Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 194 The Lighthouse Country's Final Plan

It's just that his thoughts are also a momentary matter.

Because soon he completely lost consciousness.

Being hit on the temple by Su Yang with all his strength, maybe he has no chance of waking up at all.

As for the battle between Luo Fan and another player from the Beacon Country, it was very intense at the moment.

Luo Fan is quite strong.

Although the strength of the lighthouse country players is also very good.

But obviously, the death of the four partners at this moment caused great fear in his heart.

Under the shroud of this kind of fear, he couldn't exert his full strength at all.

Seeing this situation, Su Yang did not help.

He felt that Luo Fan could solve it completely.

Because the guy on the other side is completely messed up.

Killing him is only a matter of time.

After a few minutes.

As Su Yang expected.

Luo Fan did kill the last player in the Lighthouse Kingdom.

This also means that in this competition, the Lighthouse Country is completely eliminated!
And also became the first country to be eliminated.

"Brother Su, what should we do next?"

"They have eliminated all the players in the Beacon Country so quickly, I don't think they will let it go!"

Luo Fan, who had won the battle at this time, although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, was obviously in a very good mood.

Looking at Su Yang asked.

Although it is very exciting to beat the players from the Beacon Country.

But after all, the Lighthouse Country is a tyrannical and powerful country.

The first one will let their country be eliminated.

This obviously makes them feel humiliated.

With their character, they will never just admit defeat like this!

After all, those guys at the top are the most shameless.

"who cares!"

"Collect it and see if there are any other useful supplies."

"If there are other movements in the lighthouse country, it will not be something we can fight against."

Su Yang said indifferently.

The purpose of their participation in the competition this time is to eliminate players from all countries.

Then achieve the ultimate victory.

As for the next thing, they will not be able to intervene.

Leave the rest to other big shots!


Luo Fan nodded, and then hurried to search for supplies.

Because I don't know how long I will survive on the island.

So no material can be wasted.

The quality of the clothes of the lighthouse country players is still good, as long as the national flag logo on it is torn off and thrown away.

In this wilderness, there is no need to be so picky.


At this time, it was in the Huaxia high-level conference hall.

Although Su Yang and the others were the first to eliminate the most threatening lighthouse country.

But everyone's complexion doesn't seem to be particularly good-looking.

There is even a little dignified!
If it is to eliminate the Wa country or the Kimchi country, then they will not take it seriously at all.

Because those guys can't afford any big waves at all.

But now, the first one to be eliminated is Lighthouse Guo.

Those guys are arrogant, self-righteous, and extremely scoundrels, shameless!
Now the first one is eliminated.

Then they will definitely feel humiliated.

And they will never give up exploring the Atlantic Ocean!
That's what worries them the most.

It's just that it's in the highest conference hall of the Lighthouse Country at this time.

Those faces became even more ugly.

The face that was originally white has now become the same as a pig's liver.

"Fack!! Trash!! A bunch of trash..."

"Is this the special forces you carefully selected?"

"While holding a weapon, it was actually wiped out by those guys from Huaxia!"

"They're all a bunch of waste. Even raising a bunch of pigs is more useful than them."

The president yelled and yelled at the two officers in front of him.

Shame, this is an absolute shame!

This result is simply unacceptable to them.

And for the right to explore the Atlantic Ocean, they will never let it go!
Such a child's play decision...

Although! !
This ownership of the Atlantic Ocean was their first proposal.

That's because they feel that the soldiers of their country will definitely win the final competition!

But now I never thought of it.

The first one to be eliminated was actually their Lighthouse Country.

Even the time for their country to persist is not as long as those small countries.

At this moment, the other members also had incomparably solemn faces.

Because everyone feels a huge humiliation.

Especially when they saw their national flags being thrown on the ground.

They really wanted to press those Huaxia players on the ground and rub them hard!
And then slowly ravaged to death...

But no way.

They are beyond their reach.

Lighthouse Nation was indeed eliminated.

And under the suggestion of the world, it was easily eliminated by Huaxia.

"Mr. President, what shall we do next?"

"Is it just handing over the right to explore the Atlantic Ocean?"

"If something truly extraordinary is found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, it is very likely that the overall strength of other countries will surpass ours!"

"And the biggest threat is Huaxia..."

A female congressman on the side was relatively calm.

Then he spoke.

"Do not joke."

"Even if we lose the competition, we must get what is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean."

"But before that, we must make those Huaxia players pay the blood price!"

The old president obviously said angrily at this moment.

If this matter is not handled well.

If the lighthouse country cannot obtain the right to explore the Atlantic Ocean in the end.

Then he will definitely be ousted.

Because what he did some time ago has made many people dislike him.

If this thing goes wrong again.

Then there is no doubt that he will be dismissed directly.

"You mean...?"

"Contact those allies?"

The female congressman asked again.

Now their nine players on the island have all been eliminated.

Then according to the previous regulations, they cannot go to the island.

However, it is obviously very inappropriate to launch a general offensive now.

Because it is very likely that their allies will win the final victory.

Said to be allies.

In fact, to be more accurate, it was just a few dogs they raised.

"Yes, it is like that."

"Let them bite well first!"

"If the countries that are allied with us cannot win the final victory."

"Then it can only be tough."

The sleepy president seemed to be a completely different person at this moment.


"I'll contact Austria, Kimchi and Sakura right now."

"For now, among our allies, the combat effectiveness of the three countries is relatively strong."

Another congressman spoke immediately.

No matter how strong the Huaxia players are?

It is impossible to resist the joint attack of the three countries.

if you can.

Then find a few more countries.

As the world's largest country.

There is never a shortage of licking dogs around them.

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