Ning An was stunned for a moment, although he thought it was weird, he didn't think much about it.

"The Han Dynasty was divided into the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Western Han Dynasty fell under Emperor Yuan..."

"At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three kingdoms were divided, and the flames of war continued endlessly..."

Ning An was on the sand dunes in such detail, telling this ancient God of War about the past and demise of the Han Dynasty.

From prosperity to decline, from singing praises to mourning songs, everything is the past of a strong man.

The country perishes with the weak, and the Han alone perishes with the strong.

Hearing the details, Huo Qubing would clenched his fists, filled with grief and indignation at the eunuch's rebellion, wishing to raise his sword and kill him completely.Hearing that he was a loyal minister who died for the country, two lines of tears flowed down his young face, and he admired him.

What he heard was not stories, but the past and life of a dynasty...

It took a full half an hour before Huo Qubing licked his dry lips, and looked at Wang Zhaojun beside Ning An.

"Then, next to you is Luoyan, Wang Zhaojun?"

Ning An nodded, then turned sideways.

Wang Zhaojun came out, looked at Huo Qubing's handsome face, couldn't help but blushed, and kowtowed slightly.

"I am a concubine, I have met the champion."

"You don't need to be too polite. I just heard what he said. In the future, you will be married to the Huns?" Huo Qubing's voice was uneven, but it made people feel creepy.

"The Xiongnu is a vassal, and the concubine is..." Wang Zhaojun was about to explain, but was interrupted by Huo Qubing.

Huo Qubing drew out his long sword, turned around and looked at the Huns living under the sand dunes.

They are still in shock at the moment, their faces are bleak, showing deep worry, and they are afraid of their future.

Stab, stab.

The long sword rubbed against the ground, making a harsh and sharp sound, shaking the eardrums.

Huo Qubing's face suddenly became indifferent, like ice possessing his body, which made people feel daunted. A chill spread from the soles of his feet, and his whole body was sealed by ice.

"No matter what, the Huns dare to ask me for a woman? Slave, I don't have the consciousness to be a slave at all. It seems that the beating is still not hard enough!"

"The emperors of later generations are also stupid people. The Huns are like wolves, tigers and leopards. How can they raise them? Proposal should be a slap in the face, so that it knows who is the lord. It is just a dog raised. The master is happy to reward you with meat, but not happy. After stewing, you drink dog soup!"

"How dare a dog ask for it from its master?"

Huo Qubing turned around and looked at Wang Zhaojun, Yeye's murderous aura flashed in his eyes, rising and overflowing.

In his eyes, the Xiongnu are nothing more than ants. If you are well-behaved and obedient, it’s okay to reward you with a bone, but you want to offend the next and marry my Han Dynasty woman, courting death!

"Who is the blood of the Xiongnu's courtship? This general killed him."

His words were full of overwhelming anger. In his opinion, the Huns were nothing but bandits.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty raised it because of policy needs, and His Majesty can control it.

But people of later generations have completely forgotten the majesty of the Han Dynasty and the norms of the prosperous age.

That being the case, then I will be the god of killing Bai Qi. In ancient times, Bai Qi slaughtered the Zhao army, and now Huo Qubing wiped out the Huns.

"Yes..." Wang Zhaojun was slightly afraid, and just said a word tremblingly, but was interrupted by Huo Qubing again.

"Forget it, don't need to say too much, just slaughtered the whole family. This general doesn't believe that the Huns can recover their vitality within a hundred years."

Huo Qubing gritted his teeth and looked at the Huns below, clenched the long sword in his hand, the moonlight refracted into those eyes, revealing a gloomy and icy coldness.

He turned around and ran towards his mount, and with a whistle, he came galloping forward. This BMW has already been connected with the owner's heart.

With a long cry, he roared.

Huo Qubing grabbed the reins, stepped on the horse lightly, and got on the horse sideways. Holding the sword in his hand, he looked forward, clamped the horse's fat with his legs, and pulled hard.

The horse immediately jumped up, its legs kicked and danced in the air, and landed heavily on the ground, stirring up circles of dust, and galloped away.

The sound of the horse's hooves trampling on the ground made a burst of noise, and the blood that made people who were silent was boiling hot.

This is the boy.

Galloping on the battlefield, with a sweaty horse under your crotch, and a peerless sword in your hand, everything you see is the territory to conquer, and everything you think about is the enemy of this life!
Huo Qubing suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Zhaojun, and shouted loudly.

"Wang Zhaojun, when this general slaughters the Huns, I will come to pick you up... go home!"

"I am a big man, I don't need a woman to maintain peace, the blood of a man is enough to conquer everything! Wait for me, general, don't be afraid!!"

After all, he dissipated into the moonlight and rushed into the camp of the Huns' surrendered army.

At this moment, Wang Zhaojun was stunned, she stared blankly at the young man, the heart that had been dusted by the Huns became turbulent again.

It would be great if she was in her prime. When she meets such a young hero, she will definitely admire her. If she can marry the champion, it doesn't matter if she dies.

However, Ning An recalled another scene.

That is the story of Su Wu herding sheep in later generations.

Even though he was bullied, he still refused to back down, and would rather die... than treason.

As long as there is a little slack, it is definitely treated as a guest of honor. However, in the face of national justice, personal interests must be compromised.

Ning An's eyes suddenly became moist, and he recalled the scene of that day.

The star red in the sky reflected the earth, she was full of emotion and pride.

She never came back, as old stories rumour.

That day, flying all over the sky, swaying with the wind.

On that day, tears filled my eyes and I cried for it.

On that day, the world shouted wildly, and all nations admired it.

A promise, a sentence that should be engraved on a passport.

Wherever you are, remember that you have some of the most powerful backgrounds in the world, countries.

Ning An opened her lips gently, as if she was telling the breeze.

Listen carefully, it seems to be telling.

"Go home."

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