When Ning An's words were finished, although those disciples did not understand the names of many places and people, they could still feel the admiration of outsiders for Master from these words!

These people are all sages and sages in the world, the most intelligent.Their ability to accept is also the fastest. Scholars more than 2000 years later can travel here. Why should they be surprised that this world has subverted their previous views?

Therefore, even though they don't know about these places, they think that they must be places that China has never discovered or seen before.

These are not important, what is important is that these people all respect the Master.

That's enough.

Finally, a trace of emotion appeared on Confucius' calm face, and a trace of relief was revealed in his eyes, not for his own reputation, but for China's culture.

"After 2000, China was weak and closed to the outside world, and was bullied by foreign powers. We were called sick men, ignorant and backward countries! But when those powers learned about Master's knowledge, they were shocked, surprised, and terrified!"

"The master's knowledge is profound and difficult to fathom. He is thousands of years ahead of these so-called advanced countries!!!"

"Master, at that time, animals and beasts roamed across China, and barbaric people did things like beasts. They also held a grudge against Master, and tried to move to Master's former residence in vain, using the island country as an inheritance, destroying our Chinese culture, and tampering with the authenticity of history!"

"Chinese culture has a long history and is extensive and profound. Foreigners regard it as a treasure, but some people are willing to be traitors, licking dogs abroad, and advocating other people's culture. Let's talk about island countries. Countless people say they are well-bred. In America, they all say freedom, but in island countries The tea ceremony and Bushido all originated from the ancient Chinese culture, and the freedom of the United States was as early as thousands of years ago, and China has already had the idea of ​​sages."

Speaking of this, Ning An's voice was high and his steps quickened. Facing Confucius, there were tears and excitement in his eyes.

"My Chinese culture is the best in the world! Fortunately, after the ups and downs, the dawn has ushered in. In the new era of China, my Chinese culture is proud. Not only the hard power of national defense is strong, but also the soft power is gradually occupying the world Light!"

"In the past, English was the official language of the whole world. Today, many people from abroad learn my Han dialect and become my Han family!"

"Confucius Institutes are spread all over the world, you, should be the teacher of all ages!!!"

With tears in his eyes, Ning An bowed his hands and bowed deeply.

These sonorous and powerful words shocked people's hearts. The disciples of Confucius were all stunned in place, unable to calm their hearts for a long time.

The expressions on their faces included astonishment, shock, and ecstasy, all of which converged into a deep sense of admiration!

"Master, be the teacher of all ages!"

The disciples put away their shock and bowed deeply. They were devout and sincere.

They have always been the most loyal admirers and believers of Confucius.Today, the master has reached the highest achievement of a literati, even if he dies nine times, he will have no regrets!

In history, the highest evaluation of literati is the title of overflowing Wenzheng, a title that countless people dream of!
But, compared with Master Wan Shibiao, it's not even the slightest bit worse!
The text was given by the emperor, but it is a teacher for all ages, and it is evaluated by tens of thousands of people in the world.It is easy to conquer a person, but it is difficult to conquer a nation. It is easy to conquer a nation, but it is difficult to conquer the whole world.

But Confucius did it, he used his own culture and virtue to make his fans all over the world.

Thousands of years later, some people will still be amazed by his thoughts, and some people will still be inspired to change the world.

Confucius deserves to be known as the teacher of all ages! ! !


"Master, be the teacher of all ages!"

"Master, be the teacher of all ages!"

"Master, be the teacher of all ages!"

Countless people began to swipe their screens frantically, and they really couldn't think of anything to express their feelings at this moment.This is the only way to express my admiration and respect for Confucius.

At this moment, they are proud, because Confucius was born in China.

We were all born in China!


Ning An looked at Confucius with a resolute and resolute expression, and raised his voice to speak, his tone full of pride and pride.

“截至2018年12月,华夏已在154个国家和地区建立548所孔子学院和1193个中小学孔子课堂 ,现有注册学员210万人,中外专兼职教师4.6万人 。”

The concepts of "peace is precious" and "harmony without difference" are gradually shining in the world. Confucius promoted the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures, and strived hard to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity!

In the past, the green card in the United States was the most difficult to get, and the whole world wanted to go to this dream country, the most developed country.

But now, Huaxia has become the country that foreigners most want to live in above the United States.

Countless people are struggling hard for the ID card that 14 million people are born with.Those who pretend to be fake will be expelled.

Huaxia is no longer the backyard of foreign garbage.

If you want to come to China, you must be an elite, you must love China, and you must contribute to China!
What they love is not only the powerful strength of China, but also the fascinating culture, ancient quatrains, romantic lyrics and music, which have been passed down for hundreds of years...

Huaxia is like a huge treasure, which is gradually shining brightly.

Many people in the live broadcast room were already restless and boiling.Seeing this passage, their eyes were filled with tears, but their blood was boiling. They felt their blood was burning, and the pride that originated in their bones was reborn!
"Crying again, my pillow and bed are full of tears, and I can't stop now. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel proud, proud. Our ancestors made such great achievements more than 2000 years ago. The future is deep. From now on, my idol will be Confucius, and I will never look at those who twist their butts."

"It hit my heart, it hit my heart. I suddenly felt that my blood was great, and I was proud of the nation I belonged to. Our ancestors are so powerful,"

"I have always thought that I am very ordinary, very ordinary, but today I suddenly feel that I am very good, very strong, and great. Because I have the most noble and excellent blood in the world!"

"Now I can't wait to drink three thousand cups to express the passion in my heart. These words completely ignite me, Ning An, I will always support you!"

"Ning'an yyds, I just now realized what live broadcast I was watching. Thinking of those foreigners who fought for China's green card, I suddenly felt that I was born in Rome."

"I have no regrets in this life to enter China, and I wish to be a flower planter in the next life!!!"

"I have no regrets in this life to enter China, and I wish to be a flower planter in the next life!!!"

"I have no regrets in this life to enter China, and I wish to be a flower planter in the next life!!!"

(Note: At that time, the island nation invited the descendants of Confucius to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Confucian Temple on many occasions. The ambition of the wolf is obvious. If it was really successful at that time, I am afraid that today there will be another island nation to argue about the origin of the 2000-year-old ancestral culture. Therefore, if the descendants of Confucius Sheng were to participate, it would be a fatal blow to the time, which is equivalent to breaking the backbone of Chinese scholars. Therefore, someone sent a general to invite the descendants of Confucius Sheng to leave to avoid tragedy.)
(Note 2: I was crying when I wrote it. If you think it looks good, please give me some reminders and power generation for love, so that the author will be more motivated. Thank you all who are in China)

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