At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 92 Mortal body, side by side with gods

Many figures are extremely small, no more than ants in front of God.

However, their eyes were firm, and the weapons in their hands became hotter and hotter, as if they were burned by the hot hearts, turning red.

The sky and the earth tremble, and the wind and clouds change color.

A group of dark clouds with tumbling waves covered the sky and covered the sun, as if they were going to swallow the earth.

The sky was constantly thundering, and the lightning whizzed past, leaving behind a series of scorched black marks.

God, furious.

This land dares to provoke God, destroy, destroy all.

The blood-colored fire clouds mixed with the pitch-black clouds seemed to be connected to the blood-colored demon world in the Nine Nether Underworld. Countless figures roared and roared in it, as if they were protesting against the people on the ground.

The sound of the rolling waves burst down, the earth shattered, Kyushu was in turmoil, and the creatures wailed and fled in all directions.

Faced with such a scene, it is like the turmoil and catastrophe of the last days.

No one panicked, and no one flinched.

The expressions on their faces became firmer, their gazes became hotter, and they looked at the sky even more contemptuously.

Those weapons seemed to have heard the master's call, and they all burst out with astonishing aura with a tacit understanding.

Martial arts are the ultimate, and the spirit of the weapon is self-sustaining.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and millions of people fought against the gods who once bowed down and flattered in Chang'an.

Just for one person.

The dark clouds kept rolling and rolling, approaching the ground, the pressure was so strong that people couldn't lift their heads, their breathing was a bit short, and the air was full of strong fear.

Countless fireballs flew down from the sky, like bombs, hitting the ground with a bang, and in an instant, wild beasts ran in disorder.

All the mountains and plains were burned into flames. The raging fire burned everything in Chang'an. The fire dragons wanted to devour everything, and opened their ferocious faces.

Countless figures stood on the ground, facing such a scene, resisting the wrath of the gods with their bodies.

Gradually, someone fell down, completely out of breath.

Divine power, unfathomable.

The giant eyes above the sky caught a glimpse of this scene, and a touch of coldness emerged from it, disdainful of everything.

Such an ant is still trying to fight against the sky?
Just looking for death.

The atmosphere is extremely depressing.

The comrades around him fell one by one, and the people of the big man were completely buried on this land.

Wei Qing's hand holding the long sword was burnt red, the scorching breath came through the flesh and blood, the piercing pain made his face reveal pain, and the fiery red sword gradually corroded Wei Qing's flesh and blood.

Gradually, bones can be seen.

Thousands of soldiers could not withstand the blow of God.

Even if he is the great general of the big man, he can't.

In the sky, there seemed to be a sneer, shaking between heaven and earth.

A ray of red light shot down, one hundred thousand soldiers half-kneeled on the ground, and those who tried to stand up all showed their bones.

God, it's just putting down a coercion.

People can't bear it anymore.

Even the Lord of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, his body swayed, God, he wanted to make him kneel down and surrender.

Yes, the emperor.

How can you kneel?
He is the emperor of the Han Dynasty. How can he be able to kneel when he wants to be the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who stands shoulder to shoulder with Qin Shihuang?
Qin Shihuang conquered the world, fought against the sky, against time, and against death. Even if he lost, he never conceded or flinched.

He must not lose the emperor's face.

Otherwise, in the future, how to look at the first emperor proudly underground, indifferently.

"I won't lose you."

The surrounding air was crackling, full of vibrations, and the roar of Jiuyou burst out of his ears, making Han Wudi dizzy and almost fell to the ground.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and the majestic black dragon robe was stained with dark red blood stains. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty raised his head and looked up at the sky, showing a wry smile.

Is it impossible for man to overcome the sky?
Seeing thousands of soldiers fall and countless people sleeping forever, Emperor Wu of Han's heart ached, so painful that he pulled himself up.

The sky blew a strong wind, as if asking.

Are you satisfied?
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty closed his eyes and simply stopped looking at it. Even if he died here today, he wanted to maintain the dignity of an emperor.

This is his last dignity.


There was a heavy knocking sound, Wei Qing fell down.

It was like a domino effect, more and more soldiers couldn't bear it and fell down.

The world is miserable.

God, watching everything from above.

It has never cared about human life or death, as long as it touches its majesty, it will kill it.

Anyway, when humans die out, new species will always appear.

All of a sudden, the world became a purgatory, and Chang'an's prosperity turned into misery.

Chang'an was on fire, and broken limbs, internal organs, hands, feet, and heads were everywhere, and the bloody mist shrouded the entire city.

Gusts of foul wind blew over, making me want to vomit, the scarlet blood pooled into a gurgling brook, a blood-red brook...

On this day, Chang'an was covered in blood, like a miserable Shura hell, with endless skeletons everywhere, and the whistling wind, like miserable cries, kept coming out.

The prosperous ancient capital in the past, the prosperous capital of Han Dynasty.

Filled with eerie terror, the gloom of the sky and plains shrouded the earth.

A baby was crying, and the parents beside them fell down and never got up again.

A dark shadow came quietly, gradually approaching this pure and flawless baby, covering him.

As if sensing danger, the baby's cries... became louder.

Just when the shadow was about to cover the baby, suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

squeak button.

The quaint door that was closed by Ning An himself was opened, and a figure stepped out from inside. A young man in a black and red interlaced wedding dress stepped over the threshold with steady steps.

Behind him, there is a figure that can overwhelm the country and the city. At this moment, he is looking at the young man tenderly.

Everywhere you look is love.

As if seeing him for the first time, the dao was wearing a white robe and his dazzling cloak whistled in the desert.

He is still extremely handsome.

Huo Qubing belonged to the battlefield.

He was born to fight.

Thorn Lala.

Holding the scabbard in his hand, Huo Qubing slowly pulled out his saber.

He raised his foot and stepped across the room, and came to the place where the baby was with steady steps.

No one saw clearly how he got there, it seemed that he arrived with just one light step.

In short, the moment he arrived.

The surrounding darkness and gloom receded suddenly, as if seeing the nemesis, he fled in panic.

Huo Qubing didn't pay attention to everything around him, but picked up the baby and looked at the corpse on the ground with compassion.

Gently fiddled with the baby's tender nose, for some reason, the baby smiled at him.

For a moment, it seemed that the world was full of light.

Huo Qubing gently rubbed the other party, the baby looked at him very quietly, blinking his eyes full of cuteness.

It seemed that he was not disturbed by his murderous aura.

That's right, the murderous aura of God of War is to kill the enemy, but to the people, it is to protect.

How could you be scared?

Huo Qubing put the baby down, and he sat on the ground obediently, looking at the figure quietly without crying or fussing.

That young but god-like figure.

Huo Qubing smiled at him, his white teeth were exposed, which was very dazzling.

At this moment, he is acting like this age, 19 years old.

He tilted his head slightly, looking very good-looking.

Then, turn around.

In an instant, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the years changed.

The world trembled for it.


The same is true.

Today, Huo Qubing, with his mortal body, stood shoulder to shoulder with the gods...

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