Looking at his son in front of him, Zhu Yuanzhang saw his own shadow from him.

Why did Zhu Yuanzhang train Zhu Biao?Why go all out?Because, he knew that he was an immediate emperor.He wants his son and grandson to be an emperor with both civil and military talents, so that they don't have to be scolded as mud legs like him.

Uneducated old man, unfortunately, all this is shattered.

Judging from the historical records and the memorials reviewed by Zhu Di, he was far less talented than his father.Just from the cultural point of view, as well as literary quality, Zhu Di is a real old man.

It is precisely because of this that he did the thing of killing Fang Xiaoru's ten clans.

As long as Zhu Yuanzhang trains him well, he finds a few teachers to teach him.Let him improve his cultural literacy, and he can't do this kind of thing.

It was precisely because of Fang Xiaoru's lesson that Zhu Di changed his ways.Why did he fall in love with the boss in the back?Instead of King of Han.

The reason is that the King of Han is like him, but the boss is not, and there is also the emperor's grandson.

And Yu Qian behind, so offended him that he didn't kill him.

Because he suffered a loss, he knew that it is not enough to have only soldiers and horses in this world.There must be scholars to govern, and only scholars can make the Ming Dynasty continue.

"Father, you hand over this Great Ming Dynasty to me. I will definitely give you a bright and prosperous world, and let this Great Ming shine for thousands of years!!!"

When Zhu Di said this, he was full of confidence.

The Zhu family all have one characteristic in common. In this world, only people with the surname Zhu are in power.For the rest, it doesn't matter.

Zhu Di believes that among today's descendants, only he can carry this banner and provoke this backbone.

His father has never made a mistake in his life, but he made a mistake in selecting people.

Zhu Yuanzhang remained silent, still unmoved.

There are only two things that he values ​​most in his life, one is the continuation of the Great Ming Dynasty, and the other is the descendants.

If you compare the two, you can find that, in fact, the continuation of the Great Ming Dynasty is just that Zhu Yuanzhang is paving the way for future generations.

He has suffered too much, and the descendants of the Zhu family should not suffer any more.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's appearance, Zhu Di couldn't understand what he was thinking.Knowing the father is like a son, and Zhu Di understands his father very well.


Zhu Di knelt down straight on the ground, picked up the sword that fell on the ground next to him, raised his hands, and placed it on top of his head.

"Father, if you think your son is doing something wrong, kill him now. If I frown, I'm not a member of your Zhu family."

"Hmph, play hard tricks with me, pretend I dare not?!"

With that said, Zhu Yuanzhang picked up the sword and was about to chop off at Zhu Di's head.

The king of Han was beside him, and he couldn't kneel anymore.Rolling and crawling, he ran over and directly protected Zhu Di.

"Grandpa, grandpa, please forgive me, we don't want this country anymore, we will give it back to him, we will give it back to him. Please, don't kill my father."

Saying this, the King of Han burst into tears.He was crying from the bottom of his heart. At this time, he still had strong feelings for the old man.

He hugged Zhu Di and blocked the sharp sword with his body.

Zhu Di shook his shoulders slightly, and directly shook King Han away.

He cast Han Wang a cold look.

"The descendants of the Zhu family are not afraid of death. Your father and I were killed in the sea of ​​blood. This life belongs to your grandfather. If your grandfather wants it, he will give it to his son."

After speaking, he stretched out his neck, closed the tiger's eyes, and stretched his neck to be slaughtered.

Seeing Zhu Di's appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang raised the sword, put it down and took it, took it and let it go.

At this time, Ning An spoke from the side.

He showed a helpless look, and said slowly.

"Your Majesty, forget it."

Hearing this sound, forget it, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have lost all his strength.

He slumped on the throne that everyone dreamed of, gently caressing the dragon chair.

He gave birth to endless emotions, this thing is really harmful.It will make people disregard family affection, and it will be extinct.

Zhu Di knelt on the ground without saying a word, he did not defend himself.Perhaps for him at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang killed him, but also a kind of relief.

"Your Majesty, King Yan never thought of rebelling. This is true. He was really forced to rebel."

Zhu Yuanzhang showed a wry smile when he heard this, then shook his head lightly, and said weakly.

"Mr. Ning, there is no need to speak for this rebellious son. This bastard has just admitted that he has treasonous intentions and wants the Ming Dynasty. What he said himself, can it be false?"

Ning An shook his head, then glanced at Zhu Di who was kneeling on the ground.

"King Yan did have plans for the throne, but he really didn't think about treason."

"Because the price of rebellion is too high, once it fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. For King Yan, there is no need to take this risk. After all, he is well-clothed, well-fed, and powerful. Apart from not being able to be the emperor, he has already reached his life. The peak is the end point that no one else can reach in a lifetime."

"The fourth prince is a man who is good at planning. For him, such a gamble is not worth it."

After Ning An finished these words, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes sparkled, as if there was some truth.

Zhu Di's face was full of surprise. He never expected that the young man in front of him could understand his thoughts clearly.

Yes, he complained countless times.When the prince Zhu Biao was around, Zhu Di didn't have any thoughts at all.

Because there is no chance of winning against Brother Rang, his soldiers may rebel against him.After all, elder brother's reputation for benevolence and righteousness is too loud.

In order to build momentum for the eldest brother, the father is willing to be that black face himself.

After the elder brother died, Zhu Di also had a dream.The eldest brother's son, Zhu Yunqi, is just a brat who doesn't understand anything.

As for the other princes, who can compare to him in terms of comprehensive ability?Except for King Ning who was a bit good at fighting, the rest of the princes were scumbags.

When Zhu Yuanzhang appointed Zhu Yunwen as the crown prince, Zhu Di was angry.This can be seen from his fighting style. When he went to Beiyuan, he captured the opponent's general alive, and he was not relieved after completing the task.

After chasing for hundreds of miles, he went back after venting his emotions enough.

But at the same time, it can be seen from these that the discomfort is the discomfort.Zhu Di really didn't want to kill his nephew and seize the throne.

At most, I go home and complain every day. I have the idea of ​​rebellion, but I don't have the idea of ​​rebellion.

Contradictory, Zhu Di is like this.

Seeing that the throne should belong to him.Others have no moral inheritance, but they can only watch him being taken away by a child.

This is fate, and perhaps rebellion is also his fate.

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