Form the National Luck Bureau: Recruit the Emperor's Armor at the beginning!

Chapter 38 Is this bad guy really reliable?The devil of the earth is out

"This person! He can actually deduce the secret method!"

In Pluto's eyes, the tactic of Bad Shuai just now emerged, as if a corner of the future was being peeped by him.

"The method of deducing the secrets? The secrets are unpredictable. If you frequently calculate the secrets, you will be punished by the heavens. This person actually used this method to find the location of Mutian City? It's extravagant!"

The Lion King said in shock from behind.

"I feel an aura that doesn't belong to this era on this person. Could it be that this person has also broken through eternal reincarnation?"

"Only the truly strong can transcend reincarnation!"

On Pluto's body, a terrifying aura of avenues floated. Now, although he still feels that he is invincible and infinite, he pays more attention to the National Luck Bureau.

"National Luck Bureau, Yang Fan Bureau, I think we will see each other in the future."


"Hello everyone, we can see now that our Dragon Kingdom's National Games player, Bad Shuai, has calculated the position of Mutian City, and is now heading east."

"Whether they can find Mutian City, we will wait and see."

Li Ruobing continued to broadcast live, and now her live broadcast of the National Games can be said to be the most popular live broadcast ever.

"Awesome! Is this the legendary counting? Although I think these things are fake, but this unscrupulous handsome man is a strong man who came out of the National Luck Bureau, so he can't really calculate it. "

"I can't believe it, it's not scientific at all!"

"What the hell are you talking about science?!"

Countless Dragon Kingdom people discussed, and many people expressed their disbelief at the bad guy just now, even if he pointed out the direction of Mu Tiancheng. real.

Anyway, wait and see.

Everyone watched the bad handsome and Xiaoyu in the live broadcast, walking in a straight line leisurely, heading east, the sun was scorching in the desert, and the sun was scorching like fire, but Xiaoyu let a group of black shadow ninjas fight her and the bad handsome Umbrellas, fans, compared to other countries sweating, the life of these two people is not very good.

Now, everyone has understood that the group of black shadow troops serving her around Xiaoyu are all inhuman summons. Just now, they clearly saw these black shadow troops floating out of Xiaoyu's shadow.

"Is this the extraordinary ability? I love it."

"I also want to be able to summon these shadow corps, Ma De, summon [-] shadow corps, send them to work in the electronics factory, and give me a salary of [-] per person. I can directly earn hundreds of millions a month!"

"Fuck, it's a good idea upstairs."

"Hey, what about the pattern, what about the pattern? You can summon a hundred thousand shadow corps, why go to work in an electronics factory? Wouldn't it be better to go to a cement factory?"

All kinds of discussions are in full swing in the major forums of Dragon Kingdom.

Yang Fan couldn't help smiling when he saw it.

In the world before he traveled, the Shadow Corps and the Twelve Talismans were the dreams of countless men.

After traveling to this blue star, it is no exception. If it weren't for Yang Fan's possession of the National Luck System now, his vision would have improved to a higher level, and he would also want to summon the Black Shadow Corps, holding the Twelve Talismans.

"Boss, is bad handsomeness really reliable? You know, this is a civilized society, and science is the only thing worth trusting. I always feel that this so-called counting is unreliable."

Meizhen asked with some doubts.

"Hmph! You are underestimating our commander-in-chief. You don't seem to know that when our commander-in-chief was in the Tang Dynasty, he calculated the situation in the next few hundred years."

Shi Yao, who was a bad person next to him and now a clerk of the National Games Bureau, snorted coldly and said.

Yang Fan also nodded, expressing his affirmation of Bad Shuai.

National Games battlefield, in the vast desert.

Bad Shuai suddenly signaled Xiaoyu to stop.

"What's the matter, handsome?"

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, why did she suddenly stop walking so well?

"Something is coming."

There was a flash of light in the bad handsome eyes, he grabbed Xiaoyu in the blink of an eye, and flew into the sky with Xiaoyu.

Immediately afterwards, a bloody mouth suddenly protruded from where Xiaoyu was standing just now, and Xiaoyu was about to die here.

"Good guy, this is?"

Xiaoyu's face changed drastically. He saw that the ground under his feet suddenly seemed to come alive, and a bull-headed monster with huge horns crawled out of the ground.

The most frightening thing is that Xiaoyu still knows this monster.


[Ding dong!Dragon Kingdom's national athletes, Xiaoyu and Bad Shuai are attacked by the demons of the earth! 】

[Ding dong!Earth Demon Dikui Introduction: One of the eight ancient demons, who controlled the power of the earth, was once trapped in the demon hell with the other seven demons, and was recruited and sent to the deserted city as an NPC to fight against the national players]

The voice of the Lord of National Destiny resounded in the minds of all the Blue Star people, and in an instant, a violent storm rolled up in the hearts of countless people.

"Fuck! Demons?! There are demons in this desert attacking National Games players? Don't play like this!"

"Hahahaha! The National Athletic players of the Dragon Kingdom vowed to go east. They didn't find Mutian City, the oasis, or the water source. They actually found a demon that can control the power of the earth? Hahaha, this is so unlucky." Already!"

"It's amazing! It's amazing! I thought that the masked man in Longguo was very powerful, but I didn't expect that, that's it!?"

"Outside the name, Jack and Tom from the Beautiful Country used high-tech instruments to measure the water molecules in the air, and found that the place where the water molecules are most concentrated is in the west, and cities are usually built near water sources, so Mutian City must also be in the west , and now they are looking westward."

"Hahahaha, it turns out that Mutian City is in the west! So it's in the west! Those two people from Long Guo foolishly walked east, and even encountered a demon!"

"It really made me laugh!"

"Our cold country is going west too! Hurry up, maybe we can get a piece of the pie, unlike a certain dragon country, who might be killed by the mouth of the devil in a while!"

At this moment, a question appeared in the minds of countless Dragon Kingdom people who were watching the live broadcast.

Good guy, did you really go wrong?

What kind of bad handsome is this? Is it really a parallel import?

"If you really go wrong, then run now, run west now, maybe there is still hope."

"Don't be beaten to death by the demons. The death of the National Games players must be paid by all Dragon Kingdom people."

National Luck Bureau, Yang Fan was also surprised when he saw the devil of the land.

"This National Fortune battlefield, the Lord of National Fortune has something. The first level brought King Peel and the King Catching Armor, and the second level actually directly brought in the eight demons from "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"?"

Yang Fan's expression kept changing. It seemed that the degree of crisis in the National Games battlefield was beyond his expectation.

However, surprise is nothing but surprise, Yang Fan is not too worried.

Yang Fan has great trust in Bad Shuai's strength.


"The Black Shadow Corps and the demons are fighting. In my previous life, I wanted to see which side was stronger."

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