Form the National Luck Bureau: Recruit the Emperor's Armor at the beginning!

Chapter 115 The Criminal Minister Xu Fu, Kowtow to Your Majesty!No, don't kneel, you don't

"No way, this Emperor Rizhao is so brave? Before the fight started, he rushed towards Yingzheng, the first emperor of our Dragon Kingdom. Is this trying to do something wrong?"

"Isn't it going to start a fight? Is it a violation of the rules to do it now?"

"Hehe! The ancestor of the national fortune will be good to other countries except for our Dragon Kingdom. The possible situation now is that the Emperor Rizhao, who is living a good life, does not violate the rules for our First Emperor Yingzheng, but ours If Shihuang Yingzheng fights back, it is considered a violation of the rules."

"Damn it! Is there such a brazen person in the world?"

"Isn't it? How thick-skinned do you think the ancestor of the fate of the country is? It's like every time our Emperor Yan puts a knife on someone's neck, and then stands up and says that he never threatens others, hehe, hypocrisy! Same as Song Jiang and Li Kui."

"Hahaha! How can this be the same? The first seat is love, and the ancestor of the destiny of the country is really shameless!"

"Made! What the hell is this Emperor Rizhao going to do? It's all right."

"Hey! A certain country that lives a good life, do you want to come out and explain?"

"What else is there to explain? Of course to kill your first emperor Yingzheng!"

In view of the sudden and strange behavior of Emperor Rizhao, the people of Dragon Kingdom and Sun Kingdom were all dumbfounded.

However, the people of the Sun Country have thick skins, and they like to think about things for the better.

Therefore, in their view, according to their legend, the god-level emperor who brought three thousand boys and girls to the Sun Kingdom from the place where the gods lived, and brought light and heat to the Sun Kingdom must be planning to kill Qin Shihuang .

"Mighty, domineering, this is a man, people of Long Kingdom, just watch it, wait until the moment when the First Emperor Yingzheng, who you worship as a god, knelt down for our Emperor Rizhao!"

"Hahahaha! Perhaps, God's will wants our Sun Kingdom to prosper."

"When the time comes, don't cry your father and mother!"

"Dragon Kingdom people, don't have any psychological pressure. In fact, you are not wrong, but we are not wrong, but we are stronger, so you should kneel to us! Hahahaha!"

Sun Kingdom's YY can be said to be invincible in the world.

They say second, no one dares to say first.

Of course, this is just the opinion of the lower class people in the Sun Nation. Although they think they are awesome, in the eyes of the Sun Nation's senior management, they are just dogs.

"President Lanran, I feel that Emperor Rizhao can't beat Qin Shihuang at all. After all, the Dragon Kingdom has won so many times, it is impossible for Yang Fan to have other means."

Aizen's general, the tenth blade Stark said.

"Heh! Ever since I resurrected this Emperor Rizhao, his behavior has been very strange. He often looks in the direction of the Dragon Kingdom. I don't know what he is going to do."

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter even if he is beaten to death. Anyway, our Sun Nation has been punished so many times, and we have long been able to adapt to the punishment of the ancestor of the nation's destiny."

Aizen said.

"Besides, this Emperor Rizhao is the ancestor of heaven and man, and we are not qualified to point fingers at him now."

At this time, whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or the Sun Kingdom, countless people are paying attention to the Emperor Rizhao, wanting to see what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd.

But now, in the national fortune battlefield, he has rushed to the front of the first emperor Yingzheng.

"Boss! What is he going to do?"

In the National Luck Bureau, Meizhen looked at Yang Fan, who was always calm and always knowing everything, and asked suspiciously.

"I can probably guess."

Yang Fan looked at the back of the Emperor Rizhao and said.

"He said that his surname is Xu!"

"Didn't Dragon Kingdom have a Tomato novel APP? After the opening of our National Fortune battlefield, many authors who followed suit took advantage of the popularity to write a lot of National Fortune novels on it, including historical National Fortune. Among those novels, when our Dragon Kingdom sent Emperor Shihuang Therefore, the Sun Kingdom will definitely send Xu Fu, and then he will kneel and kowtow at the feet of the First Emperor."

"Probably, he is too."

"So it is."


National Games battlefield.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

The First Emperor Yingzheng glanced coldly at the rushing Emperor Rizhao, without a trace of emotion on his face.

Although Emperor Rizhao and the other top eight except Yingzheng have all received epic-level enhancements, if they really want to do something, Shihuang Yingzheng will not be afraid of anyone.

However, unexpectedly, the Emperor Rizhao in front of him suddenly took off his sun embroidered robe, and took off his sun mask and hood in front of Shihuang Yingzheng.

"Your Majesty, don't you recognize me?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Hastily! His Majesty the Emperor Rizhao, are you going to show your true colors?"

"Yo Xi! This person who is regarded as a god in our Sun Country has never bothered to communicate with ordinary people in our Sun Country. It is forbidden for the people of our Sun Country to look directly at the face of the sky. The emperor cannot look directly!"

"Our Sun Kingdom Rizhao Emperor's lineage, together with the three thousand boys and girls he brought over, are heavenly beings, the most noble people in the Sun Kingdom, known as the heavenly beings above the Tianlongren, who wear a hood all their lives to distinguish them from us ordinary people. Come on, so as not to breathe the same air as us, you are usually not allowed to look at it, and if you look at it, your eyes will be gouged out!"

"I can see it now! Great! This is my dream for many years! I have no regrets in this life."

"What is the emperor going to do? Is this going to destroy the first emperor?"

The entire Sun Kingdom boiled instantly, completely, completely, from top to bottom.


Because today, they saw the face of God in their hearts.

At this moment, their emotions reached their peak.

Then the next moment.

A situation that shocked everyone appeared.

I saw that this, the Emperor Rizhao, who was regarded as a god by all the people of the Sun Kingdom, actually knelt down directly in front of the first emperor Yingzheng.

"Your Majesty! The guilty minister Xu Fu, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

With a plop, Xu Fu knelt down on an iron board, and the crisp sound resounded all around.



"What's the matter?"

"What happened? Why did the Rizhao Emperor kneel down to Shihuang Yingzheng? And he didn't kneel down completely, halfway down, a group of Qin army soldiers appeared next to Shihuang Yingzheng, and stopped him with an iron plate ?”

"What happened? What happened?"

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

Especially Sun Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, you don't recognize me?"

"I'm Xu Fu! I took three thousand virgins and virgins to search for the medicine of immortality for His Majesty, but in fact, immortality is just a legend, and immortality is impossible. I deceived Your Majesty by taking three thousand virgins and virgins to the sun. The country is now the emperor."

"I brought those three thousand boys and girls to enslave the Sun Kingdom for thousands of years. I thought it was over like this, but I didn't expect that one day I would be resurrected with His Majesty and join the battle of national destiny together. Don't dare to be an enemy of His Majesty."

"I will die!"

Xu Fu knelt on the iron plate and was slowly lifted up by the soldiers of the Qin army summoned by the first emperor.

"You don't need to kneel, only my ministers of Daqin are worthy to kneel to me, you are not worthy."

The First Emperor said coldly.


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