Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 118 The situation of group 1, Mr. Huang was vomiting and diarrhea

Seeing the doubts and doubts on the bullet screen in the second live broadcast room, the staff and senior leaders of Shark Platform were stunned.

Because since the players came to the island, their staff has never done anything on the island except for the emergency rescue of the players who quit the game.

As for the suspicion in the live broadcast room that the staff of the Shark platform was cheating, that was even more impossible.

Su Yang and the others were able to grow cassava in just one month, which also made them very puzzled.

Maybe it was Su Yang and the others who were stealing the sky and changing the sun, right?

But this is just their suspicion.

As for the specific reason, they don't particularly want to know.

As long as Su Yang's traffic is large enough, as long as they can earn more money for the platform, that's enough.

At least for those leaders at the top, that's what they're expected to achieve.

With these more than 20 cassava, Suyang and the others will become even more prosperous.

After digging the cassava, Su Yang didn't want to waste the spiritual soil, so he continued planting.

It is estimated that in another month, cassava will grow again.


Some people are happy and some are sad, the life of the second group is in full swing.

But Teacher Huang and the others in the first group were not so lucky.

At this time, Teacher Huang has been vomiting and diarrhea since noon for nearly an hour!


At this time, Teacher Huang's face was a little pale, and he was vomiting non-stop.

The whole person felt dizzy, and the bile in the stomach seemed to be vomited out.

"Mr. Huang, how do you feel now?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

"We both eat the same thing, why don't I feel any discomfort?"

Li Tiegan on the side was anxious.

Since going to the island, the two of them ate the same thing.

Teacher Huang has never tried any poisonous food.

But why are you vomiting so much now?
If this continues, the program group is likely to forcibly stop their survival.

After all, Teacher Huang's status in the entertainment circle is relatively high, and he has taught more students!If something unexpected happened to him, the program team might not be able to bear the responsibility.

"It's so uncomfortable!"


Teacher Huang continued to vomit.

He still hasn't figured out what's going on!

Recently, in order to make the nutrition in their bodies more balanced, and they also eat wild vegetables while eating meat.

Make sure that every function in the body can function normally.

But even with such care, there is still a problem.

"How about...let's quit, Teacher Huang!"

"If you continue to vomit like this, I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it."

Seeing Teacher Huang in such pain, Li Tie could only suggest.

Although the final prize is indeed very attractive.

But now, they have persisted for more than 30 days.

In other words, even if they quit now, they can still get a bonus of 100 million.

In addition to Mr. Huang's previous promise to him, he can get 60.

For him, it was already a considerable fee.

Moreover, Teacher Huang is now 50 years old, which can be regarded as an advanced age.

His physical endurance is completely different from that of ordinary young people.

Because of the reason why I have been insisting on training since I retired from the army, even if I am in my 30s, my physical fitness and physical functions are much stronger than the young people now!

Perhaps this is also the main reason why Teacher Huang has a problem, but I am fine!

"Don't, don't, wait a little longer, I can still hold on!"

"Now we've lasted more than 30 days and we've always had plenty of food."

"It would be a pity to give up like this..."

Huang Xiaochu hurriedly shook his hand aside.

Feeling a little lighter after throwing everything out.

With a little rest, he should be able to make it through.

It's just that what makes him puzzled now is, why did he have such a situation?
At noon, I also ate some bamboo rat meat and cassava.

They have been eating bamboo rat meat since they came to the island, and there have been no problems.

So it can be ruled out that the bamboo rat meat caused this situation.

In terms of cassava, it is a carbohydrate, similar to those of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

After eating, such a situation should not happen.


Li Tie was obviously in a dilemma.

To be honest, the 30 days of getting along with Mr. Huang made him feel that Mr. Huang is really a good person.

If there is a problem with his body in order to get the final bonus.

At that time, he will definitely feel very guilty!

After all, as a retired special soldier, he has a strong sense of responsibility and loyalty.


"It's over! Teacher Huang can't hold on to this situation at all."

"Yes, yes! It's been half an hour since I vomited, and all the food I ate was vomited out, and my face is so pale, I guess it's very uncomfortable."

"If you can't hold on, then quit, Mr. Huang, we have seen your ability and perseverance, and there is no shame in quitting now."

"That's right! It's not worth it if you break your body in order to persevere until the end."

At this time, all the audience in the first live broadcast room also felt worried for Mr. Huang.

Although the program group's last one billion bonus is very outrageous.

But for Mr. Huang, he should not be so short of money.

After all, even if he participates in some ordinary variety shows, his salary can reach tens of millions.

It is not difficult to participate in a few more programs and earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year!
There is no need to suffer this kind of suffering.

"I'm very curious now, what's going on with Mr. Huang? What's causing him such pain?"

"The same question!!"

Obviously, many people don't understand why such an unexpected situation happened to Mr. Huang.

Obviously the food they ate was the same, but Li Tie beside him was fine.

"Let me give you some popular science. Teacher Huang and Brother Tie ate cassava for lunch today. Although cassava is edible and rich in starch and carbohydrates, the toxic substance contained in cassava is linalinin. , It must be soaked before eating, at least for more than one day, so that it can be eaten safely."

"And after Mr. Huang and Brother Tie dug the cassava just now, they baked it without soaking it at all. This is very dangerous. The reason why Brother Tie is fine may be because he has a relatively strong physique, but Mr. Huang is now old. It’s so big, the resistance is naturally incomparable with Brother Tie.”

"Yes, yes, yes!! The science popularization upstairs is absolutely correct. Su Yang, a contestant in the second live broadcast room, has also given everyone science popularization, and they have eaten cassava before, but they have been soaked, so there is nothing wrong with it. No."

"So that's how it is!! No wonder!"

"However, Teacher Huang and Brother Tie haven't discovered the problem yet, so they will definitely have such a situation in the future."

"The contestants can't see the barrage in the live broadcast room, the program team really has no humanity at all!"


Even some senior leaders of Shark Platform are a little nervous at the moment.

They were always ready to force the first group out of the challenge.

Because Mr. Huang's current situation is not optimistic.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous.

If Huang Xiaochu really had some accidents at that time, they would not be able to bear such responsibilities at that time.

But okay.

After observing for more than an hour, Huang Xiaochu's complexion is obviously much better.

And he stopped vomiting, and he looked a little more energetic.

"Ah!! Finally comfortable!"

"It almost killed me just now!"

Sitting on the bamboo chair to rest, Huang Xiaochu also had a look of joy.

Just now he really thought that he almost couldn't hold on anymore.

Fortunately, it's not so uncomfortable now!
"Great, Mr. Huang, it would be great if you slow down!"

Li Tie also looked excited.

If he can win the final prize, this is naturally what he is most looking forward to.

"Okay, starting today we have to find new food."

"Bamboo rat meat and cassava, let's not touch these two things from today on!"

"And in the days to come, we can't guarantee 100% edible food, and we must not eat it casually."

Huang Xiaochu said with a serious face.

This time he relied on his perseverance to persist in the past.

If there is a next time, maybe they will not be so lucky!

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