At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 417 There are chapters in history, it depends on the future

Just when Ning An continued to talk about the next thing, at this time Huang Taiji suddenly spoke.

"Let's not talk about the rest."

Ning An was stunned when he heard this, apparently he did not expect Huang Taiji to say such a thing.We must know which of the emperors present wants to know the future of future generations and what the dynasty he created looks like.

Even after Zhu Yuanzhang knew about it, he wanted to change history, let alone Huang Taiji.

But he just said that, and he seemed very indifferent.

Seemingly seeing Ning An's doubts, Huang Taiji smiled wryly, and then said: "Actually, there is nothing more to say, the rest is nothing more than that simple, since it is enough to know that the Qing Dynasty has perished, and that it is the last feudal dynasty , I already know the future from the two generations of future generations, so why continue to add troubles to myself.”

I have to say that Huang Taiji is really open-minded. Yes, if he is told that his descendants will have to buy tickets to return to the Forbidden City in the future, he will probably vomit blood in anger.

It is really an anecdote through the ages that you need to buy a ticket to go home, but it happened to be such a thing, which happened in the Qing Dynasty.

But Ning An respected the other party's opinion, so there was no need to say anything.In fact, after Kangxi, Yongzheng was the second sage king of the Qing Dynasty. His ability and contribution can be said to have overshadowed Kangxi and Qianlong.

If it hadn't been for Yongzheng to set things right, perhaps Kangxi's Hulai dynasty would have ended.

If it hadn't been for Yongzheng to turn the tide and leave the foundation, there would be no capital for Qianlonglang.

However, now they are all buried with Huang Taiji's words.

For those who know history in the future, these things are the things of the predecessors, and they can only sigh.

But for those who don't know, this is like a fairy tale and opening a blind box. No one can tell whether the next encounter will be a surprise or a shock.

"In that case, then follow your ideas."

After Ning An finished speaking, he slowly bent down towards the other party.

Huang Taiji also returned the salute slightly, and Qin Shihuang spoke at this time.

"Haha, it's just a pity that we can't see the peerless genius who created the foundation for future generations."

That's right, but anyone who has seen the future generations wants to see what the genius who created the great achievements of the future generations looks like.

Not to mention the land acquisition alone, it solved everyone's problem.

Why did the ancient times pass on to a certain extent, but if the inheritance cannot continue, the throne will be broken, some people will rebel, and the country will be re-created?
Because of resources, because of land.

But whenever a country is founded, meritorious officials will be rewarded, and those meritorious officials will have meritorious deeds and land to accumulate wealth.

In ancient times, productivity was low, which is why there were regulations against killing cattle, and destroying farmland was a felony.

In ancient times, any emperor with a clear mind would regard agriculture as the primary factor of production.The rest are not important.

In the face of agriculture, sometimes even the gods have to give way.

The emperors knew one thing, if the common people had enough to eat, who would be free to rebel.

Here comes your problem, those rich meritorious servicemen and earls can guarantee that these people are kind and can treat tenants and common people well.

But what about their descendants?Who can guarantee that, plus some people are not good people, enclosing land based on their own identities will naturally lead to conflicts.

The common people have no land to grow, so they can only go to work for others, but the other party is still an exploiter, unable to eat enough, not warm enough to wear, so what should I do?I can only rebel.

Many people had land in the past, but later the land was enclosed by these big households and taken away by scholars.

Scholars are privileged and do not have to pay taxes, so in ancient times, a lot of land was donated and invested in the names of these people.

Why did the ancients read like crazy and want to be an official, as long as they become an official, they will be rich.

Because there were too many privileges for scholars in ancient times. As long as you passed the exam, no matter whether you were an official or not, you would be exempted from taxes within a certain range. At this time, those big households would donate land in your name to avoid taxes.

The poor have less and less land, and the rich have more and more land. However, these rich people do not have to pay taxes. In ancient times, agricultural taxes were the main force.

There are very few commercial taxes, so those who are so rich don't have to worry about being taxed. It's nothing more than a lower status, but they can buy officials.

That's the problem, fewer and fewer poor people need to pay more and more taxes to support the operation of the entire country.

The poor can no longer survive and can only rebel.

The whole land problem has been troubled for thousands of years and has not been solved, but it was solved by the people of later generations.

The land is state-owned, and the land belongs to the state. Everyone only has the right to use it, not the right to buy or sell it.

You can use it, but sell it, sorry, I don’t have this right.

Fundamentally cut off the purpose of those people to keep enclosing land, if you want to control the food lifeline of the entire country, go ahead and dream.

This kind of wisdom is admired even by people like Qin Shihuang.

If it is said that most of them are geniuses who meet once in a century, then this must be a genius who meets once in a thousand years.

Seeing the emperors adoring them so much, Ning An felt emotional, why didn't he want to meet them.

However, the rule is that you can't go, and you can't go.

"Your Majesties, seeing you today is the end. I hope that all of you are well. I hope that we will meet again in the next life."

After Ning An finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the emperors.

How could these emperors not understand what Ning An meant when they heard it? They are all top talents, and they immediately understood a word.

"Baby, see you in the next life."

Qin Shihuang spoke first, and when he finished speaking, his body suddenly seemed to be broken and gradually dissipated.

Just like that day, it turned into wind and sand again.

The same is true for the rest of the emperors, and most of them are very calm.

They just smiled and looked at Ning An, their eyes filled with relief.

Perhaps, death is also a kind of relief for them. As for the afterlife, well, who can say for sure.

When everything turned into nothingness, Ning quietly looked at everything in front of him, feeling unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

This is the end.

History is like a picture scroll, and when it finally comes to an end, only the memory of modern times can survive, and the ancient times are too far away, and the legend of Yao and Shun is fascinating.

It turns out that ancestors were the best institution from the beginning.

The sage is king.

Today, this picture scroll finally came to an end.

Looking at the history of thousands of years, discovering interesting things in the world, interesting, really interesting.

Classics of China, ancient and modern are over.

With the disappearance of the emperors, the years are long, and in the long history, there is only forward movement and no retrospect.

When Ning An left, everything fell apart.

The wind tonight was very cold, and it hurt people. Tears flowed from the corners of Ning An's eyes, and they fell down in the dark night when no one saw them. However, as soon as the tears fell, they were completely cold.

It seemed that, along with it, the body shivered a little from the cold.

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