Shihuang Yingzheng's skills cleaned up the ground, and directly cleaned up the entire battlefield of the National Games.

The strongest blows issued by the five kings were just a little bit of starlight, and they were instantly defeated after only one encounter. They, including themselves, were directly submerged under the endless power of heaven.

"Ah! Shihuang Yingzheng! You really dare to kill me? You really dare to kill me? I am the emperor of the universe, the father of all things!"

The Great Universe was in a hurry, and yelled hurriedly before dying.

However, it was of no avail. With a flash of light, his figure completely disappeared and vanished into thin air.


The light dissipated, and there was nothing left in the National Games battlefield. Even the entire ground of the National Games battlefield was beaten down 50 meters alive, but it was not messy. On the contrary, it was attacked by Qin Shihuang in such a way. Incredibly smooth.

Even the ancestor of the national fortune is gone.

However, this kind of regular creature will not be killed so easily. Soon, the void was shattered, and the ancestor of the national destiny walked out with an automatic broadcaster, his expression still undecided.

"Hmph! Shihuang Yingzheng! How dare you attack me!"

"No! I didn't attack you. As I said, those skills rushed towards you by themselves."

The first emperor Yingzheng replied indifferently, he would naturally not make any concessions.

"However, if you continue to slander me so much, I don't mind turning this slander into reality, even if I shoot you, so what?"

"Don't say I didn't do it on purpose just now, even if it was on purpose, so what? What can you do?"

The first emperor Yingzheng's eyes were cold, and he locked on the ancestor of the national destiny, which immediately made the ancestor of the national destiny feel a chill down his spine.

"Why do I need to explain to you what I have done all my life?"

The domineering value is true so that Shihuang Yingzheng can understand it.

"Whoever claims to be invincible in this world dares to say that he is invincible! Only I, the First Emperor, can break through the ages alone!"

The sound of the Great Dao, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, shocks people's hearts and continues continuously.

As ugly as the face of the patriarch of national destiny is, it is as ugly as it is.

"Okay! Hurry up and broadcast, rewards and punishments are sent out quickly, and I'm still in a hurry to get the world map back to Qin."


The ancestor of the fortune of the country had an old face flushed.

However, there is nothing he can do now, a regular creature, blessed by the rules, is also subject to the rules.

Now that Longguo has indeed won, it will be rewarded.

Even if you don't want to, you have to hand over the reward to others.

"Hmph! I'll let you go this time. Anyway, there are still a few other battles of national destiny. I have plenty of ways to deal with you Dragon Kingdom."

The automatic announcer in the hands of the ancestor of the national fortune began to broadcast, which can protect the voice of the ancestor of the national fortune. He is still a visionary.

[Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded and killed Alexander the Great, and the strength of all Dragon Kingdom people increased by 30.00%, and their physical fitness increased by [-]%, activating the trait of ambition, and people will be more enthusiastic about expanding their territory]

[Ding dong!Alexander the Great was killed, and 50.00% of all the citizens of the Maqi Kingdom where he lived were extracted from all physiques, and all related inheritance abilities were weakened by [-]%, including culture, art, history, animation, and life inheritance abilities]


[Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, killed Gilgamesh, and the wealth of all Dragon Kingdom people increased by [-]%, and they became [-]% younger. With the activation of wealth attributes, it will be easier to make money in the future! 】

[Ding dong!Gilgamesh was killed, 50.00% of all citizens of Su America where he was located were taken from all physiques, and all related inheritance abilities were weakened by [-]%, including culture, art, history, animation, and life inheritance abilities]

[Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded King Arthur, and the appearance of all Dragon Kingdom people increased by 50.00%, their courage increased by 50.00%, and their sanity increased by [-]%! 】

[Ding dong!King Arthur was killed, and the appearance value of all the citizens of John Bull Country where he was located was reduced by 5.00%, 50.00% of all physiques were extracted, and all related inheritance abilities were weakened by [-]%, including culture, art, history, animation, and life inheritance ability]

【Zi...ZiZi, take a break, and play again later! 】

The automatic announcer in the hands of the ancestor of national fortune was a little overwhelmed.

But so what?

If you are overwhelmed, you have to broadcast it to me, and you have to send me rewards!

[Ding dong!cough cough!Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded the Pharaoh, and the life span of all Dragon Kingdom people increased by 50.00%, ahem!The aristocratic temperament has increased by [-]%! 】

[Ding dong!If the pharaoh is killed, the lifespan of all the citizens of the pharaoh will be reduced by ten years. If they are dying, all those with less than ten years of life will be wiped out directly, and other punishments will be the same as above! 】

[Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded the god of imperialism, and the IQ of all the people of the Dragon Kingdom increased by 50.00%, and the power and number of the palm technique that fell from the sky increased tenfold! 】

[Ding dong!The god of imperialism was killed, and all the citizens of the beautiful country where he lived were punished, ditto!Cough cough cough! 】

[Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded that so-and-so, and all the people of the Dragon Kingdom were rewarded, ditto! 】

[Ding dong!Then whoever was killed, all the cultures of the unknown small country that plagiarized the Dragon Kingdom were returned, and all the intangible cultural heritages that were applied for World Heritage by improper means were returned to the Dragon Kingdom, and their country was also punished in the same way! 】

[Ding dong!The first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded...Huh?Gone? 】

【It's finally over!ah! 】

White smoke came out of the automatic announcer in the hands of the ancestor of national destiny.

There is no way, the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, Yingzheng, beheaded too many people at once, and gained too many rewards. Every one of them has to be broadcast, no one can hold it!

If this is writing a novel, writing so many broadcast sentences that have nothing to do with the plot, the author is simply talking about the plot, and the readers can't say anything, it is really shameless!Improper Son of Man!

"It's over!"

Shihuang Yingzheng looked at the automatic announcer, and also felt that he was a little pitiful.

However, it doesn't matter.

The first emperor, Yingzheng, would not care about the life and death of any miscellaneous unknown people.

He stepped forward and walked to the side of the ancestor of the national destiny.

"Since all the rewards that should be rewarded have been rewarded, then you can go to die."

Suddenly, the first emperor Yingzheng stretched out his right hand across the air, and scratched the neck of the ancestor of the national fortune.

"Huh? What are you going to do? Ah!"

The ancestor of the fortune of the country was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he was directly grabbed by the neck by the first emperor and lifted up.

This scene was just like when Xiang Yang transformed for the first time and pinched E Jin's neck.

"What are you going to do? This is the battlefield of the National Games!"

The ancestor of the national fortune was anxious and said loudly.

"so what?"

"You want to kill me?"

"Why not?"


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