After a while, Sister Zhou and Sister Dai came back with seven or eight bags.

There was still a look of excitement on his face.

It's just that Su Yang's face is a little dark at this moment.

"Huh?! What's the matter with you? You were happy just now, why did your face change after we went out!"

"Hee hee~~ Is it because you have realized the importance of the two of us, so we can't leave you for a moment!"

Sister Zhou said jokingly.

Obviously, she knew that things were not that simple.

She just said that to make Su Yang happy.

"I just received a mysterious call."

"It's from the military leader."

"So our travel plans may be put on hold for a few months."

Su Yang raised his head, looked at the two with some guilt and said.

To be honest, looking at the two people who were so excited, Su Yang really didn't want to spoil their interest by saying such words.

But there are some things that I can't refuse.

"Huh? What's the matter? You look so ugly."

Dumb girl asked.

At this moment, the faces of the two of them also became serious.

Because they know that Su Yang usually doesn't joke about this kind of thing.

"I don't know exactly what it is?"

"They said they would tell me in three days."

Su Yang shook his head and replied.

This also made him very incomprehensible.

What kind of thing is it that needs to be so secretive?
"Forget it."

"Don't worry too much, there must be nothing wrong!"

"It's okay for us to delay our trip a little bit, anyway, you belong to us for the rest of your life."

Seeing Su Yang with an ugly face, Sister Zhou also hurriedly said generously.

At such a time, Su Yang was already very irritable.

So she doesn't want Su Yang to be upset about the two of them.

"That's it!"

"Anyway, it's still tourism now, and it will be tourism in a few months."

"At that time, we can also wait for the new members of our family to arrive before traveling."

"We were a little more lively then."

"So you don't have to worry about traveling at all. Just solve the current problem first, understand?"

Damei also waved her hand, and then said generously.

They are now Su Yang's good helpers.

So when Su Yang is upset and irritable, he must be properly enlightened.

Absolutely don't mess with him!


"Thank you for understanding me."

"This time I can't take you on a trip, I am really very guilty."

"But we've got a long way to go."

Su Yang could only say in shame.

Although I am really sorry for Sister Zhou and Sister Dai.

But if the country really needs him, then he will have no hesitation.

Unless it's something like killing yourself.

"Okay, okay, look, we bought a lot of fresh vegetables and meat today."

"I'll make you something delicious later."

Du Mei and Zhou Jie also hurriedly smiled, and then ran to the kitchen to cook.

"Sister Zhou, I'll take you to the hospital for a little checkup tomorrow!"

"I may be away for a while, and then only the two of you will take care of each other."

After walking to the kitchen, Su Yang said with a smile.


Sister Zhou nodded obediently.


By noon, the little boy who was bitten by a vicious dog a few days ago had almost been discharged from the hospital.

His parents and grandparents came to thank Su Yang with many gifts.

In this way, Su Yang once again felt very happy to do good deeds.

After all, no matter what, he and Xiao BuDian's righteous actions saved a family.

On the second day, Su Yang also took Miss Zhou for an examination.

Everything went very smoothly.

The fetus is also developing well.

Even the doctor who checked said that he had never seen such a healthy fetus.

This may have a lot to do with the fact that both Su Yang and Sister Zhou took Xisui Pill.

On the third day, Su Yang also took the time to meet the cheap parents in this world.

There is also a cheap sister.

Although they are not Su Yang's real relatives.

But after all, they are the parents of this body.

Su Yang settled them comfortably.

Wait until noon on the third day.

Finally, three plainclothes men found Su Yang.

After opening the door, Su Yang could tell at a glance that the three people in front of him were extraordinary.

Because in them, there is a spirit that ordinary people don't have at all.

So Su Yang guessed that the three in front of him are definitely soldiers, and they are all very good soldiers.

"Excuse me, are you Su Yang?"

After seeing Su Yang, the few people did not beat around the bush, but asked straight to the point.

"Yes, I am Su Yang."

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Although he had expected the intention of the other party's visit, Su Yang still asked.

"Mr. Lu called us here."

"Mr. Su Yang, please go over and have a chat."

The leading man spoke.

Although their tones were rather blunt, they could still be heard to be quite polite.

After all, according to the general, Su Yang is their distinguished guest.

So they have to be treated very politely.

However, it may be because of the soldiers, so when they speak, their tone is relatively hard.

It's a habit after all...

"Mr. Lu? It's General Lu!"

"Okay! I'll go in and say a few words, and we'll leave right away."

Su Yang smiled, and then said to the two of them.

After all, he was already prepared.

After entering the room, I briefly explained to Sister Zhou and Sister Dai.

Su Yang left with the three of them.

It took a two-hour flight, and then an hour-plus ride in a buggy.

Sure enough, just as Su Yang guessed, they came to the army.

"Three, can you briefly reveal why General Lu is looking for me?"

After entering the barracks, Su Yang also asked curiously.

He has been thinking about this question along the way, and he is very disturbed.

It's not really like what I guessed before, I was sliced ​​and studied!

Although I now have a physique beyond ordinary people.

But in this kind of place, it is simply useless.

At a glance, there are soldiers carrying real guns and live ammunition.

This is not a joke.

"Mr. Su Yang, after you meet General Lu, you will naturally know."

"As for what it is, to be honest, we don't know much."

The leading man smiled and said to Su Yang.

Now I don't want to reveal anything! !


Su Yang could only give up.

Anyway, the evidence has come to this place, and there will be many involuntary things in the future.

After walking for another ten minutes.

The leading man said: "Mr. Su Yang, the general is inside, go in by yourself!"

"We have other tasks to perform."

After speaking, the three turned and left.

Su Yang could only walk in with apprehension.

After entering the room, there was no one else.

There was only one middle-aged man in military uniform sitting upright.

Although he has reached middle age, he is in good shape.

There was a warm smile on his face, but it couldn't hide the majesty on him at all.

Su Yang immediately felt a sense of oppression.

Although he is very confident, the power he possesses now is definitely higher than the middle-aged man in front of him.

He can still feel a very strong sense of oppression from his body.

"Brother Su Yang, I am Lu Anbang, please sit down!"

General Lu was also quite polite, with a kind smile on his face.

But the voice was thick and powerful.

"it is good!"

Su Yang was not polite, he just moved a stool and sat down.

"Brother Su Yang, you are more handsome in real life than on TV!"

"And your spirit is not weaker than those little brats under me at all."

"It seems that finding you this time is a very good decision."

Lu Anbang was the first to speak in praise.

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