Not everyone has the same system as her.

Chinese martial arts is extensive and profound, if it is really easy to learn, people who know martial arts now will not be rare.

Hearing what the other party said, Luo Lan once again refreshed his understanding of this martial arts school.

Nowadays, people are a little curious about this aspect but cannot accept hard training, which leads to fewer and fewer people wanting to learn, and the decline of martial arts halls.

After all, it still can't keep up with the changes of the times.

Luo Lan looked at the beautiful Chinese girl who was dissatisfied with the martial arts again, and could only sigh slightly.

It is quite sad that no one inherits it.

Gan Xiaoqian still didn't give up, she put her arms around the girl's body and begged softly, and wanted to act coquettishly.

Although Luo Lan expressed that she enjoyed it, she wasn't like some kind of person thinking about creatures with her lower body.

It can only be said that the real happiness that belongs to her no longer exists.

I'm just an honest delivery guy, it's useless for you beautiful girl customer to sell your appearance like this.

Although Luo Lan didn't agree verbally, he didn't refuse physically either.

In a word, she is also a woman, so she really doesn't take advantage of it. I can't be nervous and I should get used to this situation.

However, this made Gan Xiaoqian a little anxious, thinking about how else to persuade Luo Lan.

She really wanted to learn martial arts from martial arts novels, her eyes were full of firmness.

Gan Xiaoqian is different from other girls, but like a boy, she likes to read martial arts novels since she was a child.

That kind of world where martial arts are strong and chivalrous everywhere fills countless people with fantasy, including herself.

"By the way, don't you want five-star praise? I've stayed here for so long and haven't learned anything. Now everyone except me has left, and I don't want to stay anymore."

"I'm going to get my mobile phone back from my master. I'll give you five-star praise. Wait for me. I'll go and explain it to my master now. Maybe the master doesn't want to teach me at all, so I won't waste time disturbed him."

Gan Xiaoqian said a lot in a hurry, and told Luo Lan to wait for him here.

The five-star praise of the system task is really tempting for her.

I go, spring, hope is here again?
Luo Lan looked at the back of the girl running back quickly, and she seemed to be sincere in her apprenticeship.

But when she met herself helplessly, she really found the wrong person.

The little girl thinks everything is too simple.

Gan Xiaoqian pushed the door open with both hands and wanted to rush in, but only heard an ouch, and she bumped into a figure and backed away again and again.

When she saw clearly the person standing in front of her, her body froze, and there was fear in her eyes.

"Master, why are you here?"

Gan Xiaoqian's downcast eyes did not dare to look at him, like a poor little mouse caught by a cat.

Luo Lan looked over and saw that Gan Xiaoqian's master was a short and capable old man.

Although the old man's complexion is old and decayed, his head is still black-haired, and his eyes are full of infinite light that catches the eye.

The old man wore a navy blue button-down shirt with his hands behind his back. Compared with Gan Xiaoqian, he was more calm and airy.

His face was serious and rigid at the moment, and the aura revealed on his body was a hint of anger.

Luo Lan glanced at her whole body, her expression didn't change a bit.

It can only be said that this is not a simple old man, he is worthy of being a martial arts practitioner, and all his energy is here.

"Xiaoqian, my teacher asked you to practice for three hours before resting. Why are you running here now!"

The little old man sternly reprimanded him with full confidence.

Gan Xiaoqian was so frightened that she didn't dare to look up at her master's face.

The master's majestic aura suppressed the little girl to death, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

After all, she was a little girl, and she had insisted on leaving just now, but how could she have the ability at a critical moment.

The little old man stared at Luo Lan, who was standing not far behind, and the unfinished fried chicken takeaway on the steps.

Knowing all this, his beard trembled, and he was furious, so he reprimanded even louder:
"What's the matter, I told you to practice kung fu, but you came here to steal food, practice more for me today, until you know your mistake!"

The takeaway is really strict, it is really strict, but this takeaway has suffered a little.

Luo Lan silently sympathized with the little girl for a second.

She looked at Gan Xiaoqian's silent state, and her guesses might come to an end here.

Her five-star praise is now in the hands of her master, but looking at the attitude of this master, there is no way it is possible.

However, after a few seconds, Gan Xiaoqian's figure was still in place, not moving at all.

Luo Lan was unexpected, and the little old man with his hands behind his back was also unexpected.

In his cognition, apart from complaining every day, his little apprentice has never disobeyed him.

Although Gan Xiaoqian is a girl and still young, she practiced qigong solidly and worked harder than others.

Now all the people watching and playing in the martial arts hall have left, and there is only one young apprentice left in front of him, and the little old man is particularly fond of this apprentice.

Just looking at Gan Xiaoqian's body without moving his head, he couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, and then continued to scold:

"What are you doing here in a daze? You don't even listen to the teacher's words. Your wings are hardened, don't you? Hurry up and follow me back to practice. See if I don't punish you well this time."

The little old man looked at his little apprentice, always so rigid and strict, as if these words had grown on his face.

The little girl didn't continue to speak immediately, and the air paused for a few seconds.

"Master, I'm sorry, I don't want to learn anymore."

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere at the scene plummeted.

Sure enough, it still happened.

Looking at all this, Luo Lan couldn't help sighing.

The situation that happened in front of me seemed to have something to do with her.

The relationship between master and apprentice separated by a takeaway meal?

Gan Xiaoqian raised her head at this moment and continued:

"You let me practice horse stance and do some physical work every day. What I want to learn is powerful kung fu. You don't have what I want to learn here."

What she expressed was the same as what she had said to Luo Lan before, and she finally mustered up the courage to say it.

Luo Lan thought it was interesting that the little girl had such a personality.

At least she went after what he wanted, and there was nothing wrong with that.

The little old man became even more angry when he heard this sound, his face was as angry as a red apple.

When Gan Xiaoqian saw that her master was about to scold her again, she was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head and dared not speak out.

Just now she really summoned up all her courage to say such a sentence in front of the master.

In fact, apart from not being able to teach her real kung fu, the master was very kind to her. He knew that she had to use hot water to get up early every day to chop firewood and boil water, and he would give her the biggest room in the martial arts gym.

The master will also tell him some stories about the prosperity of the martial arts school in the past, which sounds more exciting than those in martial arts novels, although it may be deceiving.


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