Live: Survival on a deserted island for full-level students

Chapter 173 Overconfident? (Modified, Dazhang)

"You can also smelt iron or copper."

Su Ze walked in front and said lightly.

He is different from ordinary people, he doesn't like to watch TV dramas, but he only loves all kinds of documentary and survival videos.

Have seen similar videos before.

In addition, he has obtained the skill package of systematic ancient copper smelting, so now he is very good at this ancient skill.

It just hasn't been shown.

"Can iron and copper be smelted? Then we can make some iron and copper tools later."

Chang Le trotted forward, blocking Su Ze, looking at her expectantly.


She was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

She knew that Su Ze knew a lot, but she didn't expect that Su Ze could also smelt iron and copper.

Iron and brass, for both of them, were scarce.

If you can make some out.

How great.

At least it's more durable than pottery, isn't it?


Su Ze shrugged with a dismissive expression.


Chang Le pouted her red lips, her expression instantly collapsed, and her mood was slightly depressed.

She felt that there was nothing wrong with her proposal. Why did Su Ze object?

"Aren't we going to live on this island for the rest of our lives, building all the tools we need?"

Seeing the aggrieved look of the heroine, Su Ze was delighted, and hurriedly explained.


Chang Le nodded subconsciously, yes, she and Su Ze will not stay on this deserted island forever.

Leaving in a few months.

It really doesn't have to be that troublesome.

"That's right, besides, we're about to participate in the challenge task assigned by the program group. We will definitely be the first. Then we can choose four pieces of survival equipment. You can choose whatever you want."

Su Ze grinned.

"Well, then let's not smelt iron and copper."

Changle's mood suddenly improved.

The size of the small island is just that big, and the two of them walked a few steps to the place where Changle had just beaten kudzu.


"Pfft... Master Su is so confident."

"It's so confident. It took only three days to prepare for the challenge mission. It's the second day. He hasn't prepared anything yet, so he feels that he has won the first place, haha."

"Who gave him such courage?"

"So this is the legendary Xiu'er."

"Just went out for a walk, and found that most of the groups that participated in the challenge have gone out to find food, and the two of them are still in the camp. I think this No. 1 cliff will go to someone else."

"Master Su: I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Live room:
"Mr. Fang Jiong, is Su Ze overconfident?"

Several host guests couldn't help but look very strange when they heard Su Ze's confident words.

The beautiful host Lin Shijing looked at Fang Jiong, and couldn't help asking.

"A bit."

Fang Jiong nodded truthfully, pointed to the number displayed on the upper right corner of the big screen, and said: "So far, there are currently 78 groups of challengers who are persisting in survival, and a total of 41 groups of challengers have participated in this challenge."

"Through tracking, we learned that both the contestants who participated in this challenge and those who did not participate in this challenge are all going out to find food at this time."


"Only Su Ze and his group are still staying in the camp. To be honest, although Su Ze and his team have a lot of food reserves, if things go on like this, I'm really worried about whether they can succeed in the challenge."

Lin Shijing nodded slightly. Su Ze is one of the seeded contestants in the program group and has attracted much attention.

It can be said.

He can be regarded as one of the most promising challengers at present.

He also stores more food than most Challengers.

But if he is too confident, maybe reality will teach him how to behave.

"I hope Su Ze will burn out the tiles as soon as possible, and then go out to find more food and come back."

Lin Shijing sighed lightly.

"The bamboo house he built is not small. Although Li Lele made a lot of mud tiles, I guess the quantity should not be enough."

Fang Jiong said.

"That's a problem."

Lin Shijing glanced at the big screen, looked at the mud tiles covered by wide banana leaves, and nodded.

"I really want to taste Challenger Su's cooking skills. Every time they eat, the girl looks fascinated. I think the food he cooks must taste very good."

Master De suddenly spoke.

"I have the same idea, haha."

Matt stroked his thinning hair, grinned, and let out a geigeigei laugh from his mouth.


Lin Shijing and Fang Jiong looked at each other, and they communicated with each other, which was meaningful.

It tastes good?
Except for some salt, there is no seasoning, how can the taste be so good?
Li Lele is a native.

I haven't eaten any delicious food, of course I think it tastes good.

At this time.

Suddenly a voice came from Fang Jiong's headset, his expression changed, and he said with a smile: "Brothers and sisters Yu Zhuo and Yu Lei are lucky today, and they found some kudzu roots again this morning."

"Really? That's really good luck."

Lin Shijing was a little surprised. After listening to Su Ze's words yesterday, the siblings left the small island in the middle of the lake to find food.

Gather wild fruits and vegetables, and look for kudzu root by the way.

However, it was not until evening that a kudzu root was found, and the one dug out was not big.

The process can be described as quite bumpy.

But today...

Obviously things are different.

"Let's go to the live broadcast room of their brothers and sisters." Fang Jiong smiled, and silently asked the background director to change the picture on the big screen.

Once you open the live broadcast room.

The scene that came into view was the scene of the brother and sister digging kudzu together.

Brother Yu Lei kept digging the soil with an engineer shovel, while younger sister Yu Zhuo pried there with a wooden stick.

In the basket behind Yu Zhuo, there are many things, including papaya, plantain, and some wild vegetables.

"Brother, this kudzu root is so big. Although it's not as good as what Su Ze and the others dug up, there are a lot of kudzu root powder made into it."

Yu Zhuo said happily.

"There are still some next to them. Let's dig them hard. Whether they can last for fifteen days or not depends on these kudzu roots."

Yu Lei is also very happy. He and his sister have already stocked up a lot of food, and now they have found several kudzu plants. He really has some confidence in the upcoming challenge.

this moment.

He was deeply grateful to Su Ze.

If it wasn't for Su Ze, then he and his sister would never have dared to participate in this challenge.

"I don't know what's going on with Lele and Su Ze. Without our help, I don't know how long it will take them to build a bamboo house. Hey."

Yu Zhuo changed the subject and said suddenly.

"Why don't we dig up the kudzu root and move it back, and let's go and have a look? Although Su Ze swore yesterday that he could build it in half a day, I'm optimistic."

Yu Lei said to his sister.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Yu Zhuo let out a breath, as if he had guessed something in his heart.

"Let's help them. In fact, it doesn't matter whether we participate in this challenge. If we participate, we may not be able to advance to the top three. It's better to help them and form a good relationship."

Yu Lei said.

"Okay, okay, then let's dig quickly."

Yu Lei clapped his hands and became very happy.

Yu Lei smiled knowingly, he was still worried that his sister would disagree, but fortunately, her sister also agreed with his decision.


It's my sister.

After hearing their words, the audience became emotional.


"The road is getting wider."

"Congratulations to Yu Lei and Yu Zhuo, the brothers and sisters are now on the Roman Avenue."

"The road is getting wider and wider."

"What is a smart person? This horse is a smart person."

There are a lot of bullet screens. After all, it is an official live broadcast room, and the number of viewers is much higher than that of a single challenger live broadcast room.

The brothers and sisters had a brief discussion, and then seriously dug up the kudzu root.

Before I knew it, a few hours passed.

"Su Ze, is the tile ready?"

Chang Le held a grilled fish in her hand, and she didn't know what was going on. The fish grilled by Su Ze was not only not fishy at all, but also tasted very good.

"Come on, after dinner, let's explore the surrounding area and find ingredients."

Su Ze washed his face with the water in the clay basin, and said cheerfully.

All morning, he was helping Changle make kudzu root powder, and the filtered kudzu root powder water had been packed in two large tanks.

Come back in the afternoon, filter it a few more times, pour out the excess water in the big tank tomorrow, pick out the kudzu root in it, mash it and dry it before eating.

The big vat was fired yesterday.

last night.

After the two of them built the kitchen, although it was late in the evening, it was midsummer, with long days and short nights, and it would take more than eight o'clock to completely darken.

Therefore, while Su Ze was cooking dinner, Changle set up a bonfire and fired two large vats.

This morning, Su Ze was helping to make kudzu root powder, and was also burning tiles at the same time.

Put the mud tiles in the tile kiln, put some dry firewood in the stove hole below and ignite it, and it will be calcined.

He took a look just now, and the flames rose up along those small round holes. Under the continuous calcination of the fire, the clay tiles in the kiln had begun to turn red.

When they turn red completely, and then cool down, the clay tiles are calcined.

"With these pueraria powder, we can eat for a long time again, which is great."

Chang Le threw the fish bone into the bamboo basket, picked up another grilled fish, squinted his eyes, and ate it in small bites.

"Half a month is no problem."

Su Ze grinned, glanced at the two large vats not far away, and said, "I'll have to look for some kudzu roots later."


Chang Le nodded, she very much agrees with this proposal, kudzu root powder has many uses, as long as there is enough pectin, it can be used to make steamed buns, steamed buns, and dumplings.


Su Ze threw a grilled fish to Rhubarb and ate it himself.

Da Huang eats fish too fast, much faster than him and Chang Le.

The two of them hadn't eaten two bites yet, and this guy ate a grilled fish in a few bites like swallowing a jujube.

Fortunately, Su Ze used the remaining bamboo material to make another automatic rotary fish grilling machine.

Nearly ten fish can be grilled at one time, otherwise it is really not enough.

As for the fish.

It was Su Ze who caught it with god-level fishing skills and animal taming skills. With these two amazing skills, it is not easy for him to fish.

Under intentional hiding, it is basically one fish per minute.

The water friends didn't see any flaws.

Everyone thinks that there are too many fish in the lake and the ecological resources are too good.

two hours later.

"Su Ze, you forgot to wear the hat again."

"Bamboo tubes, bring two bamboo tubes, put some water on them, you can drink water in case you get thirsty."

"Put Rhubarb's pannier on it too, don't you see it staring at you eagerly?"

Su Ze leaned his shoulder against the door frame, and felt very happy when he heard the girl's nagging.

It's only a few days.

The once cold heroine is now like a qualified little wife, the change is too great.

Su Ze picked up the pannier and hung it on his back, then picked up the engineering shovel and saber.

Said: "Woman, take the sword!"


Chang Le rolled his eyes, took the saber, proudly raised his delicate pink chin, and said, "Let's go."


This is what a certain dog was waiting for.

He rushed out of the kitchen like lightning.

"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

As soon as it left the small island in the middle of the lake, it called out to the woods below the lake shore.

"Rhubarb, it's us, stop barking."

Yu Zhuo's little head popped out from below, happily waving at Da Huang.

"Yu Zhuo."


After seeing Yu Zhuo, Changle was also very happy, and waved to greet her.

"Wow, Lele, you two really built the bamboo house?" Yu Zhuo said in surprise.

"The bamboo house is built? No way?"

Yu Lei also came up from the woods below. Hearing what his sister said, he immediately looked towards the island.

Then I saw...

On the small island in the middle of the lake, a two-story bamboo house is quietly located, and there is a side room directly in front of it.

There are no tiles on it, only some large banana leaves, but it looks not only not bad at all, but also adds a little different beauty.

"Pretty, right? Hee hee."

Chang Le smiled and said to Yu Zhuo, she really looks good when she smiles, the dimples on both sides of her mouth are slightly rippling, her lips are undulating, and her eyes are like peach blossoms.


Yu Zhuo nodded and said with emotion: "This is not a bamboo house, it clearly looks like a small villa in a resort."


Su Ze was happy, looked at Yu Zhuo, and said: "You are the only one who can speak, but unfortunately there is no microphone, otherwise I must let you give a passionate speech."


Yu Zhuo bit the corner of his lips and gave Su Ze a white look.

Ever since she knew Su Zecai, she treated Su Ze like her younger brother, who dared to molested her sister, just to get beaten.



"What is a topic terminator, this is it."

"One thing to say, the bamboo house built by Master Su is really beautiful."

"The bamboo house was beautiful at the beginning, but after a long time, it became less beautiful."

"It's normal, just like my wife, at first I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world, now?"

"Wang Fugui, what are you talking about?!!!"

"Honey, you're watching the live broadcast too. I haven't finished talking yet. Now, I think you're also the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Pfft, Brother Fugui has a really strong desire to survive."

Yu Lei carefully looked at the bamboo house on the island for a few moments, then turned his gaze back to Su Ze, and gave him a thumbs up: "Su Ze, your bamboo house is really well built."

"It's okay, just fiddle with it casually."

Su Ze shrugged and asked, "Why are you two here? Aren't you preparing for the challenge mission?"

"My sister and I have found a lot of ingredients, but I think your bamboo house may not be built well, so I want to help you."

Yu Lei said seriously.

"Be careful, Brother Lei."

Su Ze's heart warmed up, he could hear what Yu Lei meant, he hugged his fist gratefully, and said, "We are going out to find ingredients now, shall we go together?"

"No, my sister and I should go somewhere else, we won't be together, lest the program crew think we are suspected of helping each other."

Yu Lei waved his hand.

"Okay, let's have a good chat after the show is over." Su Ze pulled Changle and beckoned Gouzi to leave along the lakeshore.

"Let's go, sister."

Yu Lei stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his sister.

Not long after they left, some uninvited guests suddenly came to the small island in the middle of the lake...

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