Live: Survival on a deserted island for full-level students

Chapter 178 In the primitive rainforest, there are treasures everywhere


"Continued to be sunny."

Su Ze calculated the weather with the skill package for calculating the weather, and suddenly found that the weather for the next three days would still be sunny.

As such.

A thought suddenly emerged from his heart.



Chang Le looked at Su Ze suspiciously, and asked, "What's so wonderful?"

"It's nothing."

Su Ze waved his hands, stood up, and said, "Let's go, let's dry the bamboo branches we got back together."

Because of the lack of tools, he can only dry these bamboo branches collectively for the time being, and then pick off the bamboo rice when there are tools later.

"Are you going out this afternoon?"

Chang Le asked.


Su Ze answered one word concisely.


Chang Le nodded, stopped talking, and dried the bamboo branches brought back with Su Ze.

After drying all the bamboo branches evenly, the two and a dog braved the scorching sun and left the camp again.

Not long after they left, seven or eight freshwater crocodiles reappeared from the dark and guarded the island.

With them looking after the house, King Su Bi felt at ease.

"It's much cooler in the rainforest."

Entering the rainforest, feeling the coolness of the mountains and forests, Changle couldn't help sighing.

"It's much cooler without the sun."

Su Ze said with a smile.

"I don't know what happened to Yu Zhuo and her brother." Chang Le said suddenly.

"Leave them alone, let's hurry up and look for ingredients."

Su Ze bent down and dug out a plant from the ground with an engineering shovel, and broke off the stems and leaves on it, leaving only the fruit roots in the soil.

Wipe off the dirt, and conveniently put it into Rhubarb's exclusive pannier.

"What is this?" Chang Le asked.

"Wild ginger can be used as traditional Chinese medicine or used for cooking." Su Ze said casually.

"It's there too."

Chang Le pointed to a certain place and walked over quickly.

"Then dig more."

Su Ze followed and dug out the wild ginger with an engineering shovel, saying: "We have enough food in reserve now, so we have to improve the quality of life, so"

"So what?"

Changle looked at him.

"So, our task this afternoon is to find more condiments and spices, such as wild ginger, star anise, pepper, cumin, grass fruit... If you can find it, don't let it go."

Su Ze spoke in one breath for half a minute, dozens of spices, and he opened his mouth to come, his face was not red and his heart was beating, and he didn't even take a breath.


"Cow batch."

"Is this talking about cross talk?"

"This high school student is amazing. He is even better than the chefs in our restaurant. The chefs in our restaurant can't finish all the names of spices in one breath."

"That's still called a chef?"

"How strange, even though I know all the spices, I still tremble when I announce my name."

"Master Su is very talented in cooking at first glance. We at New Oriental welcome him to join. Tuition, accommodation, etc. are all free!!!"

"I'm sorry, we, Lanxiang, need him more."

"The two in front, are you not paying attention to our family's university education?"



"I don't know them, so I can only let you find them." Chang Le twitched Xiao Qiong's nose, her ruddy pretty face was a bit ugly.

She was a little self-irritated.

Compared with Su Ze, I really don't understand anything.

Could it be that people after a thousand years are all so powerful?


It's just too scary.

"It's okay, I'll look for it if I look for it, it's normal if you don't know each other, but it's not normal if you do."

Su Ze laughed.


Chang Le raised his eyes, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Except for professional chefs and people who grow spices, ordinary people will not know this thing. When they need it, they can just go to the market to buy it."

Su Ze explained.

"Oh, that."

In an instant, Chang Le was not so lost in his heart.

She thought to herself, this should be what Su Ze said about specialization in surgery.

"Let's go, keep searching. We're lucky. We found two wild ginger plants just after we arrived. This is a good sign. I think the harvest today should be pretty good."

Su Ze put the engineer shovel aside, rubbed his hands on the tree trunk lightly, wiped off the mud on his hands, and continued to explore.

"I'm craving some pheasant."

While walking, Chang Le suddenly said.

"You didn't say it earlier, we should bring the trap we made before."

Su Ze sighed.

It had been raining for nearly half a month before, and he was very bored in the wooden house, so he made a lot of traps with discarded bamboo strips and rattan.

When I moved, I moved all of them up at once, and they are still in the corner of the kitchen.

Because there was no shortage of food all the time, Su Ze never thought of taking out the traps he had made.

"Forget it, why are you so fierce?"

Chang Le twitched her mouth and hummed unhappily.


The corners of Su Ze's eyes twitched. A woman with a temper can't be provoked, and a woman with a temper can't be provoked even more.

Liang Zai agreed.

"Look back, let's try the trap we made and see if we can catch some prey."

Su Ze squatted on the ground suddenly, pointed to a clump of grass in front of him, and said, "Look, this should be the path for pheasants. You can put the trap here next time."

"How did you see it?"

Chang Le was very surprised, she looked carefully for a long time, but couldn't see why.

But Su Ze was sure that it was the way of the pheasant.

"How strange, when I was young, my dad and I often went to the mountains to get pheasants to eat."

"It's not just me, I believe that many children who grew up in rural areas have this experience."

Su Ze waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "Let's go, don't destroy this place for now, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the pheasants."


Chang Le glanced at his back, and silently followed behind him.


"I've had this experience too."

"When I was a child, I often made a set for pheasants and rabbits in the mountains."

"Rats have their ways, and snakes have their ways. The one the anchor said just now is indeed the way of pheasants. Anyone with experience can see it."

"I miss my childhood memories of going to the mountains to fall into traps. Look at the children now. They complain about this and that after walking a few steps. The gap is too big."

"There is nothing wrong with this. I plan to take my son back to his hometown in the countryside to live for a while during the summer vacation, so as to exercise him."

The two of them and the dog had just walked a certain distance, and suddenly, Su Ze stopped again.

Not far away, he saw a shrub that looked like a vine but not a vine, and the red fruit on the scene, his expression brightened, and he said: "In the primeval rainforest, there are indeed treasures everywhere, Lele, come and take a look, I found out again Good stuff."

"Huh? What good stuff?"

Changle and the water friends in the live broadcast room heard Su Ze's words and quickly followed his gaze.

I saw a shrub nearly three meters high not far ahead, with bright red fruits hanging from it.

The shape is a bit weird.

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