Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 145 The Legacy of the Liu Family Sisters, 2 Covers

"Great, can we finally go to the beach again?"

"I miss the taste of lobster and abalone very much, I just hope the abalone won't pinch my fingers this time!"

The dumb girl was also joining in the fun.

To be honest, people who eat those bacon every day are really a little tired.

If you can eat a few delicious seafood now, it is indeed a very good thing.

"Okay, now that we've had breakfast, let's go explore other places."

"See if we can find something we need?"

Su Yang is not going to be idle, after all, although they have a lot of meat now, they still have to ensure the variety of food.

Only in this way can they survive better.

More importantly, meat can only help them supplement protein, and other elements and nutrients needed by the body still need some wild vegetables and wild fruits to supplement.


Sister Zhou and Sister Dai also nodded quickly. To be honest, you haven't left the shelter for more than 20 days now.

Naturally, they also want to go out and see what's going on outside.

After simply packing up their tools, the three of them left the shelter.

This time, Su Yang accidentally came to the place where the pheasant trap was set up last time.

However, the pheasant trap was not triggered. Obviously, there were no pheasants and hares in this area.

After these things have been frightened a few times, they will definitely stay away from this area!

So it was a very prescient thing for him to breed before.

If they hadn't been bred in advance, maybe they would have nothing to eat now.

Then keep going.

After walking for about an hour.

Su Yang and the others suddenly found a shelter.

"Look, you two, there seems to be a shelter over there."

"It should be left by other players."

Su Yang pointed to a river beach and said.

In fact, in his heart, he seemed to have already guessed who this shelter belonged to.

Obviously, they should belong to the two sisters from the Liu family that they met last time.

There should be no one else but them.

So the two sisters who were eliminated on the 40th day before should be the two of them.

"Wow!! So there are other survivors so close to us?"

"Would you like to go take a look?"

Sister Zhou hurriedly said curiously.

This really made them feel very curious, after all, apart from the three of them, they hadn't seen anyone for a long time.

In this case, even they won't be too alone.

But I also want to find some other people to talk to.

"Okay, let's go and have a look!"

Su Yang nodded.

In fact, he had already guessed in his heart that the owner who lived here must have been eliminated.

Afterwards, the three walked to the edge of the shelter.

There was no movement from inside.

This proves that Su Yang's guess is correct, the owner of this shelter has already been eliminated.

Because you can tell by those perfectly dry plantain leaves on the shelter.

If there were still people living inside, the banana leaves on the roof would not have dried up like this.

Since I still looked around vigilantly, I found that there was no one there.

I also walked into the shelter out of curiosity...

On the side of the shelter, there are only some small bones.

Then there was the fire that had been extinguished for an unknown amount of time.

"Su Yang, look, there's something inside!!"

Sister Zhou made a surprised sound.

Then Su Yang and Daimei also hurried into the room.

The inside of the room is very simple, and because there are no windows, it is dark even in broad daylight.

It's just that two fierce covers are placed on the bed.

And on the wall, there are bows and arrows, a frying pan, and a military shovel! !
"This... this is left by other players."

"Could it be that this shelter belongs to the pair of sisters you mentioned earlier?"

Both sister Zhou and sister Dai said in amazement.

Obviously, these two shrouds were deliberately left here.

"My God!! Is there such a good person in the world?"

"This is obviously because they are going to be eliminated, so these materials are left to the people behind."

Both Sister Zhou and Sister Dai were extremely shocked by the scene in front of them.

At the same time, I also admire the quality of the survivors here.

Unexpectedly, when they were eliminated, they left their survival tools to other survivors.

What's more, there are still two hoods left.

This is very exciting for the two of them.

After all, every time I change and wash, I always feel a little unaccustomed to not wearing it.

"Second brother, look quickly, the size of these two seems to be just right for the two of us."

"The big one is for you, and the small one is for me."

Duimei couldn't wait to pick up two veils and gestured in front of her chest.

It seems to be quite suitable for the two of them.

But sister Zhou's is more or less too big and doesn't fit.

"Oh!! I said can you be more reserved?"

Sister Zhou gave Damei a big white eye.

This guy, it's like he's never seen anything like this before.

Judging by his excited appearance, he doesn't look like a big anchor at all!
"Su Yang, do you think these things are left by the two female players you met before?"

Sister Zhou looked at Su Yang again and asked.

If there is no intersection, there is no reason for them to keep things.

And he left all his close-fitting clothes behind.

Even with a kind heart, it is absolutely impossible for someone to do this!

Unless you just want to leave these things to people you know.

Anyway, with her personality, she would never do such a selfless thing when she was eliminated!
"I'll take a look."

Su Yang compared the sizes of the two masks with his hands.

Right size.

Then he nodded and said: "It seems that you are right, this is what the two sisters of the Liu family left behind."

"It shows that our previous speculation is correct. The roar of the helicopter heard more than 20 days ago was when they were eliminated."

I didn't expect that Liu Shishi, who looked very arrogant, would do such a humane thing.

If I had known that they were so kind-hearted, I would have helped them a little bit.

But forget it, if you want to help, even after leaving this place and returning to the city, you can provide humanitarian help.

"Hey, did any unspeakable things happen between you guy and that pair of sisters?"

"If not, how could they be so kind to leave all these things to us?"

Dumb girl immediately questioned Su Yang.

Their shelters were so close together, it was obvious that these supplies were reserved for them.

Maybe Su Yang knew that the pair of sisters lived here before.

That's why he found this place.

Yes, that's it.

Su Yang is a big pig's hoof.

"I said you don't have a fever, are you okay?"

Su Yang touched Damei's head to make sure she didn't have a fever.

Then he continued: "Who do you think I am?"

"Cut!! You are that kind of person, right?"

Sister Zhou cast a contemptuous look.

"If I really had sex with them, do you think I would let them live in such a miserable place?"

"I must have taken them to live with them a long time ago!"

Su Yang's words directly separated Sister Zhou and Sister Duan angrily.

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