Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 200 Finally Zhang Family, Excited Sister Zhou and Dumb Girl

"Su Yang, then we won't go in and disturb you."

"By the way, if there are any little ones, they should come back to you in three to five days."

"You don't have to worry, the little one's situation is nothing more than some anesthesia injections, which won't cause any harm to the little one."

After returning to Shanghai, the leading major said to Su Yang.

"Okay, then I will trouble you."

"The little one is more ferocious, it is different from ordinary leopards."

"However, I have already recorded the sound, and after letting him hear my voice, he will not resist."

"But everyone must be careful when going to avoid unnecessary injuries."

Su Yang nodded and said to the major.

All the players are now probably taken back by their home countries.

Except for those that can't be picked up.

As for the Atlantic Ocean, the current situation is obviously very dangerous.

There is a high probability that war will break out in that place.

So if the little one stays there, it will definitely be a dead end!
Besides, on that island, some creatures have already been infected with the virus.

He didn't want the little one to end up like that.

So I also asked Lu Anbang to bring the little one back.

And such a request, Lu Anbang immediately agreed.

After all, Xiaobudian helped a lot this time.

"As for Luo Fan's matter, please don't take it to heart!"

"The moment we become soldiers, all of us are ready to die for our country."

"It's his glory and he will always be remembered by all of us."

The major continued to speak in a very serious tone.

Sacrifice is inevitable.

Maybe it won't take too long, and more comrades will be sacrificed.

But sometimes that's the case, they're not afraid of death at all!

It is an honor for them to die for their country.

"Well, thank you."

Su Yang nodded.

To be honest, he still felt guilty.

It is not so easy to let go.

Perhaps this matter will linger in his mind for a long time.

"Honestly, you're amazing."

"You are the most powerful and courageous existence among the people I have ever met."

"When you wiped out the Lighthouse Kingdom and the Wa Kingdom, you have become the idol of all of us."

"If there is fate in the future, I hope we will have the opportunity to fight side by side."

The major laughed again.

With his own power, he wiped out the entire Beacon Country and Wo Country players.

This is already worth all of them preparing for.

Even in the army, many people regarded Su Yang as a hero.

Although Su Yang did not choose to stay in the barracks, his spirit and courage will always inspire other soldiers.

If possible, he also hopes to fight side by side with Su Yang in the future.

"Well, I think there will be a chance in the future."

"This is also my previous promise."

"But before that, I have to fulfill another promise of mine."

"Because I owe too much to my family..."

Su Yang also nodded very seriously.

So far, he has not given sister Zhou a reasonable title.

And now sister Zhou is still pregnant.

To be honest, he felt very owed.

So in any case, the tourism mentioned before must fulfill this promise!

Of course, once the country needs it, he will also go to the battlefield immediately.

This is also his promise to himself...


"Love and righteousness are worthy of our admiration."

"Then, there will be a period later."

The major gave a very serious military salute.

Su Yang also received a military salute.

Then he left with the four people behind him.

And Su Yang looked at the villa in front of him.

Then the doorbell was pressed.

Soon, Sister Zhou and Sister Dai came out together.

The moment they saw Su Yang, both of them seemed a little puzzled.

Then he froze completely.

Tears of excitement rolled in the eyes instantly.

"Is... is it really you?"

"Did you come back?"

Sister Zhou, mumbling to herself in disbelief!
She thought it would take a long time to go.

I didn't expect to come back in less than a month.

But for them, it can be said that it is really like not seeing each other every day.

Even miss Su Yang every moment!

This kind of longing seems to have passed for a very long time.

"I... am I blind?"

"'re really back? Su Yang."

Dumb girl rubbed her eyes vigorously.

I am afraid that I am daydreaming.

Or because I missed Su Yang so much, I had an illusion.

"Why are you standing there?! Open the door for me!"

"I finally came back, you don't want to keep me out!"

Seeing Sister Zhou and Sister Dai who were extremely excited, Su Yang also said with a smile.

Looking at their expressions, I also know that the period of time when I am not around is a torment for them.

"It's really Su Yang."

"The villain is back!!"

After a few seconds of stunned.

They looked at each other with great joy.

Then rush to open the door.

They have thought about this scene countless times.

Many times they even thought that Su Yang was back!

When I went to the yard to look, I found that it was not there.

"I miss you..."

No superfluous nonsense.

Su Yang looked at the two of them with extremely gentle eyes.

Then he took it into his arms.

Sometimes miss, do not need too much sweet talk.

A simple sentence, a look, can completely make the other party understand all the feelings you want to express.

Hearing this sentence, I felt Su Yang's familiar breath and temperature.

The two also burst into tears instantly.

They have thought about this scene countless times.

It finally came true today.

Still the familiar temperature, familiar breath and tenderness.

"OK OK!"

"Let's go in quickly, you two are a bit messed up in makeup."

After a full 3 minutes, Su Yang couldn't help but interrupted.

After all, he is now a public figure.

Hugging left and right in public.

More or less out of place.


The two quickly nodded.

Then returned home.

"Look at what you eat on the island every day. I'll go and make you something delicious right away."

"I've been practicing cooking all this time, and it's sure to make you scream delicious."

After returning to the house, Du Mei immediately ran to cook.

Survival in the wild last time.

The three of them actually lived pretty well.

At least the food is good!

But this time, Su Yang didn't have much time to hunt.

And there are too many opponents and enemies on the island.

So there is tension all the time.

Therefore, the food must not be as good as last time in Survival in the Wilderness.

When watching the live broadcast, what they see in their eyes actually hurts in their hearts.

"it is good!!"

Su Yang also nodded bluntly.

I really didn’t eat any good things on the island during this time!

Especially in the middle days, the food was simply not decent.

Basically every day is wrong.

Now back home, you can finally enjoy life!

"Sister Zhou, did you go to the pregnancy test on time during this time?"

"How is it going??"

Su Yang asked quickly.

That's the big deal.

And on the island, this is what he cares most about.

"Well, very healthy..."

"I can feel her kicking me recently!"

Sister Zhou touched her slightly raised belly with a happy face and said.

In fact, only so little time.

There is no feeling at all.

The little baby is probably not fully formed yet.

How could it be kicked?
This is all after pregnancy.

"Really? Let me hear..."

Su Yang said excitedly.

Then it sounded decent.

There is indeed such a thing.

After all, Su Yang is different from ordinary people.

"It's your little padded jacket!"

Sister Zhou continued to speak happily.

Although it is generally said that this gender is not disclosed.

However, the role of red envelopes is still relatively large.

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