Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 113 Delicate boy, can't he know how to do needlework?

It's okay for the little ones to compete for favor, but the damn thing is that the two of them seem to be a little bit invincible.

This is somewhat excessive.

And as the little one gets bigger and bigger, its role is also brought into full play.

It's okay to be able to hunt, but now I can still do housework and take care of other small animals.

This is just fucking outrageous and double-edged home again!
If you compare them carefully, there really seems to be no comparison between the two of them and the little one.

Hunting has no hunting skills, and the courage does not have the courage of the little ones.

damned! !

Even a leopard is better than them.

And at this time, Xiao BuDian also seemed to feel the jealous eyes of Sister Zhou and Sister Duan.

Then he gave him an extremely humane look of contempt.

Then he turned around beside Su Yang again, and began to tremble.


The little boy yelled at Su Yang twice.

Then, his eyes turned to their shelter.

Su Yang also hurried over.

Sister Zhou and Sister Dai followed closely behind.

After entering the room, they found that there were several bitten rabbits in the room!
There are also two pheasants.

Obviously, this is the prey that the little one caught during these three days.

It seemed that he didn't eat it, but kept it and waited for Su Yang and the others to come back.

"Is this all the prey you caught in the past three days?"

Su Yang looked at the little one in surprise.

Originally, he had been worried that Xiao BuDian would not be able to calm down because of the pain of bereavement.

But now it seems that his worries are superfluous. In the past three days, the little ones, except for taking care of their shelter.

He didn't stay idle either, but used the remaining time to hunt.

And the little one didn't kill all the prey, just bit them, making them lose the ability to escape.

Apparently, the little one knows that killed prey won't last very long.

So deliberately did not kill them.

"Oh my god!! I can now be 100% sure that this little guy is definitely a genius!"

"The captured prey was not eaten directly, but brought back to the shelter."

"And it seems to know that the killed prey cannot be stored for a long time, so it didn't kill the prey all at once." Daimei looked at the pheasants and hares in front of her in shock, and said to sister Zhou.

With the little one's current size and combat power, killing small animals like pheasants and hares is simply a breeze!

But now that these animals have not been killed, it means that Xiao Budian did it deliberately.

"From the point of view of the circumstances, it appears that this is indeed the case."

"Little guy, in front of Su Yang, he doesn't have the instinct of a beast at all!" Sister Zhou also nodded dully.

I don't know what kind of genetic mutation happened to the little one to make it so smart.

I wonder if the little one will evolve in the future? ?

Then turn into a big monster or something.

Thinking about it is really a bit worrying.

"Not bad, my little one is really getting smarter."

Su Yang looked at the little one with a look of relief.

It seems that the effect of the marrow washing liquid not only brought about a huge change in the little one's body.

Even its IQ has been boosted.

If I use more marrow washing liquid, I don't know what the little one will look like in the end.

But while looking forward, Su Yang was also very melancholy.

Tiny is a beast after all.

After 300 days, they will leave the island.

And the little one who is a wild beast will definitely not be able to bring it back to the city!

It seems that this matter needs to be carefully considered...

Carefully checked the surroundings of the shelter.

Then a fire was built, the kang was filled, and after some fresh wild vegetables were found for the pheasants and hares, Su Yang and the others also prepared dinner.

After dinner, it was almost dark.

The day passed quickly like this.

After eating, we briefly talked about life and ideals.

Went back to the room to sleep.

"Ah!!! It's still comfortable to sleep in our own room!"

"It's full of warmth, and it's not so crowded, so you don't have to worry about sleeping."

Sister Zhou said with a look of enjoyment.

Because the temperature of the kang is very high, plus the floor heating.

There is no chill at all at night.

And it was much more comfortable than the night they were dying on the island. They squeezed together with Du Mei, and almost squeezed their breasts in.

"Yeah! It's so comfortable."

Dumb Girl also had a look of intoxication.

It's just that Su Yang is more or less uncomfortable.

A person was squeezed on the edge of the kang, but he didn't dare to lean in!
If you use too much force, it will be bad if your weapon hurts them.


The night passed quickly.

The next day when it was slightly bright, Su Yang got up and began to pack the already sun-baked wolf fur.

Now these wolf skins have been almost sun-dried, and it is estimated that under three or four days of scorching sun, the bacteria have almost been wiped out.

It's just that the wolf fur at this time is very hard, and the layer of film inside must be wrapped off.

In this way, the wolf fur will be slightly softer.

This kind of thing is relatively easy...

Soon Su Yang was done.

Then soak the dried plantain leaves left over from the previous few days in water, so that you can get very fine fibers.

These fibers can be twisted into rope, and it works quite well.

The next step is to cut a pin out of bamboo, and then sew the wolf skin.

A man who pursues exquisiteness must know needlework!

Soon Su Yang sewed all four wolf skins together!
This can just become a mattress on their kang.

Then the remaining four sheets can be made into a quilt. Although it is a bit hard, it should have a good effect of keeping warm at night.

For the last one, keep it first, and take it out later when you need it.

After all, it is not so cold now, so there is no need to rush to make wolf fur vests.

It is estimated that the kang last night was really comfortable.

So sister Dai and sister Zhou got up very late today.

After getting up, Su Yang had already sewn the bedding.

After seeing this scene, the two were naturally incomparably surprised.

"Fuck!! Su Yang, did you sew this?"

Dumb girl looked at the wolf fur quilt in front of her in bewilderment, she couldn't believe it!

As a woman, she knew nothing about needlework.

She didn't expect Su Yang to be so ingenious, which really shocked her.

Sister Zhou obviously had the same expression.

Archery, fish shooting, tree climbing, Hercules, and speed runners are all acceptable to them.

But now Su Yang can even do needlework so well.

This surprised them a bit!

Nowadays, there are not many women who can do needlework!
Su Yang is actually so ingenious...

"if not?"

"I know you two can't be relied on at all, so I can only do these needlework."

Su Yang said with a look of contempt.

But this can't be blamed on sister Zhou and sister Dai.

After all, girls nowadays hardly need to learn needlework!
This kind of traditional craftsmanship can only be inherited by an excellent boy like himself who has developed all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor...

What a tragedy of the times!
"I suddenly feel like..."

"Even if Su Yang suddenly gave birth to a baby one day, I won't be surprised..."

Sister Zhou said with a blank face.

The two women were so squeezed that they had no sense of existence!

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