Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 28 The Mosquito Repellent Candle Succeeded, Su Yang, You Are a Genius

In fact, it is not difficult to make some candles in the wilderness.

As long as you find the corresponding materials, you can do it.

The first thing to do is to find flammable birch bark, because this kind of bark is very flammable and has a thick layer of oil on the outside, which can support the combustion.

Then find some gum and pine needles, and mix the gum and pine needles evenly.

The birch bark is then rolled into a strip, and the blended gum and pine needles are stuffed inside, thus forming a simple candle.

Gum is also flammable, but it doesn't burn as fast.

This prolongs the burn life of a candle.

The pine needles act as the lead wire for the candle.

In the wilderness, apart from pine needles, birch bark and tree pepper are almost everywhere, so it is easy to find.

The pine needles are just for the leads, so other dry twigs can be used instead.

After half an hour of searching, Su Yang had already found what he wanted to use.

But this time he didn't want to simply make candles, but to make one that could achieve the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

So it is necessary to find some materials that can repel mosquitoes.

Su Yang also started popularizing science in the live broadcast room.

How to make a durable candle in the wilderness.

And Su Yang's amount of knowledge once again surprised all the audience in the live broadcast room.

They even felt that Su Yang must have had rich experience in wilderness survival before!
Otherwise, how could he know so much about wilderness knowledge and various plants in the wilderness.

If you walk for more than ten minutes.

Two plants appeared in front of my eyes.

These are exactly the materials Su Yang needs to make mosquito repellent candles.

Su Yang continued to popularize science: "This plant is called Eupatorium adenophorum. It is an invasive species. When it is burned, it will have a very unpleasant smell for mosquitoes."

"So in the wilderness, many survivors use this plant to make insect repellent mosquito coils."

"And this... This is a fragrant flower tree. Their petals can emit a very bad smell, and mosquitoes generally hate this smell."

"It's just that its flowers have withered now, and we can use its leaves and stems to make mosquito coils."

Su Yang explained more carefully.

The names of these plants and their functions are naturally the knowledge points in the System Rewarded Animal and Plant Discrimination Encyclopedia.

He didn't know the magical effect of these plants before.

Listening to Su Yang's science popularization, Sister Zhou was taken aback for a while.

That adoring gaze was completely looking at his idol.

Many of the audience in the live broadcast room also had the same expression as Sister Zhou.

The knowledge points that Su Yang has mastered are indeed beyond the cognition of many of them.

After all, for many people, these have not been studied.

Many people have a heart that wants to survive in the wilderness, but they dare not try.

"Okay, finally we just need to find the fruit of the neem tree!"

"The fruit of the neem tree has a very good mosquito repellent effect, and this fruit is generally used as Chinese medicinal materials and other purposes"

"It's just that this kind of thing cannot be eaten under normal circumstances, because it contains a small amount of toxins. In the wilderness, it must not be eaten by mistake!"

"I need to remind all the friends in the live broadcast room that the fruit of the neem tree is somewhat similar to the jujube. If you have the idea of ​​​​surviving in the wilderness in the future, you must learn more about this knowledge and learn to distinguish different plants and fruits... ..."

Constant explanation along the way.

After another half an hour, Su Yang finally found the fruit of the neem tree.

This island is very large, so the resources on the island are naturally extremely rich.

Many of the materials needed can also be easily found.

"This guy Su Yang really has something!"

"Yes, at first I thought he was just a jerk, but now I have completely changed my mind about him."

"I've never heard of the Eupatorium adenophorum and neem fruit he mentioned just now."

"The useless knowledge has increased again!!!"

"How can it be useless? I think it is super useful. I have always wanted to go to the wilderness to survive, but I just don't have the guts. This knowledge is very valuable to me."

[Old Chinese Medicine: Reward Rocket*10 (Su Yang is a good guy, he knows a lot, please support him)]


The sun was setting and night had begun to fall.

Su Yang and sister Zhou have also returned to the shelter.

You must know that you cannot return to the shelter before dark, and it is a very dangerous thing in the wilderness.

Because many large beasts come out to forage at night, and their night vision is very strong.

If you meet these guys, even Su Yang won't be able to deal with them at all!

After all, in the dark night, he can only rely on perception and groping.

"Finally home!"

"Cook the pheasant for us!"

"I'll make candles."

Because it took a full two hours to find the materials just now.

So at the moment they can only work in the dark.

Sister Zhou nodded, and hurried to deal with the pheasant!
And Su Yang began to make mosquito repellent candles by the light of the flame.

Crush all the neem fruit, fragrant flower leaves and Eupatorium adenophorum that you just found.

Then mix it with the branches just now, because the fragrant flowers and leaves and purple golden Roland are all fresh plants.

So when adding, it is necessary to put a little less, otherwise it will affect the burning effect of the candle.

A ratio of 5 to 2 is almost the same!
This way the candle will burn more slowly.

Just like that, time passed by minute by minute.

Sister Zhou was fumbling for cooking, while Su Yang had already made ten candles.

These ten candles should last for five days!

Although he still has a lot of materials left, there is no need to finish all of them tonight.

Wait till dawn tomorrow and then do it slowly.

After the food and water issues are resolved, there is no need to worry about other things at all.

Light the candle you just made.

An unpleasant smell came to his nostrils instantly.

The oil stains on the birch bark crackled softly!
The flames ran wild, but the effect was achieved.

"I really made candles!"

"So, can I say you're really a genius?"

Seeing the burning candles, Miss Zhou admired Su Yang even more!

Is there anything this guy can't do?

If he is given enough time, will this guy lead himself directly to a society that is in line with civilization?

"Of course, because I am."

Su Yang said proudly.

This time, sister Zhou did not refute.

Because in terms of the amount of knowledge Su Yang has mastered, he is indeed worthy of the word genius.

"Cut! Why don't you know modesty at all?"

"But I like..."

"Okay! Let's eat quickly! You've been tired all day, so take a rest after eating."

"I can't wait to feel the floor heating in our room."

Sister Zhou curled her lips and said.

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