Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 37 Sister Zhou, you are not interested in me, are you?

Three dishes and one soup, protein, carbohydrates and vitamins have been supplemented.

Moreover, it has the taste of hydrochloric acid fruit, and the taste is indeed very delicious.

Of course it is not as good as the Malatang and Hot and Sour Rice Noodles outside.

But being able to eat such a meal in the wilderness is a very luxurious thing for many wilderness survivors.

You must know the existence of Qiang Rude, and when you survive in the wilderness, you also adhere to the principle of starving and eating nine meals in the first three days.

If you can't go hungry for nine meals in three days, you won't be able to stimulate the potential in Master De's body at all.

"It feels so good to eat and drink!"

After eating, Su Yang touched his round belly.

In fact, even he himself did not expect that the two of them would go so smoothly these few days.

You must know that even if you have a system, you can't live so carefree without good luck.

After all, this island is very vast.

If they choose a location with a good location and a bad location, even food may become a problem.

"Yeah! It's so comfortable."

"If I can eat such a good meal every day in the days to come, I will be so satisfied!"

Sister Zhou also touched her flat stomach, and said with a satisfied face.

I haven't been hungry since I went to the island, and I have meat every day.

This kind of survival in the wilderness is probably impossible for many players!
Su Yang was actually very surprised, obviously sister Zhou ate almost the same as himself.

My stomach is already bulging, but sister Zhou's stomach is still flat.

Is this a unique talent of women?

"By the way, Su Yang, you are so good, did you have a girlfriend before?"

Sister Zhou cast a glance at Su Yang, then pretended to be calm and asked.

But he quickly added: "I'm not spying on your privacy, I just feel bored and casually ask, you can choose not to answer!"

Maybe Su Yang in the past was not eye-catching, he had no other specialties other than being handsome, he looked like an otaku.

But after getting along these few days, she knew that Su Yang was indeed very powerful.

Such a strong man who can perform in the wilderness.

In real life, it is absolutely impossible to be an otaku!
And such an excellent man, it would be a lie to say that no woman likes him.

More importantly, Su Yang's facial features are very handsome.

"No! You know, I haven't found a job for months."

"What's more, I don't have any source of income. Do you think girls nowadays can look up to someone like me?"

Su Yang lightly teased himself.

Self-deprecation is also a realistic portrayal!

Most women these days are very realistic.

Compared with a handsome guy without money, I would rather be with a rich sixty-year-old man.

But nothing is absolute, Su Yang still believes that there is true love in this world.

There are also good girls who don't worship money! !

It's just that the social atmosphere has made most girls like that.

It even formed a distorted atmosphere of comparing this kind of thing!

For girls ten years ago, most of the comparisons were their handsome boyfriends and excellent grades.

But now the comparison is all about which godfather has the best physical fitness and buys them the most expensive bags.

There are even many people who regard it as a supreme honor to be a mistress and break up other people's families.

So under such circumstances, it was not easy for the former Su Yang to find a girlfriend.

"Me, me, me!! Brother Su chose me, and I will be the woman of God."

"I came first, Brother Su chose me."

"Brother Su, I have a sweet mouth and a good (bite)..."

"I don't have special skills, but I'm very big..."

"Big??? At this moment, a big sister from 36F is passing by."

"Fuck! Is this a woman?"

"I want to get off, this is not the car for kindergarten..."

"You can get a nosebleed just by watching a barrage, what a fucking dog!"


Su Yang's words made most of the female fans in the live broadcast room agitated.

"Cut! I don't believe it!"

"In my opinion, a guy like you must have been the king of the deep sea who lived among thousands of flowers..."

Sister Zhou curled her lips, still pretending to be calm!

"Don't believe me!"

Su Yang shrugged.

Then he said with a smile: "Sister Zhou, you care so much about my personal problems, you don't mean to be interested in me?"

"If this is the case, you can just say it straight! I will seriously consider it."

Su Yang is not stupid, although he can feel a change in sister Zhou's attitude towards him these days.

It's not just a worship.

Maybe there are other feelings mixed in!

Based on his performance these past few days, it is not difficult to capture a girl's girlish heart.

Especially sister Zhou who ate and lived with me.

"Don't be stinky, I'm not interested in you!"

"And I'm your cousin, okay?"

Sister Zhou blushed, her eyes were a little evasive, and she said stiffly.

My heart is like a deer bumping around.

"Fake! We have no blood relationship."

"So, the relationship is not an issue."

Su Yang still said with a smile.

Sister Zhou's evasive eyes and harsh tone can fully explain many problems.

"Come on, you, I... I won't be interested in you."

After finishing speaking, sister Zhou went back to the house in a panic.

Su Yang looked at Sister Zhou's flustered appearance, and smiled faintly.

As night fell, the island became lonely again.

The various chirping and chirping sounds filled the originally silent environment with a somewhat gloomy feeling.


Silent all night.

Early in the morning, Su Yang and sister Zhou got up early.

The floor stove is still very powerful, and the mosquito repellent candles are also very effective.

So I slept soundly this time, and woke up refreshed in the morning.

Su Yang roasted two more cassava, and then briefly boiled some palm cores.

After breakfast, it's time to check the traps again.

Sister Zhou was carrying the strap on her back, and the little girl followed them happily.

Half an hour later, the two came to the traps for catching hares and pheasants.

Checked two flagstone traps first and caught a hare.

The harvest was smaller than the previous two.

Then check out the pheasant traps.

Perhaps it was because many pheasants were caught before, and other pheasants were disturbed, so they left this area.

This time, only a relatively small pheasant was caught!
Compared with the previous two days, today's harvest can be said to be quite bad.

"It seems that these traps can't solve our food problem for a long time."

"Hares and pheasants are very sensitive animals, and after a few startles they will move."

"It seems that there are not many pheasants in this area."

Su Yang frowned slightly, and said to Sister Zhou.

Originally thought that the pheasants and hares here would be inexhaustible.

But now it seems that my previous thoughts were a bit too simple.

Sister Zhou also frowned slightly.

Pheasants and hares are their most important food sources these days.

If these two food chains are broken, they have to find a new food chain.

"Let's go! Let's go and see the other traps."

Then he said, and walked towards another trap.

Pit traps, primarily for catching live hares.

Carefully open the first trap.

There was an adult hare inside, which should weigh three to four catties.

"In stock, great!!"

The sadness on Su Yang's face just now was gone.

If you can catch live hares, you can let them reproduce.

This is the longest-term plan.

It is much safer than laying out traps.

Then I looked at the next few traps.

Another two live hares were caught.

Su Yang looked, one male and two females, this is very exciting news.

As long as they start multiplying, there is no need to worry about future rabbit meat.

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