Form the National Luck Bureau: Recruit the Emperor's Armor at the beginning!

Chapter 110 The world is exploding, the crowd is furious, don't be afraid, the first emperor ha

Shihuang Yingzheng's domineering declaration resounded in the ears of everyone in the entire Blue Star. Shihuang Yingzheng didn't hide anything. For him, except for the Dragon Kingdom, any other country is an enemy, and they are all enemies. Slaughtered pigs and sheep.

Tell them in advance that I am going to destroy you, which is nothing to the real emperor.

On the contrary, this is his character.

In fact, even Yang Fan was surprised by his behavior.

Because Yang Fan has always followed the low-key route, until the last moment, the strong recruited never showed it to the outside world.

However, the first emperor Yingzheng came out suddenly, and his arrogance returned to his arrogance. The future battle of national destiny will probably be even more difficult.

Except for the few countries with relatively good relations, other countries are afraid that they will all be enemies of the Dragon Kingdom.

"However, with Shihuang Yingzheng here, other countries should be enemies if they are enemies. After all, he is more experienced in fighting more."

Yang Fan thought so in his heart.

Besides, I can also help Shihuang Yingzheng improve his strength. With the system in his body, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for how to improve, Yang Fan probably already has an idea in his heart. The most suitable weapon for Shihuang Yingzheng is nothing other than that.

In the face of Emperor Shi Huang declaring war on the whole world, Yang Fan could still control his emotions, but the rest of the Dragon Kingdom, more than a billion people, couldn't control them all.

"Made! It's just that I'm uneducated. At this moment, I can only shout "fuck you!"

"Ahhhhh! So handsome! Is this the aura of the first emperor? The king of kings, the emperor of emperors, the emperor of emperors? Calcium in calcium?"

"666! How do I think! The fight hasn't started yet, and we, Dragon Kingdom, are sure to win again."

"Made! The Emperor Shihuang has come out, isn't this a win?"

"Not necessarily, I feel that our first emperor is a little too crazy, directly declaring war on the whole world? If this is the case, he is not afraid of mobilizing and attacking?"

"What are you afraid of! That's how my housekeeping brother came here back then, but I'll repeat it again."

"That's right! What has been done will be done again in the future, and what has been done will be done again in the future! Since Brother Zheng can unify the world for the first time, he can do it for the second time! Let people from other countries do it together. !Hahaha!"

"Hahahaha! It's really crazy! It's too domineering! Did you hear what Brother Zheng said at the end just now? Let people from those countries go back quickly, so that they can eat, drink, and indulge in pleasure. There is not much time, and countries will be destroyed as soon as they say it .”

"Made! You're so domineering!"

"Hurry up, people from other countries, eat whatever you want!"


The emotions of the people of Long Kingdom have become very numb since the start of the Battle of National Fortune. After all, there are too many victories. They will not be excited about things that explode.

However, this time, everyone really had no choice.

After all, the first emperor was really too domineering.

Everyone can't help being excited!

Not just them.

Dragon Kingdom, Chang'an City, among the terracotta warriors.

A large area of ​​terracotta warriors and horses of the Qin Army began to tremble as if they had been inspired by something, and then they all knelt down in the direction of the first emperor. This scene directly frightened the Science Bureau of Chang'an City, thinking that something was wrong hell.

It was only later that Yang Fan sent out the news that when the first emperor accepted the historical power of the Dragon Kingdom, he involuntarily aroused the war spirit of the Chinese Great Qin, which led to the change of the terracotta warriors and horses.

"Don't worry, this is a very scientific thing. Don't panic, everyone, you still have to believe in science in the future!"

Yang Fan also used the countless space fragments shattered by the First Emperor to send a voice message to all the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

After finishing speaking, Taoist priests with flying swords flew out one by one, monsters flew out one by one, mass-produced armor teams flew out one by one, and all the subordinates of Pluto Snow Emperor mobilized to patrol the border of the Dragon Kingdom, because the first emperor just now If not, Dragon Kingdom may be mobilized and attacked internationally.

Although I feel that other countries dare not fight, it is also good to show their strength by the way. After all, Dragon Kingdom is a peace-loving country.

Facts have proved that other countries really dare not fight, only dare to talk on the forum.

"Dragon Kingdom is really too rampant, too rampant, do they really think that the First Emperor Yingzheng is invincible?"

"Damn it! Damn it! The next level of the National Games battlefield has nothing to do with the strength of the country, it all depends on the country's historical background. In this way, the 200-year history of the beautiful country that was once the strongest in the Dragon Kingdom has been abolished, and the Dragon Kingdom feels that it must win ?”

"That's right, Ouba! I just wanted to say that Qin Shihuang Yingzheng is our Han countryman Smecta, who was sent by us to the Dragon country to unify the six countries, and finally succeeded. Why did the Dragon country people Still don't believe it?"

"Hmph! This time, our Sun Country is the most powerful! Our Emperor Rizhao has also been resurrected. He is very powerful and looks like a god. He even said his surname is Xu!"

"Miscellaneous cultivator! I, Gilgamesh, was the first king in human history, and I still have the king's treasure. This Emperor Shihuang dared to steal my limelight, damn it!"

In a small country with a long history, a historical figure who has just been resurrected from the long river of history, with blond hair and golden armor all over his body, touched the head of a lion and roared.

"Damn it! If my [-]-strong Eastern Expeditionary Army hadn't gone the wrong way, I originally wanted to go to the Dragon Kingdom and went to the White Elephant Kingdom, but I would have killed the Dragon Kingdom long ago, so what kind of Qin Shihuang would have been destroyed, how can he be allowed to be rampant now?"

Another small country with a long history, Alexander the Great, who is known as the King of Conquerors, also roared, very dissatisfied with the domineering declaration of the first emperor just now.

"The emperor had 160 infantry, [-] cavalry, and [-] warships in the Eastern Expedition. Isn't it difficult to destroy Qin? How many people does Qin Shihuang have?"

Alexander the Great thought of his peerless demeanor across three continents, and his heart suddenly became heroic, and then he told the people of his small country.

"Don't worry, with me here, we will win the next battle of national destiny!"

"What kind of dragon country is scum! Watch me conquer them!"

at the same time.

King Arthur of the John Bull Kingdom also pulled out a sword stuck in a stone, and his heart ignited a fierce fighting spirit against the first emperor Yingzheng.

Also, Han Country, who resurrected their universe emperor who created the entire universe from the long river of history, also thought that he had won.

The Pharaohs also revived their pharaohs, and in the first century, all the mummies in the pyramids became restless.

What is even more surprising is that the beautiful country, with a short history of 200 years, can actually find a real strong man from the cracks of history. He has no name and looks like a falcon.

"I buy it?!! This person doesn't have a name, only a nickname. The nickname is God of Imperialism? The name seems to be very strong!"

All the countries were aroused by the words of the first emperor, and aroused their fighting spirit!
One can imagine how fierce the next battle of national destiny will be!


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