As Ning An's voice fell, countless people in the live broadcast room were discussing.

"It's really Li Shizhen. Hey, I really want to meet Zhongjing. Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases is really a divine book."

"I want to meet Hua Tuo. I really want to see what the medical saint looked like more than 1000 years ago. He even had the idea of ​​​​surgery. You must know that in that era, the body was hair and skin, and it was his parents, let alone open his chest." If the stomach is broken, even cutting off the hair is a big deal."

"I agree with the above. Although I don't know medicine, Cao Cao's practice of cutting the hair instead of the head is enough to show how much people paid attention to the body at that time."

"By the way, I think that since Li Shizhen has the current status, it must be justified. I know that "Compendium of Materia Medica" is called an encyclopedia. There is no need to deny it completely because of some mistakes, right?"

"That's right, I'm also a medical student. I just want to say that in that society at that time, it wasn't that everything was right, but that there was no such condition. It took nearly 30 years of practice to prove his hard work, and he adopted the outline system for the first time. Classifying drugs, like that, isn't it enough?"

Just in response to that sentence, no matter how much a person achieves, there will still be people who go to hack.

Ning An was in no mood to go to the live broadcast room at the moment, he grabbed a door knocker and pulled it with all his strength.

Thunder and lightning, roaring and flickering.

"If someone comes to ask for help due to illness, don't ask him whether he is rich or poor."

"I hope there will be no disease in the world, rather than dust on the shelf of medicine."

"A good doctor who saves the world is better than a good look."

When a sentence of famous words from the doctor burst out from Ning An's mouth, the door of nothingness in front of him was suddenly opened, as if shaken by the words of the doctor.

The dull, oppressive atmosphere was gone, it was a door for a doctor.

Ning An stepped in, in front of him was an antique scene, books filled the house, and notes were everywhere.

An old man with a thin face, wearing a tall hat, and a green robe and a cloak, was carefully looking up the classics on the desk and comparing notes.

Sometimes frowning, sometimes ecstatic.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

All the audience stopped arguing, and even those who thought that the Compendium of Materia Medica was exaggerated fell silent.

Everyone looked at the old man in front of them and knew without words that he was Li Shizhen.

The old man in front of him has gray beard and hair, but he is intoxicated by the classics and cannot extricate himself.

Such behavior made countless viewers feel ashamed and ashamed.

Suddenly, the candlelight flickered, and the handwriting on the classics became blurred.

Li Shizhen raised her head slightly sideways, rubbed her sore and tired eyes, glanced at the candle, and sighed softly.

It's late at night again, and Fascinated doesn't feel that time has passed. In the blink of an eye, a day is fleeting.

At this moment, Li Shizhen felt strange, raised her head, and saw a figure standing in front of her.

The turbid eyeballs opposed to the clear gaze, reflected on the wall in the candlelight, leaving two shadows.

"Are you here to see a doctor?"

Li Shizhen's first reaction was that the other party sought medical advice.

After all, that's all he can do. There is nothing to steal, and the most valuable thing is the hard work in his hands. However, it is meant to be passed on to the world, so it doesn't matter.

"Sit down, if you don't think I'm old and old, let me show you."

Before Ning An could answer, Li Shizhen spoke again, pointing to the small stool beside her, motioning Ning An to sit down.

Seeing Ning An froze for a moment, as if hesitating, and saw that he was dressed strangely, his hair had been shaved off, and a faint smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"Don't worry, I don't ask where you came from or where you are going. In my eyes, you are just a patient. If you are worried about having no money for medicine, then don't worry. If I, Li Shizhen, can treat you, I can also treat you." If you are willing to pay for those Chinese medicines, sit down."

After finishing speaking, he took out a soft pillow from the green bag (doctor's bag) and put it on the table, motioning Ning An to put his arm on it.

With just this sentence, countless people burst into tears instantly.

This is the so-called benevolence of doctors.

"My God, this sentence completely warmed me up. I suddenly remembered that when I went to the hospital to see a doctor, the first thing the doctor said when I entered the door was, have you paid the bill? Although it feels normal, it still feels sad. It shouldn't be asking me. Is there any discomfort?"

"Now more and more people hate going to the hospital. In fact, it is a change in the benevolence of doctors. It is difficult to find the benevolence of ancient doctors. Healing diseases and saving lives, in future generations, no money will not operate. It is ironic."

"Isn't it said that going to the hospital alone is the highest level of loneliness? In fact, if it is a doctor like Mr. Li Shizhen, I don't think it's so scary, right?"

"There are still good doctors. Mr. Zhong still has a certain genius doctor. Unfortunately, that ophthalmologist was mentally handicapped and couldn't recover for the rest of his life. How many people's hopes have been ruined? More importantly, he is also a doctor who is willing to pay for it himself, woo Woo."

"Hey, why is it so difficult for a good person? I really hope that good doctors in the world will be rewarded and not be chilled by the society, so that the atmosphere of doctors will become better and better, instead of just making money."

Many people complained, recalling their experience of going to the hospital, compared with the actions of the old man in front of them, they were extremely emotional.

At this moment, everyone felt sad, and those medical students fell silent.If possible, who wants to forget the original intention?Most doctors are kind.It's just that, once in a while, it's hard to heal after being injured once in a while.

"I'm also a doctor. I also want to say that I was like this when I was young, but then I changed. Because of an accident, an aunt had no money for medical treatment. I paid in advance, but it turned out to be dependent on me. I don't want to talk about it later. ..."

"It's the same as above. After seeing the dangers of the human heart, I got very drunk. From then on, my heart became cold. No matter how poor the patient is, I will never soften my heart."

"Occasionally, I will think of the vows I made before, and occasionally I will soften my heart, but in the end, my body is still covered with bruises. So, why not hand it over to the hospital? What's the good of insisting on being such a fool, being different?"

Many doctors have shared their experiences and sadness. If possible, who would like to be called cold-blooded and ruthless with a cold face?However, once their hearts softened, the heart-wrenching experience came to their eyes, deeply hurting their hearts.

Ning An walked over quietly, without saying a word, just put his arms on the table, waiting for Mr. Li Shizhen's diagnosis and treatment.

He is unwilling to break such a scene, and at the same time, it is also an excellent opportunity for the world to witness the magic of Chinese medicine.

Mr. Li Shizhen put Ning An's arm to feel the pulse, and it took five or six minutes before he changed his position and started feeling again.

Many viewers were a little impatient and impatient, and more, they were stunned.

"Isn't it? Is the anchor trying to blackmail Mr. Li Shizhen? How long does it take to see a doctor?"

"That's right. I've seen other people take the pulse before, and it's instantly clear as soon as they touch it. In TV dramas, there are also things like Xuansi pulse. It's very powerful. As a famous doctor in China, how could it take so long for Li Shizhen?"

"Upstairs, if you are uneducated, talk less. Who told you that the quicker the better? If you really go to those masters of traditional Chinese medicine, you will find that all of them take a long time, at least no less than 10 minutes, and you have to change them." Location, okay?"

"That's right, but anyone who understands the situation by touching it is a liar. Are you kidding me? Feeling the heartbeat just by feeling the pulse and then fully understanding the physical illness? Then stepping on a horse is not called a Chinese medicine doctor, but a master of jumping."

"Ning'an is the serious propaganda of Chinese medicine. It's not the same as in TV dramas and garbage novels, pretending to be a ghost. This is the real Chinese medicine, the real way to feel the pulse."

Before those trolls finished speaking, professional people had already stepped into the battle, and they all overwhelmed the crowd, and directly suppressed that group of people.

They were speechless for a moment. There was nothing they could do. In front of professional knowledge, they couldn't breathe. After all, just looking at some nouns made them dumbfounded.

Everyone was quietly waiting for the result. Mr. Li Shizhen closed his eyes and felt his pulse for a while, then withdrew his hand and frowned.

He stroked his beard, then spoke.

"It's strange, the balance of yin and yang in your body is out of balance, external evils enter the interior, and you have a syndrome of yang excess and yin decline and heat. Yang qi rises, excess fire enters the heart and lungs, and emptiness fire is also strong, but you haven't seen any damage to the essence, which is strange."

Ning An nodded after hearing this, and looked at Mr. Li Shizhen respectfully.

"Thank you sir."

However, these words instantly stunned the audience.

"Oh my god, what is he talking about? Why can't I understand a single word? I know every word, but I don't even know it when I put it together."

"I beg the master to explain, I really don't understand, this thing is too obscure, Chinese medicine, absolutely."

"It's actually very simple. It means that he got angry, caused by staying up late, and then the virtual fire is strong, usually caused by excessive fatigue, and the essence is damaged. It is a certain aspect, the kind of one essence and ten blood. I don't need to explain much. gone."

"In the Ming Dynasty, there was basically no nightlife. Generally, there were only xx buildings and the like, so staying up late and getting tired and getting angry, but nothing, so Mr. Li Shizhen felt strange and normal."

"Understood, understood, instantly understood, my God, Chinese medicine is really broad and profound, I think I will be interested in it in the future. It seems that the anchor has stayed up all night and worked hard, eat more Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and make up for it!"

The comments suddenly became weird, and many people smiled knowingly.

However, they don't know that supplements should not be supplemented blindly, and medicines should not be taken blindly, otherwise, it will backfire and get sick.

on the screen.

Mr. Li Shizhen looked at Ning An, pondered for a while, and then picked up a pen to write.

"This disease is not a hindrance, you just need to work and rest, but you need to pay attention. If you go on for a long time, you will definitely become sick from overwork and eventually become a serious illness."

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