The Joyful King of the Goddess President

Chapter 225 Broke His Way of Kung Fu

Takada Ryosuke saw that the ten throwing knives that he sent out at high speed were actually blocked by the ten throwing knives that Nie Feng found, which made his eyes almost pop out, and he couldn't believe it was real!

You know, this is a hidden weapon that I shot out at high speed. A flying knife is only a few centimeters in size, and it is impossible for ordinary people to catch it. Unyieldingly collided with the throwing knives he shot, not to mention that there were ten of them!
Is this guy still human?
"Ah! It's a hidden weapon!"

"That's great, that young man actually knocked down that boxer's hidden weapon with a hidden weapon, that's great, look at what despicable tricks this boxer has, haha!"

"It's amazing. If I were to come, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see the hidden weapons. It's so cool!"

The entire boxing arena was boiling. Seeing Nie Feng's supernatural power, he could even knock out such a small hidden weapon, they were so addicted to it, they called it Niubi.

Seeing that Nie Feng is so miraculous, Xiao Bei can use hidden weapons to knock down hidden weapons, making him say it's impossible, and he opened his mouth wide in shock!
"Lying on the grass, lying on the grass! Lying on the grass, the bull is breaking, Xiao Li is possessed by flying knives, what a fucking bullshit!"

He didn't know what language to use to express the shock and admiration in his heart, so he could only utter all the foul words he could!
Heihu was so excited that he jumped up from the ground regardless of his serious injury, raising his arms and shouting.

"Damn, it's so relieved, awesome! Bastard, let's see what dirty tricks you can do, fuck him to death."

Although the wound made him frown in pain, but his face was easy to be happy, this is really painful and happy.

Takada Ryosuke's companions saw that Takada Ryosuke's hidden weapon, the throwing knife, also failed, which made their faces very ugly. They took a look secretly, and prepared to run away.

Takada Ryosuke on the stage now has a very ugly face, his eyes are wide open.

How did he do that?This is simply impossible!
Nie Feng looked at Takada Ryosuke with a sneer on his face, and said, "Hey, little dwarf, what dirty tricks do you have? Just use them, or you won't have a chance."

Because people in this country are generally short in height, they have low self-esteem, and they are very concerned about others saying that they are short.

So many people who want to humiliate their people just call them dwarves.

Sure enough, Takada Ryosuke was furious.

"Bage, I'm going to hack you to death."

He swung his knife furiously, and his speed increased several times in an instant, so fast that there was no sign of him. In the blink of an eye, his big knife had already slashed in front of Nie Feng.

Go to hell!

Takada Ryosuke took advantage of his anger to stimulate his potential. This knife was perfect in strength and speed, impeccable.

Several companions of Takada Ryosuke were about to sneak away, but when they saw him make this knife, they couldn't help but stop and applauded loudly.

At this time, Xiao Bei was very nervous, because the knife gave him the feeling that it was absolutely impossible to avoid it!
And Hu Meng, like Xiao Bei, also felt that Takada Ryosuke's knife could not be avoided at all.

Heihu's face was very solemn, and he also felt that he couldn't dodge this knife, but when he saw Nie Feng's calmness for a moment, he felt that Nie Feng seemed to be confident.

Nie Feng really had a plan in his mind, and he really felt that it was difficult to dodge this move, but he never thought of dodging at all!

"Well done, it's still not enough to see in front of me! Let's call it a day."

Nie Feng snorted coldly, and shot instantly, the speed was indescribably fast, he came first and grabbed Takada Ryosuke's hand, then snatched the blade empty-handed, and instantly swiped twice, using Takada Ryosuke's Japanese The knife cut off Takada Ryosuke's two arms in an instant.

Takada Ryosuke fell into a pool of blood in pain, wailing heart-piercingly!
"My hand, my hand."

After the entire boxing ring was quiet for a few seconds, there was a huge roar and applause.

"Low on the grass, Niubi! It's too awesome."

"Great, this hateful, despicable guy has finally received his due punishment, great! Well done."

"Young people have done so well, let these foreigners dare to be arrogant on our territory!"

Everyone is excited, crazy, and full of excitement!

The depression of the past few days was completely vented at this moment. Everyone was jumping and jumping excitedly, and most of them rushed to the stage in excitement, throwing Nie Feng high up.



The crowd cheered loudly and excitedly.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Don't let those bastards get away."

The companions of Takada Ryosuke wanted to lift up Takada Ryosuke to escape when everyone was celebrating the victory passionately, but someone saw it.

In the end, these foreigners were all arrested, and Nie Feng had already helped Takada Ryosuke to stop the bleeding, but Nie Feng used a little trick to seal some of Takada Ryosuke's acupuncture points, so that he would never have a seizure again in the future. Without strength, his kung fu path was broken.

"You bastards, you still want to be arrogant at our door? This time, your parents don't even know each other."

The crowd vented the resentment and hatred accumulated in the past few days on several companions of Ryosuke Takada, beating them to beg for mercy. Although Nie Feng could understand what they said, he pretended not to hear them, and the others even more I don't understand, it's just a beating anyway, even children rushed up to kick these bastards a few times.

In the end, these bastards were stripped naked and driven out of the boxing ring with only their underwear on. They carried Takada Ryosuke and fled in desperation.

Everyone was still excitedly discussing Nie Feng's heroic appearance just now, but Nie Feng was cleared by Heihu to the VIP room, and there were several men in their 50s and [-]s sitting here.

"Nie Feng, thank you so much this time. Not only did you save my life, but you also brought honor to our people, defeating Ryosuke Takada, otherwise we would all be ashamed."

Hei Hu thanked Nie Feng sincerely, he already knew Nie Feng's name just now.

Nie Feng smiled and waved his hands and said, "You don't need to thank me, this is something every one of us should do."

At this time, a 50-year-old man with white eyebrows and hair walked up to Nie Feng, raised his thumbs up and said, "You are really awesome. You are so young, and your skill is so amazing. It is really the wave of the Yangtze River that pushes the wave of the front. Nie Feng, we It's called Lai Zhensen, the head of the Ruyi Shenquan Sect, and the president of the Martial Arts Association of City A."

"Oh, Senior Lai, hello."

Nie Feng smiled and shook hands with Lai Zhensen.

"It's like this, Nie Feng, I want to invite you to participate in the triennial martial arts conference in City A in a month. A new Martial King!"

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