a mountainous area.

Surrounded by green mountains and white clouds, birds and insects sing and apes sing.

On the majestic Yunfeng, the cliffs spread countless textures like the back of a turtle.The mountains and forests are cloudy and misty, and the mountains are full of verdant greenery. There are a few dilapidated small houses in this paradise, which has a special meaning.

At this moment, the sound of sobbing came from one of the small houses made of piled up earthen walls.

That voice is full of vicissitudes, just one sound, and it is known that the owner of this voice is at least seventy-seven years old.

From the first glance, the interior of the house is very plain and simple.

There is only a bed, a few benches, a table, and a black and white TV set on the floor that can only receive signals from CCTV.

An old man with a wrinkled face was wearing a shabby gown, and an army green coat was draped over his body. His thin body couldn't support the clothes at all, and he looked extremely loose.

There was a cigarette in the old man's hand full of traces of time, but he didn't know when it had burned to the end, scalding his hand, and the old man didn't even notice it.

At this moment, he just covered his face and wept, like a poor child.

"Squad leader, squad leader, that's my squad leader, really my squad leader!"

The old man is a veteran.

For some reason, it seems that the word veteran can't find any words to describe it, but these two words alone are enough to make people cry.

He hugged the black and white TV set forward, crying with snot, tears mixed together, staining the TV and clothes.

But it didn't make people feel disgusted at all, it was just... distressed.

The old man was in a trance, he was holding the black and white TV, and the picture he just saw appeared in his mind, vaguely, he seemed to have returned to the era of raging wars, and he had returned to that battlefield.

"Sun Erfu!"

An angry shout woke him up, and Sun Erfu came over in a daze, and found himself standing in the barracks wearing a military uniform and holding a Type 56 submachine gun. The big man with a hideous scar on his face in front of him was his old squad leader.

Sun Erfu was stunned. He, has time traveled?

"What's the matter? The whole army is assembled, don't you know? Damn it, tell me as soon as you get sick, don't wait until you die on the battlefield and see Lord Hades to sue me for ill-treating you."

The old squad leader was sharp and merciless, but Sun Erfu knew that the old squad leader was hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

All the men in the military camp are like this, they don't like to shed tears, everyone's feelings are in their hearts, they never cry, even when they are dying, they kick each other, curse each other, and take advantage of each other. cheap.

But in my heart... I was extremely worried.

In the past, Mr. Sun Erfu thought that his monitor was simply Yama, who trained them like a devil.

They even secretly spoke ill of the monitor behind his back.

Scolding him why he couldn't get a wife was purely his own doing.

But later, on the battlefield, an enemy grenade was thrown over, and it was too late to throw it back.

The old squad leader didn't hesitate to lie down on it, and with a bang, the old squad leader they had always hated... was gone.

At that time, Sun Erfu was dumbfounded. He only felt a buzzing sound in his head and a severe pain.

His chest seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't speak at all.

I wanted to call the squad leader, but I didn't have a chance.

Tears came down in a flash, he didn't know how he rushed to the battlefield, and he didn't know how he came back.

I just remember that when he came back to his senses, he was covered in blood and there were corpses everywhere.

In the distance, there is the old squad leader.

That day, he was silent for a long, long time.

When the war was over and the old squad leader was sent back, he found out from his hometown that he actually had a wife, but his wife was in the war...

Therefore, the old squad leader has not married since then, and is determined to drive out all the enemies who invaded China.

He will never let another family become as unfortunate as him.

At that time, they felt guilty.

That night, they took wine and meat to the squad leader's grave and cried all night, calling the old squad leader all night.

From the bottom of my heart, I called.

However, the old squad leader with a swollen face and hideous scars could no longer respond to them, and fell into a deep sleep forever.

Also in that year, he memorized a sentence, Wang Shibei set the Central Plains Day, and family sacrifices were never forgotten to tell Nai Weng.

The biggest regret in Sun Erfu's life is that he didn't really call out to the old squad leader, at least once.

The old squad leader was too lazy to talk to Sun Erfu, and turned around to leave.

Suddenly, Sun Erfu took a step forward, raised his head and shouted without warning.

"Old class leader!"


The old squad leader turned his head and looked at Sun Erfu.

Sun Erfu smiled foolishly, from the bottom of his heart, so that tears flickered in his eyes.Even his voice trembled and choked up.

"Damn, entertain me, I'll deal with you when I come back."

Looking at Sun Erfu's appearance, the old squad leader felt puzzled, cursed angrily, and left cursing.

Looking at the figure of the old squad leader leaving, at this moment, Sun Erfu felt very happy, extremely happy.

In this life, he is content...

No more regrets.

Sunlight refracted through the brick house and the dense leaves of the trees, and shone on the faces of the two people, making the shadows on the ground very long.

The golden light made the ferocious scar majestic, and it looked a bit mighty.

The same is true of the fluff on the boy's face, showing youth and vitality.

One is taking strong steps to advance for the peace of China, and the other is returning after decades, just to call... the old squad leader again.

Sun Erfu raised his head and looked towards the sky, and the wet raindrops fell into his eyes out of thin air and fell down.

For a moment, everything blurred.

He seemed to see thousands of miles of ice, countless soldiers crawling on the ground, but they didn't complain at all, and their immature faces were full of determination.

those years.

Huaxia, reborn from the cocoon.

those years.

Thousands of loyal souls sprinkled the country with blood.

those years.

The sword is unsheathed, the gun shakes the clouds, and Huaxia shocks the world.

those years.

When they were young, they had no hesitation, only to defend their family and country.

He seemed to recall the days when he had just joined the army. It was a bright noon, and the commander shouted at them.

"Do you know that if you go out, you are working for your life? Are you fighting? Are you going to die?"

A group of children who are still young in the eyes of today's era, who are at the age of Fenghua's school age, are full of clarity, innocence, and passion in their eyes.


"Then are you afraid?" the commander asked again.

"Not afraid!"

This time, the shouts broke the sky, swaying and circling around in the mountains, making people's blood boil and their hearts surge.

On that day, the enthusiasm of these "children army" was sprinkled on the green hills and among the white clouds.

The sky and the earth are its witnesses, and the sun and the moon are moved by it.

"Then why aren't you afraid?" The commander asked the last question, staring at these children with distress.

If they were not born in this era, they should study in the school instead of working hard here.

"To defend the country, to drive the enemy out of China!"

An ordinary and simple sentence, without any fancy rhetorical description, let alone gorgeous words that make people's blood boil and their hearts are shocked after seeing it.

But, it is these simple words, these ignorant children.

Just this one sentence made the commander burst into tears, and the face covered with vicissitudes was already covered with tears.

Perhaps, they don't have much culture, and they don't have much thought of their own.

However, they know a word, Huaxia is their home.

Anyone who dares to invade their homeland will take up a spear and fight with blood and life to defend their homeland and the thousands of people behind them.

Who said that Chinese men are inferior to others?When the mountains and rivers are broken, the world is in turmoil.

Those who can save the old, the weak, women and children are not those bouncing Hallyu stars, nor are they the muscular foreign men in blockbuster movies.

Only, I am the son of Huaxia.

When I went away, I was a young man, and when I returned, I was a soul of Jiazi.

The mountains and rivers are also safe, and the loyal souls are buried majestically.

"Old friends, rest in peace today, Huaxia, it looks like we thought..."

The sun shines on the earth, making people feel warm.

The wind, I don't know when it blew the leaves and rustled.

In the blur, Sun Erfu seemed to see those old comrades-in-arms, grinning at him in the distance.

They are just as they were back then, generally young and unchanged.

The strongest one is called Dazhuang, the thin one is called Erhei, and the fat one is called Tieniu. Those are all names that have been stuck in my mind for a long time.

"Prick, prick, prick."

The sound of electric current came from the TV, which woke up the old man.

After waking up, the old man looked around, full of panic and anxiety.

After a long time, he calmed down and realized that it was just a dream.

But the tears at the corners of his eyes were incomparably real. He gently touched the scar that was full of wrinkles and looked exactly like the old squad leader, and grinned in the wind.

Looking at the screen, he said something to Ning An in his heart.

Thank you.

If Ning An knew about it, he would definitely reply.

"How dare you accept the hero's gratitude, the younger generation can't do one-tenth of what the elders have done, I only hope that this country will get better and better..."


(Note: It can be regarded as today’s commemorative medal. The previous plot was compiled by me, but I believe that there must be such a story. The commander in the back asked the soldiers, which was told by the veterans themselves on Douyin. I’m very happy I like that poem, the mountains and rivers are safe, and the loyal souls are buried majestic. May the ancestors rest in peace.)
(Note 2: I hope that some people will not laugh at the name obtained this time, because I have read the list records, the names of the soldiers of that era are indeed ordinary, there are a lot of them, but it is also these common Common name, saved our country.)

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