At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 62 For a drug-free tomorrow, the more difficult we are, the further we move forward

Hearing this, Ning An no longer hesitated, smiled and nodded.

Then it was suddenly pulled into the sky, and a huge hole suddenly appeared on the gray-black roof, and lightning flashed inside, crackling and shaking people's minds.

The arcs inside are like thick giant pythons, circling back and forth, ferocious and terrifying.

The dark black particles kept flickering in the white void, as if they were being oppressed, continuously condensing and shrinking, until they annihilated into the void with a bang.

The nothingness seems to have a strong suction, that is, the air is sucked into it, and the surrounding space is faintly split, showing black gaps.

The audience was dumbfounded, what is this?
Compared with the previous ones, it is not stunning and cool, but it adds a bit of mystery.

"Wormhole, this is a wormhole!!!"

"Oh my god, isn't it? The program team is too careful, even made a wormhole?"

"The wormhole connects the black hole and the white hole, and transmits matter between the black hole and the white hole. The matter will be completely disintegrated into elementary particles at the singularity of the black hole. I'm curious, is it possible to directly penetrate it?"

Soon, a great god recognized the structure of a wormhole, and countless people were amazed.

This live broadcast is really conscience.

I didn't use some messy things to prevaricate them, but I really did it with my heart.

Every time, it can give people a little surprise.

"My lord, we are off."

Looking at Lin Zexu with a shocked face, Ning An grabbed his hand with a smile and disappeared into the wormhole in an instant.

The moment the two stepped into the wormhole, the surrounding space instantly shattered.

Cracks in the void roared, and the wormhole collapsed in an instant. All the particles and light were like an atomic bomb explosion, turning into little stars and scattered around.

After a while, those cracks disappeared in an instant, and were filled and swallowed by the surrounding space.

The screen turns again.

Ning An and Lin Zexu had already appeared in a cemetery. Here, countless tombstones stood in this lonely cemetery.

They are neatly located here in rows, like a military formation. If you look carefully, you will find that these tombstones have a common feature.


Even the photos are blurry, and the figures are not clearly visible at all.

"Tombstone, the tombstone of a hero!"

"This is the tombstone of an anti-drug hero, and only an anti-drug hero would not engrave his name on it!"

"Wuuuu, damn Ning An, you stabbed me again. But yes, these heroes must be very happy to see the ancestors of anti-drugs."

"Salute to the hero! My lord, let's see if the heroic man of my future generations can be a Chinese man!"

The tens of millions of viewers were all excited instantly, their whole bodies became hot, and they only felt that there was a whole body of emotions suffocating in their chests, just waiting to be released.

They were expecting, waiting for Lin Zexu's response.

For some reason, seeing this scene, Lin Zexu's heart jumped suddenly. He felt something in his heart, felt something in his mind, and gently touched a stone tablet.

He felt extremely sad and lonely from it.

That emotion was like a cloud in his mind, and it filled his heart.

The autumn wind blew a few clouds from nowhere, and the sleeves of Ning An and Lin Zexu swayed slightly, like a young girl, as if she had stepped through the muddy fields, wandered in the dark forest, and strolled in the green mountains and green waters , and finally, drifting here.

Naughty rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, held them gently, and kept bouncing them up, making the golden color shine in the air.

Lin Zexu's robe was soon soaked by rain and dew, but he didn't care about it at all, but kept shuttling among these steles.

Put your hands on the top of those steles, and quietly feel the emotions conveyed.

It's like a group of children pestering the teacher, scrambling to express everything I have insisted on over the years, and at the same time sweeping away the loneliness and loneliness in my heart.

Even if the mud has already stained his robes, even if his body is covered in mud and dust, he doesn't care.

Soon, the corners of Lin Zexu's eyes were covered with tears, and his wrinkled face was already wet. He didn't know how many times he had cried.

Whenever he came into contact with a stone tablet, he seemed to see children in police uniforms one after another, reporting to him vigorously and sonorously.

The voice was clear and bright, resounding in his ears and mind, constantly circling and echoing.

Lin Zexu's heart was twisted together, he clenched his fist unknowingly, like a lion about to get angry, but with endless sorrow, he relieved and relaxed the tense body.

When he stroked the last stone tablet, his eyes blurred, and layers of water mist rose from his eye sockets, covering his sight.

In the blur, there seemed to be countless figures swaying, wearing dazzling police uniforms, standing in rows.

They are covered with medals and scars, showing masculinity in every move, and their aura is shocking.

Shining medal!Grim scars!Tall and straight!
Everything is telling the past full of stories. It is difficult for Lin Zexu to express his mood at the moment with words, and even the shock cannot describe what he has seen and encountered.

However, at this moment, Ning An recited a sentence loudly like a torrent of bells.

It awakened Lin Zexu who was in a haze, dispelled the phantom in front of him, and let the tears fall from his eyes.

"For a drug-free tomorrow, the more difficult we are, the more we move forward!"

A simple sentence, but it is the consistent blood spirit of the anti-drug police, and it is their sonorous declaration and powerful promise to the whole society!

This is the fearless spirit of the anti-drug heroes of later generations of China.

Willing to do everything for China's drug-free tomorrow...


Somehow, the autumn wind roared like a mountain tiger, rolling up bursts of golden fallen leaves, echoing in the sky.

However, Lin Zexu was full of tears again, and his scarlet eyes were moistened so many times that they turned red and swollen.

He knew that this was the cry of these future generations of heroes.

They are repeating the declaration they read out when they entered the line and stood under the solemn police badge...

"For a drug-free tomorrow, the more difficult we are, the more we move forward!"

Lin Zexu closed his eyes slowly, and spit out these words lightly, and the emerging heroes of later generations were all full of smiles when they heard it.

All of them showed bright smiling faces like children, waving and smiling at him in the autumn wind.

Their navy blue police uniforms are like war robes, they are draped on their bodies, shining in the world, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

In order to protect peace, she put on the clothes of this color, turned into a goshawk and danced with the wind, rolling up waves in China, burying the danger in the deep sea.

Just for that little peace.

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