In fact, Luo Lan didn't really bully Little Lolita much, he just thought it was fun and often teased her.

There is such a cute little loli beside her, and there is also a battery car that can be ridden. It is amazing to think about it.

Little Lolita is very obedient, knowing that she will tell Luo Lan in advance if she wants to change back into a human form, and also knows to pay attention to the fact that there are no other people around.

Luo Lan couldn't put it down for such a little loli who cared about her master.

Although Luo Lan has top-notch cooking skills, she doesn't know how to cook at home.

Mainly because I'm lazy, it's better to order takeaway than to do it myself.

This is already the most typical sign of this era of rapid development.

Xiao Huang was thrown into the repair shop, just sprayed a little paint, and the appearance gave her a golden glow.

Luo Lan still likes the original little lolita, the cute and silly ones are the cutest.

The temperature in Hwaseong has risen, even reaching a height of nearly 40 degrees at noon.

Countless takeaway workers still shuttled through the city in the scorching heat, sweating from beating workers.

It stands to reason that on such a hot day, the delivery staff will definitely get a little tanned after running around all day.

But Luo Lan was different. Her body didn't even need sunscreen, her skin was still as white as snow, and she rarely even sweated.

Sometimes Uncle Chen would sweat profusely and ask her if there was any special constitution in your family.

In fact, she didn't even know how miraculous Luo Lan's beautiful body was.

[Hundred poisons do not invade] and [Tai Chi], these two system abilities have changed his body a lot.

Because the weather is really too hot.

Luo Lan decided to use some money to do some good deeds.

Although she is rich, she doesn't pretend to be extravagant on purpose.

Now it's good to pretend to be an ordinary delivery person, and then secretly make a lot of money.

Luo Lan went to a department store and bought a large insulated box.

Let the guy from the supermarket send it to a roadside with a lot of traffic.

This road is the main road, and delivery staff can be seen almost all the time.

Luo Lan asked the guy to bring over a large pile of ice cubes and bottled mineral water, and put them all into the insulated box.

When she first started delivering food, she did make silly mistakes that some beginners would make a few times.

Although he can turn bad luck into good luck every time, every time she asks some questions in the group, the seniors of the takeaway masters will actively answer him.

Most of the food delivery does not require much social interaction with customers, but you can really learn a lot about dealing with people.

Luo Lan stretched out her snow-white and silky hand, and wrote a line with a marker pen.

The girl under the sunlight is warm and charming, her twinkling peach eyes are full of stars.

"All right."

After Luo Lan finished writing the note, her rosy lips nibbled on the cap of the pen, which was very tempting.

A line written neatly and concisely on the note:

"Please take delivery guys and other outdoor workers to drink water."

The handwriting is beautiful, and it looks like a girl's handwriting.

The girl squinted her eyes, feeling a little dissatisfied, so she added a few more characters:

"Love Relay."

Relay of love, please pass on this love.

As long as this love is still there, when you are tired and thirsty, you can open the incubator and have water to drink all the time.

Luo Lan was more satisfied now, so he pasted the note on the incubator.

"Well, just a little thirsty."

She took out a bottle of ice water from it and drank it.

In hot weather, a bottle of ice water is an emergency solution and can prevent heat stroke.

At this time, a familiar person came into the girl's sight.

Luo Lan quickly shook her snow-white jade hand, and said hello:
"Uncle Chen, it's not bad, I sent a few orders today."

That's right, Uncle Chen came to play a guest role again.

This time, the girl took the initiative to greet Uncle Chen.

Seeing this, Uncle Chen stopped, and said with a smile on his square face:
"Xiao Nan is you, I called you just now, what are you doing here?"

But the strange thing is that Uncle Chen had a clean face before, but today he was surprised to see some blue stubble.

This is a bit different from Uncle Chen's usual style.

Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, then remembered that Uncle Chen just called to look for him.

Not too polite, the girl asked what's the matter.

Uncle Chen turned around and took out a new unopened yellow uniform from behind.

Luo Lan could tell at a glance that the yellow uniform was the most honored beauty delivery uniform.

This is what Luo Lan asked Uncle Chen to ask for yesterday.

Like a helmet, she also has a rabbit hat, which she thought was a bit stupid and didn't want to wear it.

This set of official delivery staff uniforms can only be bought from regional team leaders like Uncle Chen.

Moreover, the price of such a golden yellow robe uniform is really not low, it is several times the price outside.

Capital needs to be exploited layer by layer, and even the group leader can earn a lot of money.

Of course, Uncle Chen also wants to make money, he has to report to the higher authorities and the like, but it is his conscience not to cheat others.

"Summer work clothes, the platform says they are improved models, what can you wear with a yellow robe and a sense of prosperity, it's just a shirt, it's really impressive."

Even Uncle Chen, who has always been honest, finally complained this time.

Adding a yellow robe? ? ?

Soar to fame! ! !

Yes, accompanied by big fish and big meat every day, wouldn't that be a great success?

Luo Lan took the uniform with a smile and said nothing, it is a good way for capitalists to publicize.

"How much is it, Uncle Chen, this shirt and yellow robe cost at least tens of thousands of yuan."

The girl laughed along with her.

"No, I told the platform that it's the work uniform you want, so don't charge for it, but, even if I did, I wouldn't charge you."

Uncle Chen said that he just saw himself on TV this morning, and he was refreshed.

"Uncle Chen, why did you show up on TV with your stubble?"

Luo Lan raised her delicate eyebrows, a little curious.

"No, no, today is the baby in my family. Every day, he makes troubles in school. He is so old that he is still ignorant, alas."

Uncle Chen sighed, and then he would not care about telling the girl about his private affairs.

Luo Lan didn't listen carefully, and carefully unpacked the uniform by himself.

In addition to the classic summer yellow robe, there is also something like a piece of cloth.

The girl was obviously taken aback, with some doubts.

What is the situation, how could such a thing happen.

Luo Lan slowly picked it up with both hands.

Ling Xing's gold-edged skirt looks a little nice.

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