extremely irritable and uncontrollably irritable.

She knows why.

Because her period is coming soon.

Whenever menstruation is coming, her mood is very low.

Fortunately, the food made by Su Ze was delicious, and the delicious taste could make her forget her troubles and sorrows. Flipping the grilled fish on the grill, she licked the corners of her lips, and her throat rolled slightly.

"Eat it first, remember to leave the fish head for Rhubarb, its eyes are staring round, haha."

The corner of Su Ze's mouth raised slightly. When a girl asks this kind of question, do you need to say the answer?Unless it's a contestant with terminal cancer, anyone knows how to fill in the correct answer.

"Then I eat first?"

Chang Le glanced at him.

Su Ze: ()
I've already eaten it all, why are you asking me?

Female hero, may I ask if you did it on purpose, did you do it on purpose...?
"good to eat."

Chang Le squinted his eyes, his brows were full of joy.

The smell of the grilled fish made most of the restlessness in her heart disappear in an instant, and a small half of the troubles left. It is estimated that eating two more bites of the grilled fish will disappear together.

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Seeing how the heroine ate happily, Su Ze himself was a little greedy. He lowered his head and glanced at the grill, and found that other fish would have to wait for a while to be cooked.

The heroine ate a small fish.

After the fishing in the morning, the woman felt that she had no sense of participation at all, so she went fishing alone for a while later.

The harvest was not bad. It took half an hour to catch a palm-length crucian carp.

"Would you like to try it?"

Chang Le handed Su Ze a pair of chopsticks.

"Need not."

"Well, my grilled fish is delicious."

Chang Le rolled his eyes and said he would not eat, but his mouth and hands were not honest at all, hum~


“My grilled fish is delicious. ( ̄へ ̄)”

"Master Su, I really don't want to eat, but I can't control my hand, so I can't help it."

"What filled my mouth, oh, it turned out to be dog food, shit."

"This life is really nourishing. Looking at the challengers of other groups, tsk tsk, the gap is too big."

"Without comparison, there is no harm."

"Yu Zhuo: Lele, if it's a sister, bring me a grilled fish. I'm so hungry that my eyes are going to panic. ヾ(﹏)"

"A lot of people have been eliminated during this period, and another group was eliminated just now, and now there are only 53 groups left."

"Yeah, it's only been less than a month, and it is estimated that more people will be eliminated later."

"The top ten combinations in the food competition, it seems that there are only 5 combinations left? What a cruel scene, tsk tsk."

"Cruel is cruel, but the three groups of our Kyushu Kingdom are still alive. This is something worth celebrating."

"Upstairs, you are very spiritual if you are still alive."

In the live broadcast room, several hosts and guests couldn't help feeling very moved when they saw the warm scene of Chang Le and Su Ze eating grilled fish in the bamboo house.

Because of God's perspective, they, like the audience, can clearly know the survival conditions of all challengers.

Compared with the combination of Su Ze and Rhubarb, the life of other challenger combinations is really difficult.

Even for this challenge, many of the top ten teams have abstained one after another, and the few teams that are still persisting are in very bad condition.

One member of the group was already considering whether to abstain from voting, and went out to find food in the heavy rain. The feeling of being hungry was really uncomfortable.

Some combinations, the survival situation is not bad.

It's like a group from Sawadika. Their camp is similar to Su Ze and Dahuang's earlier camp. Next to the camp is a pool of water formed by gully erosion, which is rich in fish resources.

Relying on various traps, this combination can catch more or less fish every day, even in this continuous rainy day, they are not very hungry.

It is a pity that they did not participate in the food competition and the 15-day home challenge.



Yu Zhuo was so hungry that her eyes were almost blurred, she was lying on the hammock in pain, feeling that she didn't have much strength to turn over.

"Brother, are you making kudzu powder soup?"

she asked.

"Well, there's still a little pueraria powder left, let's have it for lunch and some cassava chips in the evening." Yu Lei turned his head and smiled at his sister.


Yu Zhuo suppressed tears, and nodded heavily. She and her brother only had such a little food left, and it had to be properly distributed and arranged.

She didn't know how many of the top ten groups had survived so far, but what she knew was that she and her brother couldn't give up.

It's not that I didn't eat at all, the body replenished a little bit of energy, and I was able to last a day.

Looking at the falling rain outside the cave, she inexplicably thought of Su Ze and Chang Le, and murmured to herself, "I don't know what's going on with Lele and the others..."

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