Liu Meng said with a blank face: "I tore them all, and I can't wear them anymore. Why don't you throw them away?"

When Nie Feng heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Oh, you, can't you mend it with a needle and thread?"

When Liu Meng heard this, her face was a little red, and she quickly said, "I haven't learned it before."

Nie Feng smiled wryly and said: "Oh, you are a girl who can't even know how to do it. It's really unreasonable. Bring a needle and thread, let me do it."

After hearing this, Liu Meng looked at Nie Feng in surprise.

"Wow, you know how to mend with needle and thread?"

Because generally speaking, a big man doesn't bother to learn this.

Nie Feng shrugged and said, "Of course I will. I have been away from home since I was a child and lived independently. If I don't know how to do this little skill, how can I take care of myself?"

When I was in the special forces, I had to do everything myself, even for trivial tasks like needlework, I was required to know it!Because an elite special forces soldier is required to be proficient in all eighteen martial arts.

Liu Meng quickly found a needle and thread. She looked at Nie Feng with wide eyes. She still didn't believe that Nie Feng really knew how to work with such a woman.

She didn't really believe it until she saw Nie Feng's skillful threading and mending of clothes.

Soon, Nie Feng mended Liu Meng's clothes and held them up for her to see.

"Look, just a few times, it looks exactly like the new one."

Liu Meng took a closer look at the clothes, making her eyes widen.

Because the clothes that Nie Feng sewed could not be seen as mended, they were as perfect as before, not a little different.

"Wow, Nie Feng, you are really amazing. You can't even tell that this place has been sewn. How did you do it?"

Nie Feng smiled slightly and said, "Che, this is very simple, do you want to learn it?"

Liu Meng nodded happily.

"Okay, you teach me."

Nie Feng smiled and said, "Okay, but I have to collect tuition fees."

Liu Meng immediately said: "Okay, no problem, let's talk about the number."

Nie Feng laughed and said, "We don't talk about money. Talking about money hurts our feelings. Why don't you let me kiss you?"

After hearing this, Liu Meng cast an annoyed look at Nie Feng.

"Ah, you rascal! Then I won't learn."

"Oh, then I'll give you a discount, how about I let you kiss me?"

"Go away, no way!"


Monday mornings are always so busy. Everyone in the Guan Group is sweating profusely. They have to write reports, hold meetings, and obtain materials. They look very busy.

"Xiao Ke, please collect the data of this document immediately. Mr. Guan will need it before twelve noon. It must be completed, otherwise Mr. Guan will curse people. Do you need help? If necessary , you must speak out, because it is urgent."

Ke Yao received a task, she quickly took over the thick stack of materials, and started to work hard.

"Manager, please don't worry, I should be fine. Everyone is busy now, and I can complete the task myself!"

Ke Yao thinks that the work of summarizing should be relatively simple, but it needs to be harder.

But when Ke Yao started working, he found that the summary data was not that simple!

The data collection of this information is very complicated and cumbersome, and there are so many data that Ke Yao's head will explode.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the time soon came to 11:30!But Ke Yao has not yet completed half of the data collection. According to the current speed, it is almost impossible to complete this task before twelve o'clock.

"Ke Yao, how short are you now?"

The office manager came over and asked about the progress.

Ke Yao replied anxiously: "I'm only one-third finished now."

The office manager was taken aback.

"What did you say? It's only one-third of the way done? My God, when you took this task, you said that there is no problem with one person. It's already 11:30, and you're still two-thirds of the way there! I'm really going to be mad at you."

The office manager was very angry, and really almost yelled at him.

Ke Yao is also very sorry.

"I'm sorry, manager, I... I thought..."

"Don't always be self-righteous! Think of a way right away. If I don't see the information before twelve o'clock, you can pack up and leave."

After Ke Yao heard the office manager's words, tears were already rolling in her eyes. She choked up in a low voice, with tears in her eyes, and hurriedly tried to find a way.

"Xiao Ke, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, several of her colleagues saw Ke Yao sobbing softly, and hurried over to inquire.

Ke Yao burst into tears, and told his colleagues about the matter.

"Hey, Xiao Ke, you must not be so sure about this kind of thing in the future. It is easy to cause accidents. Let us help you together. Anyway, we have finished the work in hand."

Several of Ke Yao's colleagues came to help enthusiastically.

Ke Yao was very grateful.

"Thank you very much, really appreciate it."

"Time is running out, let's get it done."

With the help of a few colleagues, the progress of the work is indeed much faster!Let Ke Yao also see the hope that the data summary can be completed before twelve o'clock!

But soon she fell into despair again. Although there were a few more colleagues to help, the data was really too much. Now there are less than 10 minutes left, and the data is only half done!
"What should I do? There are only 10 minutes left, and there is still half of it. There is not enough time."

Ke Yao's colleagues were all in a hurry.

"Let's try to summarize the data in the EX table?"

Some colleagues quickly suggested.

"Ah, yes, the data summary of the EX form can be automatically classified and summarized, which is very useful."

After others heard it, they suddenly realized! The data summary function of EX is very powerful, and it is absolutely no problem in 10 minutes after it is done.

Ke Yao was also excited when she heard it, and hurriedly created an EX file.

After 5 minutes passed, Ke Yao and her colleagues discovered a very embarrassing thing!
Among the few of them, none of them can use the data summary formula in EX!
It's so embarrassing.

"What should I do? I handed over everything I learned in college to the teacher! Those formulas can't be set."

"Yeah, I really regret that I didn't study hard at the beginning."

Ke Yao also regretted it in her heart. When she was in college, the teacher also taught it, but she didn't keep it in mind. After all, it was not a required subject!When I use it now, I find that I don't know it at all.

If I study this EX form well, I will finish the task on time now.

"Ke Yao, there are only 5 minutes left now, where's the data?"

The office manager ran over with a gloomy face and asked for the data.

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