
The first ray of sunshine in the morning soon hit the island.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Su Yang also got up on time!

Then walked out of the shelter.

Simply take a shower.

After all, they didn't take too much fresh water this time.

If it is used up all at once, it is estimated that it will return to the camp immediately.

Su Yang also made some simple breakfast.


Stretching, Du Mei walked out of the tent.

At this time, her face had completely subsided and returned to its original appearance.

Maybe it's the herbal medicine, maybe it's the effect of the marrow wash.

"Su Yang, sometimes I really wonder where did you get so much physical energy??"

Dumb girl looked at Su Yang, who was full of energy, and couldn't help asking curiously.

This guy……

Good physical fitness is almost irrelevant!
"I said can you be more serious when you talk?"

"It's not good to say such things in front of the live broadcast room!"

Su Yang gave Du Mei a big white eye, and then said contemptuously.

This guy is really getting more and more irrelevant now.

It's not her fault that she can drive.

But it was her fault to throw the wheel directly into the faces of the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Cut! Why are you pretending to be honest?"

Damei also gave Su Yang a big white eye.

This guy actually pretended to be serious during the day.

Last night, why not be so righteous?
"God Su, don't treat us like human beings!"

"That's right, you talk about your own, don't take our feelings into consideration."

"What the hell... I feel that since she was with Su Yang, she has become more bold and unrestrained."

"Who says it's not? Early in the morning, I felt the pain of my face being run over by the wheel."

"Put the dog food directly into my mouth..."


Even though it's only eight o'clock in the morning.

But the number of people watching the live broadcast has reached tens of millions.

Some time ago, at the peak of eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the number of people directly reached hundreds of millions.

After a while, sister Zhou also woke up.

Afterwards, the three simply ate some breakfast.

Picked up all the equipment and continued to move forward.

This walk takes another five or six hours.

It's already noon.

But fortunately, they have entered a slightly flatter area.

But there is a more serious problem.

That is, although the ground under the feet is slightly flat.

But what appeared in front of them was a cliff.

Even if Su Yang's body has been strengthened, he would not dare to try it with such a cliff.

If it falls, it will definitely be smashed to pieces!

"It...seems like there is no way out, what should we do now? Su Yang."

Sister Zhou looked at the cliff in front of her, and then asked.

This kind of cliff, she absolutely dare not take risks!

And she would never put Su Yang in danger!
"In this case, let's rest here for another night!"

"In the afternoon, we can go around to see if there are any resources that can be used."

After looking at the cliffs of more than ten feet, Su Yang could only speak.

Maybe you can find another way to go straight up the mountain.

But now he doesn't feel that necessary.

The only catch along the way is honey, and I didn't even see a small animal!
It is estimated that if you go on, you will not gain much...

"Well, we thought so too."

Sister Zhou and Sister Dai also nodded in agreement immediately.

After all, their lives are not bad now, and there is no need to risk their lives to climb such cliffs.

Even if there is not much gain in these two days, it can be regarded as a trip at most.

"Well, it looks like it's already noon."

"Let's pitch the tent first, then light the fire."

"After lunch, we'll explore the surrounding area."

Su Yang looked at the surrounding environment, and then spoke.

It seems that they are still a certain distance from the commanding heights of the island!

But now the fresh water they brought is running out, if you continue to explore upwards, there will definitely be a relatively high risk!
If there is no fresh water on it, this is already a crisis...

"All right."

After nodding their heads, the two also started to light a fire, and skillfully took out all their belongings.

Su Yang also went to look at the surrounding environment.

I searched for some wild vegetables, but found no signs of animal activity.

Fortunately, there is some fresh water in a gap in the cliff.

Although it's just dripping down drop by drop, it should be able to collect some after a long time.

Su Yang quickly took a bamboo tube, then found a lead wire and put it under it.

It is estimated that after two or three hours, you should be able to receive a bamboo tube of fresh water.

Continue to explore around for an hour.

Sister Zhou and Sister Dai also prepared lunch.

After a simple lunch, the three of them rested similarly.

Then start exploring around.

Although their current conditions do not allow them to continue walking up the mountain, the nearby area still needs to be explored.

What if you accidentally find useful supplies?


Time passed by every minute and every second, and the three of them began to explore while making marks.

An hour passed quickly.

I just picked some wild fruits and vegetables.

These things are only enough to fill their stomachs tonight.

"Su Yang, hurry up and take a look, there are animal feces here."

While Su Yang was exploring above, Miss Zhou's voice suddenly came from below.

"Okay, I'll come down right now."

After responding, Su Yang also walked down immediately.

Sure enough, there was a lot of feces on the ground.

These granular feces are obviously left by large prey such as deer or wild goats.

Moreover, the shoots of some surrounding plants have also been eaten, indicating that there should be large prey in this area.

Su Yang looked carefully again, only sparse footprints were found on the ground.

It seems that although there are large prey here, they are not in groups.

But a few sparse ones.

In this way, it may be quite difficult to find them and capture them.

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