At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 59 If the world is muddy, innocence should be precious

in a certain family.

A mother and son are arguing. The boy looks like he has just grown up. He looks very sunny and full of righteousness.

The sun shines through the screen window and shines on his immature but firm face, shining brightly on the fluff and beard that has just broken out.

Energetic, that's the only feeling.

The boy was kneeling on the ground with a stubborn expression on his face.

The one next to him is in his early forties but already has silver hair, and the wrinkles are all over the age-eroded face that can still show his youthful face.

This is his mother.

Mother was crying while wiping her tears.

Distress flashed in the boy's eyes, and he couldn't bear it, but when he thought of the dream in his heart, he finally gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Seeing that the child did not listen to her words, the mother was completely desperate.

She picked up the feather duster and slapped the boy fiercely, cursing as she did so.

"I told you not to listen to me, and raised you so big, are you going to repay me like this? Why did I raise you? Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?"

Pain filled his whole body, and the boy still gritted his teeth and refused to let go.

He straightened up and looked at a black-and-white photo placed in the corner, his eyes filled with unprecedented firmness.

In black and white photos.

A middle-aged man in a police uniform with police number 013013 smiled brightly.

When the boy stared at him, I don't know if it was an illusion, but the face in the photo actually had a gentle gaze.

The mother was exhausted, tired, the feather duster in her hand fell off, panting, looking at her son with a sad face.

Her chest was constantly rising and falling, showing her mood at the moment.She sat on the chair and looked at the grown-up child, feeling very sad.

"Are you really going to apply for the police academy?"

Hearing what his mother said, the boy looked at his mother, looked at his mother solemnly, bit his lip, and his face was full of grief.

"Mom, when Dad was dying, the gang was the most worrying thing. After five years, I have finally grown up. I want to take over from my father, catch those people with my own hands, bring them to court, and avenge my father."

"Mom, please let me go."

After finishing speaking, the boy kowtowed heavily to the ground, his eye sockets became moist, and his eyeballs turned red.

Hearing these words, the mother closed her eyes and was already sobbing.

Who knows how she got here all these years?Living in fear every day, it doesn't matter if she herself was killed by revenge, go down as soon as possible to meet the bastard who went away first, and ask him why this bastard is so cruel to her.

But what about the children?

She couldn't bear to hurt her child in the slightest. For five years, for five years, she kept moving and changing her appearance with her child, just because she was afraid of being found.

Now, it is not easy for the child to grow up.

However, he chose to follow his father's path.

What can she do?
She just wants to have a family reunion, a safe woman.

Who would have known what she had put in for so many years?She used to be a dance teacher with extraordinary temperament.

But now?But just an old woman.

When she thought that so many years of painstaking efforts were in vain, and that the child might encounter something like her father's, she would feel terrified again.

Her heart is broken.

The silent room was filled with silence.

The hot food on the table seemed extremely ironic. It was such a result to welcome the end of the child's exam with joy.

on TV.

Suddenly, a sentence with plain words but very strong tone popped out.

"If the opium is not exhausted for a day, and this minister does not return for a day, I swear to stick to this matter forever, and there is absolutely no reason to stop it."

When these words came out from the TV screen, both mother and son were stunned.

They were speechless for a long time, but it could be seen from the fluctuations in their eyes that their mood was not calm at the moment.

Because of this sentence, He Zeng was familiar with it.

There was a look of memory in the eyes of both of them. It was a sunny afternoon when the family was playing in the amusement park.

At that time, my mother was still young, and she was so beautiful that many young men even regarded her as a student and asked for her contact information.

At that time, the boy hadn't grown up yet, just a little one, ignorant and very cute.

At that time, my father hadn't left yet.

On that day, my father was moved by the sight of the prosperous age.

"Have this life, be happy, Huaxia, it's really good."

"Are you praising yourself?" Mother asked half-jokingly beside her.

"Ha, don't count. I just think that this beautiful life must be well maintained, and it must not be destroyed by people, absolutely not."

"If we don't get rid of drugs for a day, we don't stop for a day. Unless all the darkness is cleared away, we will have no way back."

That day, the words that my father said with a smile were extremely solemn and very yearning.

Today, I heard such similar words again.

The boy couldn't help but burst into tears as he watched the TV.

He misses his father.


On the screen, Ning An and Lin Zexu looked at the lonely figure together, fighting against the whole world.

Lin Zexu's face was full of pride, it was him, it was Lin Zexu's unyielding will.

In that circle of light, countless scenes flashed by.

Lin Zexu encountered many difficulties in his anti-smoking campaign, but the other party must have been prepared for a surprise inspection, and no evidence could be found.

Every time Thirteen Lines pretends to be the biggest good citizen, there is absolutely no illegal behavior.

Lin Zexu had already run away several times, which let him know that if this continues, his success will only fall short.

At the same time, these situations also made him feel cold.

He knew about the corruption here, but he didn't expect it to be so corrupt.

Even a secret attack will leak out, and what is even more exasperating is that even if there is an occasional secret, it will be blocked by all parties and delay time.

Either there are official duties, or there are troublemakers blocking the way, or there are fights and troubles.

In short, check, dream.

Lin Zexu had a sad look on his face, a country has been reduced to this point, can it be saved?

Offscreen, countless people couldn't help crying when they saw Lin Zexu's expression.

"I used to think that imperial envoys were a majestic thing. I watched Baogong beheaded the royal family and killed high-ranking officials in TV dramas. In court dramas, wherever imperial envoys went by order, they were regarded as honored guests and dared not neglect. But now, I know , how wrong I was."

"If you are a corrupt official, you will naturally be majestic. Wherever you go, you will dig three feet, drink human blood, eat human flesh, and finally leave satisfied. But if you are an honest official, it will be difficult to move an inch, and all officials will be neglected."

"That's why Lin Zexu was selected into the textbook. Soldiers can throw their heads and blood on the battlefield, serve the country with their lives, and get the name of loyalty. However, it is difficult, too difficult for civil servants to want to be famous through the ages."

"That's right, military generals can kill the enemy, but civil servants are living in a dye vat. It is difficult to keep clean in such a world, let alone confrontation?"

Looking at Lin Zexu on the screen, everyone felt chills in their hearts.

All the TV series I watched in the past have been subverted, what are those shit TV series about?
You can only take pictures of eight big sedan chairs, and the prosperous world, have you ever opened your eyes to see the dark corners of this world?
If the world is turbid, innocence should be precious.

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