Looking at the dying self in the picture, Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth and showed a smile. He seemed to be able to sense the human mood in the picture.

His right hand covered his heart, reaching out to touch it.

What kind of mood is that?The mood of an emperor after the curtain falls.

Regret, regret, unwilling?Are you proud?
It's not, it's a relief.

It was a relief from the soul, and Zhu Yuanzhang felt that life had never been as easy as it is now.

He has been fighting all his life, and he didn't enjoy himself after becoming emperor, but was constantly busy with official duties.Not only have I finished what I have to do, but I have also done what my children and grandchildren have to do.

Zhu Yuanzhang is recognized as a workaholic in history, and no emperor has ever worked so hard like him.Everything, no matter how big or small, must be personally reviewed and energetic.

It is precisely because of this that the current weather in the Ming Empire is smooth and the people live and work in peace and contentment.North Korea returned to obedience, and the Northern Yuan Dynasty became the last of its strength.Those tiger generals were almost killed by him, and no one left could threaten Daming's safety.

So Zhu Yuanzhang is a liberation. For him, death is the liberation of life.

In his whole life, he didn't want to be the emperor himself, but was forced to the position of emperor step by step.

Throughout history, no one has had such an open life like him.Even novels may not be so exciting.

Look through the history books, only this person.

Zhu Yuanzhang is definitely a good father and a good ancestor to his children and grandchildren.For the people, he is also a good emperor, a good emperor who is willing to make decisions for the people.

Only for ministers and generals, he is not a good monarch.

Looking back on his hasty life, growing up in troubled times.He is an out-and-out poor peasant, without any background, without any background, without any support, and without any capital.

If others lose, they still have a chance to come back. If he loses, he will go bankrupt and have nothing.

Some people may say that he is lucky to have such a bunch of good brothers, but if there is no amazing personality charm.How to make those brothers work hard for him.

Moreover, his opponents Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng are heroes in troubled times. To be able to defeat them one by one depends on absolute talent.

You must know that the poor Zhu Yuanzhang has never conducted any systematic study at all, what is military discipline, and what is called a team.

He didn't understand anything. At that time, he probably only understood that it was a great truth that this person was not hungry when he was full.

His son Zhu Di still learned gradually from some famous generals, but Zhu Yuanzhang really practiced step by step from the dead.

You have to admire, sometimes talent is really important.

Many people say that his son Zhu Di is far superior to him in military affairs, but looking at the comparison between the two.

In terms of military command, Zhu Di is far inferior to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang of that era was definitely the strongest, bar none.

With strong willpower and determination, he overcame everything.In the end, a strong Ming Dynasty was created.

Young people should like him, especially many young people who are struggling.

Because he is a model of the poor, and he can eventually become an emperor with such conditions.So why can't other people make achievements?
At that time, he was worried about what to eat every day and worried about being hungry.Where is the time to study?How can there be any time to think?
Ning An spoke at this time, and he borrowed a sentence from a famous book.

"In Huangjue Temple, the bright moon is accompanied by a single lamp;
In the city of Haozhou, be cautious and work hard;

On the shore of Poyang Lake, the blue waves are thousands of miles away, and the flames are soaring into the sky!

In the vast desert, gold and iron horses, swords and yellow sands!

Create an empire, preserve the world's grand rules, and glorify future generations!

He galloped his horse, the rivers and the earth were trampled under his feet, and the beautiful mountains and rivers were left behind by him. "

This is the best portrayal of Zhu Yuanzhang, and here is Zhu Yuanzhang's legendary life.

He has betrayed others in his life, and he has unswervingly chosen others.Have loved others deeply, and been loved deeply by others.

His life was so legendary that too many people in later generations couldn't believe it.

At this time, all the audience thought of a sentence, a sentence that Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"I am originally a commoner, so what can the world do to me?"

Many people have ridiculed this sentence, just like Ma Yun said that I don't love money.

But Ning An believed that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to say this from the bottom of his heart.

Because at that time, he really just wanted to live, it was that simple.

Zhu Yuanzhang in the picture gradually closed his eyes, constantly recalling his life, as if thinking of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He opened his lips as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't make a sound. He closed his eyes regretfully, and moved his fingers feebly.

In the end, he died.

A generation of emperors came to an end, and a generation of legends came to an end.

When Ning An and Zhu Yuanzhang returned to reality, Zhu Yuanzhang had a complicated expression.

After a long time, he bowed deeply to Ning An.

"We have straightened our waists all our lives, and we have never bent our backs after becoming emperor. But today, I am willing to bend down once. Thank you, sir, for letting us see a lot."

Ning An bowed in return, and it was a great honor to be praised by Zhu Yuanzhang.

"The future generations are really good. Although we are unwilling. But Daming was able to leave such a deep mark in history and be so praised by future generations. We think it is worth it. Living in the future generations is really happy."

When he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang showed envy on his face.

However, Ning An shook his head when he heard it, and said it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought about it? For the people, living in your era is also a kind of happiness. I think the people of this era think the same way."

Zhu Yuanzhang froze for a moment, and then a picture appeared in front of his eyes.

In the picture is the scene after his death. When the people of the whole country got the news, countless people burst into tears and cried bitterly.

Some people even fainted directly on the ground, unable to accept such news.

Many people even sat paralyzed on the street, their eyes were lifeless, and all their brilliance was lost at once.

Too many people are crying, too many people are crying.

What these people were crying was not the emperor, but Hong Wu who was willing to make decisions for them and support them.

They don't understand what a saint is, and they don't understand what an emperor through the ages is.

They only know that from history to the present, there are only one family who are willing to support the people like this.

This era is called the Hongwu era.

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