Countless viewers' blood was surging, and their blood was hot, and they only felt a scorching breath burning themselves all over their bodies.

"Absolutely, I thought characters like this only appeared in novels. Unexpectedly, I saw them with my own eyes today. What kind of nonsense foreign movies, go to hell, I will only worship Chinese soldiers from now on!"

"The Chinese soldiers are invincible! Three people wiped out the other's two artillery camps. Those movies are full of scum. As expected, reality is always more shocking than fiction."

"Invincible Yan Shuangying, with such military protection, I feel full of security. I am really happy, and I am also very fortunate that I was born in this country. I have such a group of lovely and respectable people who protect me."

Many people couldn't hold back their tears as they talked, and an indescribable pride emerged.

With such soldiers, why worry about the country's unrest?
What's more, today's Huaxia army is no longer an army that can only charge with millet and rifles, and it is no longer an army that can only eat frozen potatoes in the ice and snow without even a cotton-padded jacket.

At that time, they were very bitter, but they were invincible.

Because of Huaxia's military spirit, it will be passed down forever.

Ying Zheng was silent. He felt like he was dreaming at this moment, and it was difficult for him to recover from the picture scroll for a long time.

"All the weapons of later generations can breathe fire? Take the enemy's life at a distance of dozens of steps?" Ying Zheng was extremely envious of those artifacts. In his eyes, this is a method that only gods can use.

If he had such an army, the six kingdoms would have been destroyed long ago, and the Xiongnu would have told him to exterminate their clan.

In this world, is there any place that his Great Qin can't fight?
Wherever the Qin army passed, it has been the territory of China since then!

Ying Zheng was jealous, really jealous.He who was originally Can Zhu's body suddenly burst into light at this moment, flickering, staring straight at those things.

"What you hold is a gun, what you throw is a grenade, and a two-wheeled cart is called a cannon. They can kill people at a hundred meters. One is enough to destroy a centurion."

Ning An could understand Ying Zheng's shock.That war may seem nothing to future generations, but in Ying Zheng's eyes, it is a battle between immortals.

After hearing this, Ying Zheng showed a hint of pride.

"Sure enough, no matter what monsters and monsters, they are vulnerable to our Chinese army! The future generations, how well they have done, I am very relieved, those who dare to invade my Chinese territory, provocateurs, will definitely be killed!!!"

Ying Zheng's tone was full of endless domineering and domineering, this is the majesty of the first emperor.

The emperors of later generations tried every means to strengthen the centralization of power, for fear that their subordinates would betray. Even people like Song Taizu and Ming Taizu wanted to cut off their wings, drink wine to release their military power, and kill senior generals in the army to pave the way for future generations.

Only, Qin Chao didn't use it.

Because Qin Shihuang is the god of Qin, and he represents the highest authority.

No one can rebel, and no one can rebel.

He lives, Qin, forever.

And what he just said was a compliment to future generations.

This is derived from the pride of the ancestors, from the pride of an emperor through the ages.

He applauded for the soldiers of China, and cheered for the courage and courage of future generations to fight hard and defend the dignity of China.

Countless people were full of excitement, biting their lips tightly, looking at the screen, proud like their ancestors.

"Your Majesty, why don't you take a look at the Huaxia where I am!"

With a big wave of Ning An's hand, the picture scroll was filled with light, and the pictures flew rapidly one after another.

In front of him was a piece of ruins, the flames of war burned the earth, leaving scorching marks.

The flag is hunting for the setting sun like fire.

Everything is as shocking as the end of the world.

In front of him, like war beasts, huge tanks endlessly stepped across the battlefield full of wildfires, devouring lives.

The nine-day-flying plane continuously circled and danced in the air, leaving layers of air waves behind it, and the rapid speed made people's eardrums vibrate.

Countless people are curled up on the ground, not daring to move.

Some soldiers wearing military uniforms and holding weapons looked at the people with arrogance and contempt.

The first emperor showed doubts, and even the audience was at a loss, not knowing what Ning An meant.

However, at this moment, a plane with a bright red flag descended on the ground.

When the soldiers saw the flag, they became nervous instantly, as if they were facing an enemy, but they didn't dare to point their guns at the opponent.

A row of heavily armed soldiers descended from the plane, and they looked indifferently at the troops stationed there.

An officer looked at the other side's supreme commander, who hurried over and spoke in blunt Chinese.

"You... hello, your... Your countryman... Ann..."

Maybe it's because the practice is not proficient enough, so I can only express it with movements, hoping that the other party can understand what I mean.His face was flustered, and his eyes were full of begging and pleading expressions.

Facing the opponent, he didn't even have the courage to resist.

Because, those are Chinese soldiers.

China's soldiers, if you don't offend him, you will live in peace. If you offend him, you will kill those who insult China's prestige.

How can such a person not be afraid?
The Huaxia officer smiled, then nodded, patted the opponent on the shoulder, took out a booklet, looked at the people present, and said in Huaxia.

"Compatriots in Huaxia, don't be afraid, the country is here to pick you up. In the next few days, there will be constant wars here. Please leave with me, compatriots in Huaxia. Wait for the situation to stabilize before we discuss the funeral."

When these words were spoken, countless people burst into tears.

Many people find it hard to tell what they are feeling at the moment. Who knows what they have experienced?
A group of people present stood up, looking a little crazy.After those soldiers saw it, they subconsciously touched the guns. The Huaxia people were startled, and quickly squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, very scared.

Worse than that... a dog.

Many Chinese people have scars all over their bodies, and they can be seen as being bullied.That reflexive reaction made people feel extremely distressed.

Why are Chinese people treated like this?
At this moment, countless audience members clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

The first emperor was even more furious, wishing he could eat these people raw.

The Huaxia army immediately turned to look at the group of soldiers, the weapons in their hands were held up immediately, and they looked at them indifferently.

The commander hurried over and kicked his soldier away with a flying kick, beating and scolding him continuously.

"Bastard, you dare to fight with Chinese soldiers, don't pull me if you want to die!" (some Mandarin)
This commander is about to go crazy. He has bullied the Huaxia people in the first place, but now he dares to make waves. Isn't that courting death?
The soldier trembled and did not dare to resist. He also realized his mistake.None of the teammates around him sympathized with him, but hated him extremely.

If this causes Huaxia to have a bad impression of them, if they fight against the 'God', can they win?

This scene immediately made the audience burst into laughter. Pride has appeared countless times tonight.

However, this moment still emerged.

"Compatriots, don't be afraid, with us here, we will definitely not let you suffer any harm."

"Don't worry, the country will pick you up... and go home."

Those soldiers were also filled with righteous indignation, looked at the group of soldiers indifferently, looked at their own countrymen gently, walked towards them, and stood behind them like a wall.

It seems to be saying, don't be afraid, with us behind us, it will be heaven with you, even if the emperor and Laozi come, we will never let you get hurt.

It wasn't until this moment that the Chinese people knew how powerful their country was. These usually fierce soldiers were as afraid as mice in front of the Chinese soldiers and dared not get angry.

They were crying, galloping, and vented all their emotions.

These days, they were frightened and suffered countless grievances.

Now, I finally see my family.

Motherland, pick up her child... go home.

These people were still in a dream until they came to the plane, and even slapped themselves several times, for fear that it would be another nightmare when they woke up.

After feeling the burning pain, they... cried happily.

After these Chinese people got on the plane by name, they looked out the window.

Those foreigners who wanted to fish in troubled waters were all beaten. Those people vented their anger, they couldn't bully the strong, they could only bully the weak.

When they saw the envious eyes of those people, the Chinese people were extremely proud, and a sense of security emerged in their hearts.

When the plane rose into the sky, they saw Huaxia's warship galloping above the sea, which was bigger than a giant whale, as if nothing in the world could withstand its rapid attack.

The azure sea water ripples in circles, and there is nothing to do with the behemoth in front of him.

It turns out that the country has already prepared a backup.

No matter what, they will definitely let them snatch it back, and never allow the life of any Chinese to be threatened.

At this time, they remembered the sentence on the back of their passports.

"No matter what kind of danger you encounter overseas, please remember that there is a strong motherland behind you!"

Tears gushed out.

Motherland mother, proud of your strength, proud of your greatness.

Our motherland, under the watchful eyes of the whole world, has always rushed to the rescue scene as soon as possible to provide asylum to Chinese people in other countries.

In a foreign country, a Chinese passport is the most powerful amulet for Chinese people.

When the plane landed safely, countless people knelt down and kissed the land, praising the motherland.

Huaxia, I love you deeply.

Mom, you are the greatest confidence for wandering in the distance.

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