"Brother Zhang, I didn't expect that we harvested another 12 pheasants."

"This way we can last another week."

"What shall we do next? Should we take a short break for a few days, or continue to work?"

Niu Zhuangshi next to Zhang Xiaoxiao asked with a disgusted smile.

Their method is really tried and tested.

"Naturally continue!!"

"It must be to store more food..." Zhang Xiaoxiao said with her head held high.

This condescending feeling of being able to control the fate of others at will is really great.

This is something he has never experienced before.

It feels like an addiction.

Make people want to stop.

"Which unlucky guy will be next...?"


At this time, even the backstage studio of Shark Platform, many staff members couldn't stand it anymore.

"This Zhang Xiaoxiao looks even more disgusting than before."

"It really makes me despise from the bottom of my heart to attack two powerless girls!" A female staff member said with deep hatred.

This behavior is no different from robbers.

"Indeed, it's disgusting..."

The manager on the side also echoed.

But what can be done?

Many things are like this in reality, not to mention in the wilderness with no constraints.

The leaders did not speak, nor did they have any right to make any decisions.

In this line of work, they have seen too many things and videos that disgust them.

But that's their job.

Leaders need traffic and benefits.

Although Zhang Xiaoxiao's behavior made many people feel disgusted.

But it is undeniable that such an approach can get more traffic.

In this way, five days passed quickly.

Survival in the Wild has also entered the 20th day. During these five days, a total of 13 groups of players were eliminated.

After all, during this period of time, many players have already developed the mentality of giving up.

Especially those players who are not going well.

I can't hold on any longer.

On this island, what the contestants endure is not only the lack of food, but also the spiritual loneliness.

If there is no conflict between the players, maybe it will be better.

But once there are some conflicts between the two players, it will be a torment to persist for a second.

Damei and Zhixun used to be like this.

And in these five days, Su Yang has successfully built the general framework of their adobe shelter.

Then there are some tedious little things.

And in the past five days, he also took the opportunity to strengthen the little one twice with marrow washing liquid.

In just five days, the little one has doubled in size.

This shocked all the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even Daimei and Zhoujie, who have been living together, are completely incomprehensible.

Although small animals at this stage may grow faster.

But the growth rate of the little one is simply outrageous!
At this moment, he is almost the size of an adult wolf dog.

But no matter how shocked, no matter how confused and puzzled, they couldn't find any answers.

In the end, I can only think that the smaller breeds may be more special, so they grow faster.

In the early morning, Su Yang was still the first to wake up.

An actual breath of fresh air.

"Has it been 20 days already? Time flies so fast, it's another beautiful day."

Su Yang stretched his waist, and said to himself with a smile.

These five days have been spent building shelters, which really exhausted the three of them.

But fortunately, the big frame has been completely fixed.

Then there are some trivial matters, and it is not yet winter, so there is no need to be so anxious.

And in the past five days, occasionally the cry of wolves was heard.

It means that the wolves still haven't left this area.

This made Su Yang secretly determined that he must find a way to get rid of all the wolves!
There is always danger lurking around them, and this feeling makes him particularly uncomfortable...

【Ding!The system can check in on the 20th day, may I ask if the host has checked in? 】

At this moment, the system's electronic synthesis sound suddenly rang in his mind.

"Oh? Did it appear again?"

This surprised Su Yang.

Unexpectedly, after six days, the system actually appeared on its own initiative!
There seems to be no rules to follow in signing contracts with this system.

Every time he wants to appear, he will appear.

As for the reason!
know everything...

"Sign in." Su Yang chose to sign in without any hesitation.

Anyway, no matter what you get, you should be able to use it.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, reward: master fighting skills! 】

[The current abilities mastered by the host: Encyclopedia of wild animals and plants, full-level archery, elementary animal language, elementary animal trainer, master-level weaving skills, master-level fighting skills...]

The electronic synthesis sound of the system sounded soon.

"Oh? Is it fighting skills?"

"This time there is no marrow wash..."

Su Yang was a little surprised.

After all, every previous reward will have marrow washing liquid.

But this time the reward is actually only a master-level fighting skill!
For such a reward, although there is a little bit of disappointment, it is not unacceptable.

After all, he is now fully equipped with the skills and abilities to survive.

After washing up, Su Yang is going to go outside to investigate today.

Because of the building of the shelter, he hadn't been outside for several days.

Then Su Yang discovered that there were two more eggs in the chicken coop.

There are now three eggs in total, which is a pretty good start.

This proves that two pheasants have already started laying eggs, and more eggs will follow.

As long as you don't disturb them...

After a while, Sister Zhou and Sister Dai also got up.

Simply wash up, after breakfast.

The two of them also planned to go out and explore with Su Yang.

Although the cry of wolves was heard a few nights ago, the sound of wolves seemed to be getting farther and farther away from them.

This made their hearts that had been hanging around slowly drop down.

Time will dilute many things, including the fear and fear in their hearts.

After simply tidying up, putting on the backpack, and taking enough boiling water.

The three began to explore the jungle.

This time they continued to look for a route they hadn't traveled before.

Because in this way, more materials can be found.

Time passed minute by minute.

They also found a lot of wild vegetables, which can supplement rich vitamins.

I haven't been out much in the past few days, and I have been eating bacon all the time, so I can change the taste after I go back today.

Walked for about an hour or so.

Suddenly, a very dense tree appeared in front of Su Yang and the others.

This kind of tree is very rare on the island.

Although the diameter of the tree is only about forty or fifty centimeters, its height has reached more than 20 meters.

And the leaves of this tree are very dense, like a giant umbrella!
The emerald green leaves and shoots look so scary that you can eat them.

But Su Yang knew that this kind of tree was very dangerous.

It can even be said to be the most poisonous tree!

"Wow! What kind of tree is this? Why is it so tall?"

"Since I came to the island, this is the first time I have seen such a tall tree!"

Sister Zhou looked at the 20-meter-high tree in front of her in surprise and said.

Even the coconut trees I saw before couldn't match the height of this tree at all.

Dumb girl was naturally surprised.

Most of the island is covered with shrubs, so this is the first time she has seen such a tall tree.

"This is poison arrow wood, you can also call it blood-sealed throat..."

"The sap of this tree is as poisonous as the venom of the king cobra and is the most poisonous plant in the world."

"Just one drop can poison a ferocious tiger!"

Su Yang opened his mouth to explain.

The milky white sap inside the poison arrow wood is highly poisonous. Once this venom touches the wounds of humans or animals, it will immediately cause heart paralysis, blockage of blood vessels, coagulation of blood vessels, and finally suffocation to death!

If you don't get the most effective treatment within the optimal period of 20 minutes, you will die.

So people also very affectionately call it "seeing blood to seal the throat..."

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