Survival in the wilderness: full-level archery at the beginning

Chapter 10 The Iroquois Way of Making Fire, the Audience Was Shocked

After simply building a roof with tree trunks and rattan, Su Yang spread some banana leaves evenly on it.

After checking it, it was confirmed that there would be no rain leakage before calling it a day.

But at this moment, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was very venomous.

In this environment, people are prone to water shortages.

Although I ate two palm cores just now, there is no moisture in them at all.

So he had to find a way to get more food and water to survive tonight.

"Cousin, go and dip the remaining banana leaves in the water, and put them on the reef over there to dry."

After doing all this, Su Yang began to arrange for Miss Zhou to work.

Although she briefly searched for information on survival in the wilderness, it was far from enough.

And in this parallel time and space, there has never been a program similar to Survival in the Wild before.

Therefore, there are very few things that can be queried, and some of them are fabricated by some people out of thin air, and they do not have the effect of actual combat.

"Huh?! What are you doing with those?"

"Why do you have to dip it in the water and then dry it?" Sister Zhou asked in a daze.

Wet and then dry, isn't that the same as taking off your pants and farting, isn't it superfluous?

At this moment, she also felt that her knowledge was too little.

If relying on her own knowledge reserves, she might not be able to hold on for one night.

"Because there is seawater all around, and there is a lot of salt in the seawater, we can get some salt after dipping a banana leaf and drying it."

"I think you also know that the iodine contained in salt is an essential element in our body. Iodine deficiency can cause goiter, and even affect our central nervous system and heart."

"So in the process of long-term survival, in addition to water and food, salt is also a necessary survival material."

Su Yang began to popularize science seriously.

In fact, these are relatively basic common sense, not the knowledge given by the system.

Because in his previous life, he preferred wilderness survival videos, so he was familiar with these basic things.

Of course, there are many impurities and harmful minerals in unrefined sea salt, and magnesium chloride is also bitter.

But eating a little bit doesn't make much difference.

After life is a little more stable, it is necessary to refine edible salt!

"oh oh!"

Sister Zhou nodded dumbly, she was indeed shocked by Su Yang.

Unexpectedly, Su Yang knew so many things!

"I really didn't see it before, you have quite a wide range of knowledge!" After a moment of surprise, Sister Zhou began to redefine herself as a cheap cousin.

"That's a must!"

"Otherwise, you think I dare to come to this kind of place with you to suffer!"

Su Yang said proudly.

His words naturally brought sister Zhou another big white eye!

I don't know low-key at all...

But Sister Zhou still did what Su Yang said.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Yang also prepared to raise the fire first.

In the wilderness, a fire can definitely bring people enough sense of security!

Because it is uncertain whether there are some large animals on this deserted island, it is definitely right to prevent problems before they happen.

It was the hottest time of day, so lighting a fire was no problem for him.

Because the weather is very dry these days, the tinder was found quickly.

And Su Yang also started to light the fire while explaining.

They are streaming now, maybe some expertise can bring some popularity to their live broadcast room.

Maybe there will be a wave of generous rewards from some handsome and wealthy tycoons.

After all, all the reward money belongs to the survivors.

"Many people may find it difficult to drill wood to make fire, and even some people who have tried it can't do it!"

"But in fact, for a professional survivalist, drilling wood to make fire is the most basic skill. As long as the weather is favorable and you have dry wood and tinder, you can basically succeed."

"There are actually many kinds of wood-drilling to make fire. The most primitive method is the hand-rubbing method. This kind of wood-drilling method not only consumes physical energy, but also easily hurts hands."

"For some novice survivors, this is a very undesirable way to make fire."

"Because without enough strength and the hand speed of being single for 20 years, it is impossible to successfully start a fire!"

"In addition to the hand-rubbing method of drilling wood to make fire, I think everyone should know a bow-drilling method to make fire. This method is also relatively common, and the success rate is much higher than the hand-rubbing method of drilling wood to make fire. .”

"However, this kind of fire drilling is not foolproof, and it also consumes more energy. The bowstring is easier to break under violent friction."

"Today I'm going to show you a less common way of making fire by drilling wood, called the Iroquois method of making fire."


While popularizing science to the audience in the live broadcast room, Su Yang has already found some tools needed for the Iroquois-style fire-making method.

A straight drill pipe, a handle, then untie your own shoelaces, and finally find a bottom plate.

Use a machete to drill a small hole at the edge of the rotating plate, and there must be a gap connecting the small hole at the edge of the rotating plate!
This gap is to allow the wood chips to better contact the air, and to better circulate on the tinder, increasing the success rate of making fire.

The most critical step is to find a round object like a wooden wheel to reinforce the drill pipe.

It can be used as an accelerator, inertia will make the rotating rod go faster.

Other things are relatively easy to find, but the circular accelerator is a bit hard to find.

Su Yang searched around, but couldn't find anything more suitable.

Then he began to explain to the drone: "In fact, the effect of the circular accelerator is only to increase the inertia of the rotating shaft, so we can find two stones of appropriate size to replace it."

After finishing speaking, Su Yang found two stones and fixed them on the shaft!

This can also increase the effect of inertia.

With the help of two shoelaces, Su Yang quickly made an Iroquois-style fire drilling tool.

It doesn't look perfect, but it is very practical.

"Fuck! This Su Yang has something! I didn't expect to know a lot."

"I was also surprised! I thought it was just a little boy who was eating soft food, and I guess I just wanted to show my face by following Sister Zhou to survive, but now it seems that I do have something in my hand."

"Indeed, I've never heard of the Iroquois-style wood-burning of which he speaks!"

"The method he used to collect salt just now is also very novel. I've never heard of it before..."

"Brother Su Yang is so handsome..."

"Such a good-looking and skilled little brother, I love it!"

"I don't know how long it will take for Su Yang to get out of the fire! Looking forward to ing"

[I want to send a super rocket to Sister Zhou*! 】

[Sister Zhou's husband sent shark pills*666...]

Su Yang's wave of fire-making operations greatly changed the audience's impression of her in the live broadcast room.

Originally thought that he was just a little boy who ate soft food.

Unexpectedly, it does have some abilities.

After all, most of the audience have never heard of the Iroquois-style fire drilling method!
There are also many viewers who started to give rewards...

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