Luo Lan wondered if I was so kind, I gave you a kitchen knife and let you eat it.

She pretended to be a good boss in China, showing a sweet smile.

"Yes, specially reserved for you."

"Oh, thank you, thank you."

Li Hong was overwhelmed with flattery, and looked left and right at the offal in his hand.

There was a golden sparkle in the two eyes.

He was a little reluctant to eat it while playing with it, but he felt that it would not taste good when it was cold.

This was made by the girl herself and given to him by herself.

With gratitude to the girl, Li Hong ate the beef offal with great care.

After a while, the man's eyes were red and his face was runny.

This is so delicious.

Especially when he was eating, he could still feel the warmth and love of the girl.

Think about it, it was specially given to him by the girl.

He smacked the oil stains on his hands, and his face couldn't hold back anymore.

From the first time he saw the girl, he was amazed by her beautiful appearance.

Later, he pestered the girl by himself, which caused the girl's attitude towards him to be disgusting.

I thought there would never be any more stories between the two of them.

As a result, the girl saved herself last night, and she expressed everything she wanted to the girl.

Nervous, frightened and wryly smiling, she was not at all like her previous self.

There was nothing else in his mind, it was filled with the girl's sweet smile and the fairy-like figure.

It was the first time that the girl who had been treating him not extremely badly was being so nice to him.

Li Hong cherishes this feeling very much, he doesn't want this to be the only time the girl treats him so well.

The man looked at the almost finished beef offal in the bowl, feeling affectionate and reluctant to part.

Now he really wants to say something to Luo Lan in embarrassment:
I can take the rest home and eat it.

But right now, Li Hong's expression was extremely serious, and he said to the air on his own:
"I will never be a scumbag in my life."

The reason why girls hate him is like the evil and ugly deformed tattoos on their bodies.

He desperately wanted to wash it off his body and stand in front of the girl again.

It's the feeling of meeting someone you really like, but being shunned by the other person.

It was like a thousand incomparably piercing pain.


A clear and melodious laugh like a lark sounded.

Li Hong was slightly taken aback, only to realize that at some point a beautiful figure was standing beside him, looking at him and smiling.

He hurriedly wiped away the mist from his eyes.

No man wants the girl he likes to see him crying.

Luo Lan's pretty face smiled beautifully, and almost everyone who saw it would be shocked.

Li Hong likes to see girls smile, especially at himself, even if it's the kind of smirk that hides a knife in the dark.

"Yeah, it's good, you continue to talk, I really don't think it's funny, I just thought of other things and couldn't help it."

Luo Lan put on an appearance that you continue to act, believe it or not, it's over.

"Really, in fact, I have played with so many feelings, and the true feelings are not what I want. I will never be a scumbag after thinking about it. From now on, I will be 100% dedicated to the girl I like."

The expression on Li Hong's face was as serious as he wanted.

As he spoke, he stood up excitedly, with one hand stretched high above his head.

There is quite a sacred radiance shining on the head like a prodigal son who turns his head back and never changes his gold.

Luo Lan gave him a weird look, which really convinced her a bit.

How could this person become decent after eating such a bowl of offal like himself.

Is it possible that the food made by oneself has a hidden passive, which can purify the filth and re-behave?
Think carefully.

Apart from being a scumbag and looking lecherous, Li Hong has nothing wrong with him.

Today's free labor is really good. If it weren't for him, she would probably be tired for a while now.

Why don't you help me out, Amitabha, the old man enlightens this guy.

"It's true that you were really stupid before, and you were really easy to be beaten when you were out of the house, but you used to be a scumbag, and you really have a lot of bad habits to change."

Luo Lan stroked his non-existent beard, and put on an appearance of a master.

She has reached the supreme state of having no woman in her heart, drawing a sword and being a natural god.

I didn't have the experience of holding a woman's hand for decades in my previous life. This guy is enough to learn and use for a lifetime.

What is a scumbag, in the end he is not just a back-to-basics, just an ordinary person.

Li Hong didn't seem to hear the girl scolding him for being an idiot, so he put on a look of seeking knowledge.

The girl said that he was an idiot in the past, so he felt that he was a bit of an idiot in the past.

Every word the girl uttered was extremely important to him.

"Well, I want to ask, what bad habits do I have to change?"

"That's too much. First of all, there are some things. Control from the way of contact. You must not leave too many girls' WeChat or contact information in your mobile phone. This will prevent your own control from being low and eventually leading to that unbearable path." path of."

"Oh, my WeChat and contact number have also been deleted. By the way, to prevent them from contacting me, I will change my WeChat and phone number."

Li Hong thought so thoroughly that he could think of a better way.

While nodding in agreement, he turned on the phone and confirmed to the girl that he had deleted all of them.

Obviously he intends to let the girl change herself, and at the same time make the girl completely believe in him.

Luo Lan expressed that he was very satisfied, this guy can teach a child.

"The other thing is that you have to change yourself, your..."

"Wait, I'll take a notebook and write it down first."

Li Hong interrupted the girl's words, and hurriedly looked for paper and pen from the side.

When he found it, he looked like a complete elementary school student taking notes.

Luo Lan is the teacher in the classroom.

"Don't pay too much attention to appearance, what kind of gradient color is your hair, if it is too coquettish, it will be cheap at first glance, and you don't know where the self-confidence comes from when you see beautiful women every day, and you still flick your hair like a spiral ascending to the sky.

If you want to know, you think you are playing handsome, or if you don’t know, you think you have some kind of cervical spondylosis. "

Luo Lan spoke without restraint, and said everything Quan wanted to say at once.

With such a good-looking face and such a flamboyant look, it's hard for a scumbag with such an appearance.

It's important to be normal.

Li Hong listened carefully and wrote it down in his notebook.

"There is more, there is more."

"The other thing is to smoke less and drink less, especially if you drink less.

Also, to reply to a girl's message, it's best to just use a single word, um, oh, and drink more hot water, "

Li Hong bit the tip of his pen to think, and the next second he quickly wrote it down in his notebook:
"I see, what else?"

His eyes are now looking at the girl very seriously.

Where the girl asked him to change, he would change everything.

That girl can't hate him so much.

Seeing that the man was listening so carefully, Luo Lan even wrote down his notes, so she was too embarrassed to talk nonsense.

Who knows that there is no such thing as drinking more water in this world.

"Ahem, it's nothing, but the environment in your home is really not that good.

This bad habit needs to be corrected, by the way, you still have to pay homage to Second Master Guan. "

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