Tangshan factory canteen.

When Sha Zhu arrived at the kitchen, he flicked up his sleeves, showed off his skills, and started to work.

Director Yang has always ordered to follow the specifications, that is, the standard of five dishes and one soup, delicious and exquisite, but not extravagant.

He planned to have one dim sum, two vegetarian dishes, one meat dish, one half meat and half vegetarian dish, and one soup.

He quickly dug out a few cabbage hearts, put them in a bowl aside for later use, then cut a few shreds of ham, put them in a pot, and prepared to make a dish of boiled cabbage.

Then cut all the cabbage on the outside into thin shreds, and prepare a cabbage pancake with flour and eggs, add a little chopped green onion, and serve with the dipping sauce made by the secret sauce, so that there is also a snack.

For another vegetable, I used some shiitake mushrooms and mushrooms with carrots, and made a double mushroom carrot, and then put some secret sauce on it to bring out the umami taste.

For meat dishes, it is prepared to be a straw pricked meat.Straw pricked meat needs to be heated, and it needs some time to simmer slowly. At noon, we will make two pieces for the two factory managers to try.

Add the 01:30 chicken and stir-fry a spicy chicken diced with chili.

For soup, there is half a chicken soup left.

There are no high-end ingredients, but the combination of meat and vegetables, some light and heavy, the leader should be satisfied.

Sha Zhu was quick with his hands and feet, and in a short while he had already processed all the ingredients and put them on the plate for frying.

Xu Damao had nothing to do, squatting next to the Chinese cabbage in the cafeteria, gnawing on a piece of carrot, watching Shazhu busy for two hours before he finally finished all the preparations.

Sha Zhu finished his work, looked at the time, and muttered: "I don't know when the factory director will have dinner, I'll go and see."

When Xu Damao heard this, he jumped out from the pile of Chinese cabbage: "I'll go, I'll go for a run."

Originally, there was nothing to do and staying in the cafeteria would be boring, so running like this would give him another chance to contact the leader, so Xu Damao ran out in a panic.

After Xu Damao found out the location of the factory director's office, he ran away.

When he reached the door of the factory manager's office, he knocked on the door and entered.

"Director, the ingredients for lunch are almost ready, silly Zhu, no, He Yuzhu asked when are you going to eat?"

Director Yang looked at his watch and said to Director Zhao, "What about 12 o'clock?"

Director Zhao nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's go to the small restaurant at 12 o'clock, and then let the three masters from the Red Star Factory eat together."

So Xu Damao turned around and ran back to the cafeteria: "Silly Zhu, Director Yang asked us to eat together, and the meal starts at 12 o'clock."

Sha Zhu nodded, looked at the clock on the wall: "Then I can almost start cooking."

So, Shazhu set up the oil pan and stir-fried the prepared ingredients one by one.

When the first hot dish was ready, the cook of the Tangshan factory, who had been working in the kitchen, picked up the plate and wanted to deliver the meal to the small restaurant: "Master He, I'll serve the hot dish first."

"Okay, serve this cabbage first, otherwise the other dishes will have a strong taste, and this cabbage will not taste good. The rest will be finished in a few minutes, and I will bring it over by myself." After Sha Zhu ordered, he He continued to bow his head and cook.

Xu Damao followed the masters of the Tangshan factory to help bring the dishes to the small restaurant.

When the two factory managers arrived at the small restaurant, Sha Zhu also came up with the last two fried dishes.

Director Yang took a seat under the arrangement of Director Zhao, glanced at the dishes on the table, and felt quite satisfied.

The whole table dishes are rich in color matching, the quantity is not very large, and it is indeed very delicate.

"Master He, please introduce me."

"Oh, okay." Silly Zhu agreed.

So, he first served the boiled cabbage on the table.

Factory Manager Yang saw that there was a heart of cabbage on the huge plate, with a few goji berries and a few shreds of ham dotted on the side, and he couldn't help being taken aback.

Director Zhao couldn't help muttering in his heart, the cook at the Red Star Factory just cooked a boiled cabbage?
How will you entertain the vice president of the head office tomorrow? !

"This dish is called boiled cabbage." Silly Zhu said, stepped forward, lifted a ceramic teapot, and poured "boiled water" on the cabbage heart.

I saw that the cabbage heart opened petal by petal under the action of boiling water, just like the tuberose in full bloom.

This made the two directors happy.

"This cabbage will bloom, it's wonderful!" Director Yang couldn't help sighing, he didn't expect the cooks in his factory to have such unique skills, it's a bit of a waste to cook a large pot of rice in the cafeteria.

"This boiled cabbage looks good, but is the taste too bland?" Director Zhao couldn't help asking.

Silly Zhu smiled when he heard the words: "Try it."

So Director Yang and Director Zhao each picked up a vegetable leaf with chopsticks, soaked it in boiling water, and put it in their mouths.

The eyes of the two factory directors lit up involuntarily.

Director Yang: "Master He, why is this cabbage so fresh?"

Factory Director Zhao: "It looks bland, but it's actually sweet and refreshing."

"Both factory directors, although this dish is called boiled cabbage, the boiled water is not the same as the boiled water. The boiled water is actually made of soup made from ingredients such as chicken broth, ham, and scallops. It looks like boiled water." Silly Zhu explained with a smile.

"it is good!"


"Director Yang, the cooks in your factory are really good. With this dish alone, you won't lose face if you start the dish tomorrow." Director Zhao said with satisfaction in his heart.

Factory Manager Yang smiled with satisfaction, and then asked Shazhu: "Master He, what about the second method?"

Silly Zhu then brought two small bowls and placed them in front of the two factory managers.

In the bowl were two whole pieces of Dongpo meat, but different from the usual Dongpo meat, there was a thick straw rooted on the meat.

"Both factory directors, this second course is pricking meat with straw."

Director Yang and Director Zhao each picked up a small piece with chopsticks and put it in their mouths.

In addition to the soft and glutinous texture of Dongpo meat, there is also a faint fragrance of straw.



After the two factory managers tasted the rest of the dishes one by one, they also gave Shazhu a high evaluation.

"Master He, you are so young, you are so good at cooking, it's amazing! After all, you are a chef from Forty-Nine City, which is incomparable with our small place. If you arrange it like this tomorrow, the leaders of the head office must be satisfied." Zhao The factory manager sighed sincerely.

After listening to Director Zhao's praise, Director Yang felt very at ease.

Secretly said that this time the leadership inspection, the food aspect is stable.

After all, He Yuzhu is an employee of his own Red Star Factory, and praising him is tantamount to praising Red Star Factory.

Director Yang still felt that his face was bright.

"Two masters, don't stand there, sit down and eat together. We are guests from afar, so don't be polite." Director Zhao said kindly.

Xu Damao had been waiting for Director Zhao's words for a long time, and sat down when he heard the words.

Shazhu smiled and declined politely: "Director, you guys eat, I'm not done working in the kitchen yet."

Factory Manager Yang looked at Sha Zhu in surprise, and thought: It's quite a sense of proportion.

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